- BrainPOP
This is an excellent website for LEP/ELL students! It provides great short vignettes across the disciplines. Each clip gives an informative overview of the event. Students can watch these two minute clips and then it can lead to either a class discussion, a reading, or written assignments. This is an excellent website for LEP/ELL students! It provides great short vignettes regarding specific historical events. Each clip gives an informative overview of the event. Students can watch these two minutes clips and then it can lead to either a class discussion or a written assignment. It is a great way to introduce students to a topic. Rec. by Lynn Comer-Jaworski
Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids, aligned with state standards
and animation arts education english health help homework math music quizzes science social standards state studies technology
in Teacher Resources > Videos Virtual Fieldtrips & Interactive Sites with langauge math science social studies technology video videos by 16 users
- Hands-On Math: Includes videos
Thefutureschannel.com connects learning to the real world through math and science video clips plus critical thinking and problem solving activities.Rec. by Amanda Zirzow
Figuring out how many pieces of candy are in a large jar calls for some tasty data collection and analysis.
activity analysis candy charts collection connection data download graphs hands-on math movie probability real statistics world
in Science and Math with math science videos
- Homework Help from The Discovery Channel - Cosmeo
Cosmeo is the new online homework help service from the Discovery Channel. 30,000 educational videos 20,000 images and clip art animations 27,000 full-text articles 30 day free trial $9.95 a month
in Student Resources with animations images pictures videos by 3 users
- Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More
National Geographic Kids is a site that offers great pictures, games, and information about peoples and animals of the world.
in Literacy > Storytime: Diverse Modalities with games geographic national science social stories videos by 12 users
- Language Differences Media Lab: Teaching ELLs (VIDEOS)
This website hosts multimedia resources that aim to promote teacher learning and enhance the quality of education offered to African American English (AAE) speakers and English Language Learners (ELL) who struggle to learn and/or are receiving special education services.
in Special Ed with alliance equity nccrest video videos
- Mathematics and Science Materials and Resouce Center
Detroit Urban Systemic Program provides resources for Detroit teachers. However, the abstracts of the materials can be very helpful. See the Videos section for abstracts of videos that can be used for professional development in math and science.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with development math professional science videos
- NCCRESt National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (videos) MUST SEE
The Equity Alliance provides technical assistance and resources for increasing access, participation, and equity in our schools.This site provides multiple resources and publications, RtI support, NCCREST news, data maps, professional dev. resources, library, and events related to culture and equity.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with center culture equity multiculturalism national nccrest rti videos
- Reading Rockets (Featured Videos MUST SEE)
The clips literacy clips are inclusive enough to provide effective modeling of reading and writing strategies. The videos are not ESL specific, but many are ESL-friendly. Note: The Assessment videos may not be as applicable to ELL assessment.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with literacy reading rockets video videos
- Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT) : A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers
The TE-MAT (Teacher Education Materials) Project was funded through a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) to develop an online resource to support professional development providers as they work to enhance the capacity of pre-service and in-service teachers to provide high-quality K-12 mathematics/science education. Susan Snyder, Warren Beasley, and Kathryn Chval have served as NSF program officers for this project.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development with development dvds math professional science te-mat videos
- Teacher Induction (Videos for Professional Development)
The Model Teaching Documentary Project is affiliated with the New Teacher Center at the University of California at Santa Cruz. The Project focus is on developing, producing, and disseminating a variety of effective educational, training, and documentary video programs, designed to support professional development, teacher training, as well as thoughtful public discourse on education policy, language learning, and bilingual education.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with bilingual ell induction teacher video videos
- Teachers' Domain: Home (Free digital media for your classes)
Teachers' Domain is an extensive library of free digital media resources produced by public television, designed for classroom use and professional development
in Diverse Modalities > Media with arts content domain dvds free language math science social studies teachers videos by 4 users
- Teaching Resources, Children's Book Recommendations, and Student Activities
Scholastic.com Lots of great resources for teachers, newspapers for kids, support for writing, etc. etc.
in Teacher Resources with activities games newspapers resources scholastic teacher videos
- ::Go4English.com - Learn English Online - Vocab & Grammar - Language Games
This website provides resources for English language learners and ESL teachers. The links include free lesson plans, printable worksheets, quizzes, and games available for teachers. Students can also access games and activities for extra English practice. http://www.go4english.com/index.php?lang=en 2009-03-04 Recommended by Missy Haerle
in English as a New Language > Grammar for ELLs with esl games grammar videos vocabulary
- Brent Loken Student Videos
Brent Loken's website with student videos from his classes. Links to related articles and blogs that support creative, student-centered, project-based learning.
in Student Projects with brent differentiation examples loken projects student utube videos
- Center on Congress at Indiana University (Lots of free resources, Kids, Spanish too)
This site is designed to inform students about Congress through diverse modalities. It includes videos, political cartoons, primary sources, lesson plans, activities and many free resources. It is also available in Spanish
in Social Studies > Government with cartoons congress free government history kids videos
- Collaboration (Video-taped interviews of teachers sec. and K)
Effective Instruction for ELL - Univ. of Minn. Video clips of interviews with secondary content teachers and ELL collaborating teachers as well as collaborating kindergarten teachers as they answer questions about their collaborative experiences.
in English as a New Language > Collaborative Teaching with co-teaching collaboration videos
- Differentiated_Instruction CESA 6 Media Center Catalog – August 2008
This is an annotated list of the resources that CESA has available for the teachers in their district. However, it provides great support for purchasing DVDs and teacher tools for implementing differentiated instruction.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with differentiated media videos
- Free K-8 Educational Videos
This site contains multiple free educational videos. See also the links to games.
in Diverse Modalities > Media with diverse games modalities videos
- Free Math K-6 Educational Videos
This site contains many videos for math topics. It also includes lots of math games. See links to many other educational games. Rec. by Mark Bruso
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with games math videos
This PBS site provides numerous 10-30 minute online videos on various topics from around the world. The site is organized by continent or by theme and new videos are posted monthly. The videos can be used by themselves or used as introductions to units or themes. Rec. by Matthew Guglielmi
FRONTLINE/World - Stories from a small planet - FRONTLINE turns its lens on the global community and brings a new generation of video journalists to television and the web.
breaking carbon frontline global international investigative iwitness map news pbs reporting reports video warming watch world
in Social Studies with history pbs social studies videos world by 3 users
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