- Curriculum Frameworks (All content K-12)
Language Arts, Science, Math, and Social Studies K-12 curriculum development frameworks by Grand Island Public Schools based on UbD Includes essential questions and understandings
in Curriculum Development > Examples of Understandings/Big Ideas: Many with Curr. Dev. Examples with curriculum development frameworks ubd understandings
- Illinois Resource Center
Since 1972, the Illinois Resource Center (IRC) has provided assistance to teachers and administrators serving linguistically and culturally diverse students.
in English as a New Language > Support Centers/ESL Organizations with bilingual calendar courses development esl events language professional resourses strategies teacher tools workshops
- Implementing the SIOP Model Through Effective Professional Development and Coaching
Trusted by more than 350,000 educators, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model provides the key to best practices for teaching English learners. Now, in response to the overwhelming success of the SIOP® Model, the renowned author team has crafted a fresh, indispensable resource for educators, Implementing the SIOP® Model through Effective Professional Development and Coaching.This bookempowers teachers, professional development coordinators, coaches, and administrators with complete access to the “how” and “why” of the SIOP® Model—from getting started to sustaining the program—all in one place to meet your professional development and coaching needs.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with coaching development echevarria short siop staff vogt
- Mathematics and Science Materials and Resouce Center
Detroit Urban Systemic Program provides resources for Detroit teachers. However, the abstracts of the materials can be very helpful. See the Videos section for abstracts of videos that can be used for professional development in math and science.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with development math professional science videos
- Region 15 Curriculum Resources
Regional School District 15 Middlebury and Southbury, CT See the Language Arts Section. Graphic Organizer section is also excellent
in Language Arts with curriculum development
- SDE: Science: Select the 2004 Science Matrix
2004 Science Matrix [DOC] – Traces the 11 conceptual themes in the Science Framework as they develop across elementary, middle and high school grades. Great examples of understandings in science. See the 2004 Science Framework for the complete curriculum.
in Curriculum Development > Examples of Understandings/Big Ideas: Many with Curr. Dev. Examples with curriculum development framework science understandings
- Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT) : A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers
The TE-MAT (Teacher Education Materials) Project was funded through a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) to develop an online resource to support professional development providers as they work to enhance the capacity of pre-service and in-service teachers to provide high-quality K-12 mathematics/science education. Susan Snyder, Warren Beasley, and Kathryn Chval have served as NSF program officers for this project.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development with development dvds math professional science te-mat videos
- The Diversity Kit
This publication brings together current research on human development and cultural diversity. It explores issues of diversity in education that are essential for schools and teachers who are committed to quality education for all students.
in Multiculturalism with cultural culture development diversity education multiculturalism research
- DuFour WhatIsAProfessionalLearningCommunity
Educational Leadership article on PLCs
in Administrators > Staff Development with development dufour plcs professional
- Learning Along the Way: Professional Development by and for Teachers
Diane Sweeney, currently a literacy specialist with the Public Education & Business Coalition, tells the story of how the inner-city public school in Denver where she was a teacher and literacy coach used learner-centered professional development to achieve outstanding gains in teacher knowledge and effectiveness.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Leading School Improvement with administrators development principals staff
- Learning Along the Way: Professional Development by and for Teachers
Diane Sweeney, currently a literacy specialist with the Public Education & Business Coalition, tells the story of how the inner-city public school in Denver where she was a teacher and literacy coach used learner-centered professional development to achieve outstanding gains in teacher knowledge and effectiveness.
in Administrators > Staff Development with development diane improvement school staff sweeney
- Learning by Doing
Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, Tom Many NEW from PLC experts Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Tomas Many. Turn your knowledge into action with Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work. This handbook helps you and your team navigate the journey to a successful, sustainable PLC.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Leading School Improvement with development dufour eaker handbook professional staff
- Maximizing Learning for English Language Learners DVD
Educational Consultant: Virginia Rojas "Here's a professional development tool that will help teachers and administrators address the needs of English language learners (ELL). Use the DVD and the Facilitator's Guide to create workshops and presentations that inform teachers and other audiences of proven approaches." Rec. by ASCD
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with ascd development dvd ell professional video
- Preparing Teachers for a Changing World: What Teachers Should Learn and Be Able to Do
Linda Darling-Hammond & John Bransford(Editors)Based on rapid advances in what is known about how people learn and how to teach effectively, this important book examines the core concepts and central pedagogies that should be at the heart of any teacher education program.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Leading School Improvement with bransford development hammond higher-education professional staff teacher
- Resulted-Oriented Professional Development
Thomas R. Guskey, Un. of Kentucky, reviews research in 1995 related to professional development, but his suggestions still have merit.
Learning Point Associates is a nonprofit education organization with more than 20 years direct experience empowering educators to transform student learning.
in Administrators > Staff Development with administrators development in-service staff training
- Teacher Professional Development and Teacher Resources by Annenberg Media
Teacher resources and teacher professional development programming across the curriculum. Blue Web'n recommended site.
in Diverse Modalities > Media with development dvd media professional video
- The Education Alliance at Brown University : Teacher's Guide to Diversity
The Teacher's Guide to Diversity: Building a Knowledge Base (2005) This publication takes a critical look at the relationships among human development, culture, cognition, and language through a multicultural lens. It invites professional developers, teacher educators, and teachers to examine their beliefs, perceptions, behaviors, and educational practices with respect to diversity in education.
in Multiculturalism with culture development diversity language multicultural staff
- The Education Alliance at Brown University: Publications Catalog
Leading With Diversity: Cultural Competencies for Teacher Preparation and Professional Development As the student population in our schools becomes increasingly diverse, many teachers need professional development to build cultural competencies-the skills and awareness related to issues such as culture, language, race, and ethnicity. To address this need, Leading With Diversity provides current research-based information on cultural competencies that will help inform the design of professional development. This resource is designed for higher education, state-, and district-level educators and professional developers who are preparing teachers to work with students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
in Administrators > Staff Development with development diversity multicultural multiculturalism staff
- The English Language Learner KnowledgeBase
An online resource supporting education professionals in the administration of programs for ELL students. It is organized around seven elements that assist administrators and program directors develop and maintain school and district wide programs. There is special emphasis on rural programs.
in Administrators > English Language Learners with design development ells law program rural
- Guide for Developing a Content-Based English as a Second Language Curriculum -
English Language Learners Guide for Developing a Content-Based English as a Second Language Curriculum prepared by the Mass. Dept of Elem. and Secondary Ed. Note that they do not include essential "understandings". However, this may be a helpful resource.
in Curriculum Development with curriculum development mass.
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