- SDE: Science: Select the 2004 Science Matrix
2004 Science Matrix [DOC] – Traces the 11 conceptual themes in the Science Framework as they develop across elementary, middle and high school grades. Great examples of understandings in science. See the 2004 Science Framework for the complete curriculum.
in Curriculum Development > Examples of Understandings/Big Ideas: Many with Curr. Dev. Examples with curriculum development framework science understandings
- Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT) : A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers
The TE-MAT (Teacher Education Materials) Project was funded through a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) to develop an online resource to support professional development providers as they work to enhance the capacity of pre-service and in-service teachers to provide high-quality K-12 mathematics/science education. Susan Snyder, Warren Beasley, and Kathryn Chval have served as NSF program officers for this project.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development with development dvds math professional science te-mat videos
- Teachers' Domain: Home (Free digital media for your classes)
Teachers' Domain is an extensive library of free digital media resources produced by public television, designed for classroom use and professional development
in Diverse Modalities > Media with arts content domain dvds free language math science social studies teachers videos by 4 users
- The Biology of the Goat:
Explore the unique biology of the goat in simple animations. Learn about anatomy, lactation, reproduction, (great example of meiosis) and digestion. Follow the life cycles of parasites that commonly infect North American goats. This is a great teaching program for all ages and levels.
Biology of the Goat
anatomy biology goat parasites
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Biology with biology interactive meiosis science
- The Blobz Guide to Electric Circuits
The site is a very visually, helpful tutorial that has a lot of interactive activities as well as simulations shown throughout the site for the students to learn about how circuits function. The site has a lot of helpful tools, such as pop up windows for any instructions or words that may be unclear are further explained, and there are quizzes at the end of each section to help assess, and bonus activites for those students who may excel in understanding the topic. I rate the site a 10 out of 10 I found it very useful, and kid-friendly, especially for my ELL learners. Site submitted by Catherine Jung
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Physical with circuits electricity ells instruction interactive science
- The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners (SIOP Series)
Based on the best-selling resource, Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model by acclaimed authors Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short; teachers, coaches, and intervention teachers have access to research-based, SIOP-tested techniques for lessons specifically for the science classroom. This highly anticipated book, The SIOP Model for Teaching Science to English Learners addresses the issues faced in teaching science to English learners (ELs) at each grade-level. SIOP techniques and activities organized around the eight SIOP components guide educators in promoting academic language development along with comprehensible scientific content. Written for SIOP teachers and those who have learned the SIOP Model, this book
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with echevarria science short siop vogt
- The Words Came Down!
English Language Learners Read, Write, and Talk Across the Curriculum, K-2 Browse the entire book online! "The Words Came Down" by Parker and Pardini outlines structures that successfully support ELL students both in the classroom and throughout the school, and shows teachers how to implement workshops in writing, reading, social studies, math, and science. Multiple examples of Understanding by Design.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with ells k-2 literacy math reading science social strategies ubd workshops writing
- USGS Earthquake Hazards Program-For Kids Only
The site contains an earthquake image glossary: an image for every word plus an ABC earthquake book created by children. The site includes diagrams, animations, hands-on activities etc.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
aftershock earthquake epicenter fault foreshock geologist geophysics hazard hypocenter intensity magnitude mercalli plate scale
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with animations diagrams earth earthquakes experiments kids projects science by 3 users
- Virtual Courseware for Earth and Environmental Sciences
Title: Virtual earthquake Interactive web site in which students calculate s-p intervals, magnitude, amplitude and strengh on Richter scale for an earthquake of their choice. Rec. by Judy Katsler and Dianne Drenned
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with earth earthquake interactive science simulation virtual
- Virtual Field Trips Home
The virtual field trips here at Tramline were developed with the goal of making the best use of the web in the classroom. These annotated trips take students to some of the best web sites on each trip subject. We have a Trailhead (Intro) and Teacher's Resource that set the stage for most of our trips. The TourMaker field trips format makes learning fun, and makes using the Internet in the classroom simple, efficient and focused. You will find virtual field trips on science, literature, social studies, and other topics. Rec. by Gregg Gunderson
in Science and Math with field science trip virtual by 2 users
- Welcome to PHSchool.com
Interactive textbook to accompany Pearson Hall textbooks
in Technology with health history math science social technology
- Welcome to VIPS (A must see!)
Valle Imperial Project In Science Select the science curriculum topics of interest for great lesson resources. Be sure to see the Storylines which provide a graphic representation of each unit.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with curriculum graphic instruction lesson planning science ubd understandings vips
- WritingFix (RAFT)
Writing Across the Curriculum...RAFT Writing Assignments with interactive features to create the assignments across the content areas.
in Literacy > Writing Strategies with math raft science social studies writing
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Teaching content areas
The strategies in this section suggest ways in which you can provide your ELLs with additional support in learning content areas such as math, science, social studies, and language arts.
in English as a New Language > Sheltered Instruction (Teaching Content to ELLs) with content ells la math science sheltered social studies
- Access Center
Enhancing access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. See differentiation examples across the disciplines. Multiple examples of completed graphic organizers.
in Differentiated Instruction with arts differentiation education instruction language math science sciences social special by 2 users
- Aquifer Virtual Field Trip
On this field trip, you'll learn amazing things about water. You'll learn about aquifers, how your drinking water gets to you, what other kids have to do around the world to get their water, and ideas for helping to protect this precious resource. Now get ready for some fun! (This virtual field trip was designed for elementary students but can be easily adapted for students of all ages.)
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with acquifer cycle science trip virtual water
- BBC - Schools - 4 to 11 years Subjects Science
BBC offers multiple interactive science sites for students 4-11 years. Links to other interactive science sites.
List of science websites for 4-11 year old students, including games and activities and resources for teaches and parents.
4-11 bbc bbc.co.uk education home learning online primary research resources s schooling schools science secondary sites study
in Science and Math with interactive science
- Beyond Books: Interactive Online Textbooks
Beyond Books helps teachers educate the new generation of middle- and high-schoolers with rich, up-to-date, original content, linked to the best of the web. Portfolios, activities, study questions, lesson plans, and correlations make learning a voyage. Read more
in Teacher Resources with interactive jamestown literature math science social studies technology
- Biology I Interactive Animations
Basic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell Structure, Mitosis/Meiosis, Cell Transport, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Heredity, DNA Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Evolution, Viruses
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Biology with cellular chemistry health photosyntheis science viruses
- Chemical Reactions (A link in Learning Science)
Learning Science uses the National Education Standards (NAS, 1996) as the framework to provide free, high quality web interactives that may support a variety of learners.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Physical with chemical chemistry interactive reactions science
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