- Colorín Colorado :: Content Resources: Science
Content Resources: Science Science resources recommended by Colorin Colorado.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with colorado colorin science
- Communicative Math and Science Teaching Video: Enriching Content Classes for Sec. ESOLs
Filmed in a documentary style in middle and high schools in the Washington, DC, New York City, and San Francisco areas, this video and training guide will help math and science teachers increase communication and interaction in their classes with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. A companion teacher training guide assists trainers who conduct local in-service workshops. (This video is also a component of the Enriching Content Classes for Secondary ESOL Students training package.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with cal content math science secodary video
- Concept Mapping Routine.pdf
Procedures for Concept Mapping, emphasis on science but applicable to all disciplines. See connecting vocabulary list.
in Graphic Organizers with concept graphic literacy mapping science vocabulary
- Connecticut Science curriculum based on Understandings
Connecticut Prekindergarten–Grade 8 Science Curriculum Standards Including Grade-Level Expectations March 2009
in Public bookmarks with connecticut curriculum science understandings
- Differentiated Curriculum Samples
This is a list of differentiated curriculum samples related to various topics and grade levels. I imagine the quality of the samples will depend on the writer.
in Differentiated Instruction with arts differentiated language lessons math science social studies
- Differentiated Instruction for K-8 Math & Science-Eye On Education
This book by Kary Hamm and Dennis Adamsoffers practical recommendations for K-8 classrooms. Research-based and written in a teacher-friendly style, it will help teachers with classroom organization and lesson planning in math and science. Included are math and science games, activities, ideas, and lesson plans based on the math and science standards. This book places heavy emphasis on multiple intelligences.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Differentiating Instruction with adams dennis differentiation hamm lessons mary math science
- DNA Interactive
Discovering the DNA Structure and beyond Highly rec. by Science Learning "Innovative web design, compelling interactives, and a great story to tell make DNAi a very special web site. No matter what you want to learn about the DNA and the genetic revolution, there is something quality for you here. This site was developed by the Dolan DNA Leaning Center and Cold Spring Harbor Lab. A spectacular piece of work!"
DNA Interactive is an educational web site resource that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix structure.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Physical with chemistry dna interactive science by 3 users
- Earth and Space Science (A link in Learning Science)
Learning Science uses the National Education Standards (NAS, 1996) as the framework to provide free, high quality web interactives that may support a variety of learners. See the understandings at the top of the activity links page.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with differentiated earth interactive science
- Earth from Space
Smithsonian InstitutionSee our amazing planet from the perspective of an orbiting satellite. Developed by the Smithsonian Institution, this website complements the national traveling exhibition, which may be coming to a city near you! Rec. by Rachael Daubach
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with earth satellite science smithsonian space
- Earthquake Image Glossary
This site contains an excellent glossary of earthquake related vocabulary all supported with visuals.
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
aftershock earthquake epicenter fault foreshock geologist geophysics hazard hypocenter intensity magnitude mercalli plate scale
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with earth earthquakes glossary science visuals
- Edheads: Simple Machines Activities
This websites helps students to learn about simple and compound machines. The students are put into different settings where they need to identify the simple or compound machines. After they find the simple/compound machines the student needs to decide what that machine does and then the computer will explain the simple and how it works. It is a fun and interactive way for students to learn about simple and compound machines. Rec. by Kelly Peterson
brain edheads education educational hip home k-12 knee machines non replacement resources school simple stay surgery virtual
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Physical with interactive machines science simple
- Education Place® for Students
This site provides multiple interactive sites for all disciplines. Games, glossary, readings
in Student Resources with games glossary math science social stuides
This introductory level guide presents basic information for doing a science project. For a more detailed treatment see Experimental Science Projects: An Intermediate Level Guide.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with experiment project research science writing
- Exploratorium Science Of Gardening
Feed: Plants and people alike, we all have a need to feed.It was one of the first science museums to build a site on the world wide web. You will find interactive lessons and a plethora of photos for students. The “educate” link provides countless informational items of interest to both teachers and students. Interactive links and plant-related videos: savage plants (carniverous) plant growth etc. Submitted by Gina Morgan
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Biology with carniverous interactive plants science video
- ExploreLearning (MUST SEE)
Interactive Math and Science Simulations. You can explore some of these interactive activities free, but there is a fee for use. Students explore a concept through interactive activities to discover the science or math concept.
in Science and Math with interactive math science simulations
- Exploring Earth, plate movement
Observe animations of processes that occur along plate boundaries.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with animations earth plates science
- Face of the Earth
In this website, students explain how physical processes have shaped and affected landforms of plains, valleys, plateaus, hills, mountains, loess, and glaciers, the rock cycle of sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, and igneous rock, and the processes of erosion, weathering, and plate tectonics. You can post your questions on our bulletin board, check out the glossary for new words, or try your luck at our interactive games!
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Earth & Space Science with earth landforms rocks science
- Fundamental Bacterial Genetics
Blackwell Publishing This site developed by Nancy Trun and Janine Trempy offers several animations related to Bacterial Genetics for secondary students.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Biology with bacteria biology dna genetics science
- Games, Stories, News, Animals, Pictures, Postcards--National Geographic Kids
This site offers multiple resources from National Geographic for Kids, videos, games, kid-friendly information related to science and social studies.
in Teacher Resources with geography kids science social by 60 users
- Games, Stories, News, Animals, Pictures, Postcards--National Geographic Kids
This site offers multiple resources from National Geographic for Kids, videos, games, kid-friendly information related to science and social studies.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with geographic science by 60 users
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