- Biology I Interactive Animations
Basic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Cell Structure, Mitosis/Meiosis, Cell Transport, Cellular Respiration, Photosynthesis, Heredity, DNA Replication, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Evolution, Viruses
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY > Biology with cellular chemistry health photosyntheis science viruses
- Chemical Reactions (A link in Learning Science)
Learning Science uses the National Education Standards (NAS, 1996) as the framework to provide free, high quality web interactives that may support a variety of learners.
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Basic chemistry help is available here for high school or college students. Chemtutor begins with the fundamentals and gives expert help with the most difficult phases of understanding your first course in chemistry. Chemtutor is not necessarily a complete text for your course or a complete outline, but we are proud to offer some insightful help in the parts of primary chemistry that have been, from our experience, the hardest for students to grasp.
Want to Ace your firstchemistry course? CHEMTUTOR is real help from years of teachingexperience.
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- DNA Interactive
Discovering the DNA Structure and beyond Highly rec. by Science Learning "Innovative web design, compelling interactives, and a great story to tell make DNAi a very special web site. No matter what you want to learn about the DNA and the genetic revolution, there is something quality for you here. This site was developed by the Dolan DNA Leaning Center and Cold Spring Harbor Lab. A spectacular piece of work!"
DNA Interactive is an educational web site resource that celebrates the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix structure.
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- Science Animations, Movies & Interactive Tutorial Links
This site contains animations for all areas of science.
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- The Sourcebook for Teaching Science, a book but great free online support
The Sourcebook for Teaching Science: Strategies, Activities, and Internet Resources, provides new and experienced teachers with a wealth of useful teaching strategies, resources, lessons, activities, and ideas to enhance science teaching and learning. All ideas and activities are based upon learning theory, and are designed to stimulate student interest and involvement in the science curriculum. As students are engaged in the activities described in this resource, they acquire knowledge and understanding of key scientific concepts and the relevance of these to their everyday lives.
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