- Mathematics and Science Materials and Resouce Center
Detroit Urban Systemic Program provides resources for Detroit teachers. However, the abstracts of the materials can be very helpful. See the Videos section for abstracts of videos that can be used for professional development in math and science.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with development math professional science videos
- Mathematics Greece NY: K-12 Curriculum
Greece NY school district provides an amazing site curriculum development based on Understanding by Design. See each grade or course. Scroll down to see all resources, including graphic organizers, See math glossary.
in Science and Math with curriculum glossary math strategies vocabulary by 7 users
- Multilingual eGlossary, Mathematics
This is an amazing multilingual glossary for ELL math students! Students select the letter of the alphabet, choose the language and the word.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with glossaries glossary math vocabulary
- Online Math Help & Learning Resources
For parents, teachers and educators, there are loads of materials here for teaching and learning. Find interesting and fun stuff to help your kids, students and children to enjoy, appreciate and learn numbers, counting, arithmetic, fractions, computation, geometry, statistics, set theory, trigonometry and even algebra and matrices! Check out our Interactive Zone for dynamic online worksheets, exercises and other simulations. We have also included videos for many topics. The videos are all hosted on YouTube and your network must allow access to YouTube in order to view the videos.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with homework interactive math simulations video by 2 users
Interactive math activities K-6: A very beneficial resource also for older learners who lack math or English skills.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with interactive manipulatives math by 5 users
- SBC Knowledge Network Explorer: A Library of Blue Ribbon Web Sites
Blue Web’n is an online library of outstanding internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (tools, references, lessons, hotlists, resources.tutorials, activities, projects). Blue Web’n does not attempt to catalog all educational sites. Sites are hand-picked and are among the most useful for classroom or instructional use. Rec. by Barbara Tolan
The Knowledge Network Explorer (KNE) is the official web site of the AT&T family of companies education program. Our mission is to help schools, libraries, and other institutions of learning acquire and effectively use technology.
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in Science and Math with english history language math science social studies by 5 users
- SBC Knowledge Network Explorer: A Library of Blue Ribbon Web Sites
Blue Web’n is an online library of outstanding internet sites categorized by subject, grade level, and format (tools, references, lessons, hotlists, resources.tutorials, activities, projects). Blue Web’n does not attempt to catalog all educational sites. Sites are hand-picked and are among the most useful for classroom or instructional use. Rec. by Barbara Tolan
The Knowledge Network Explorer (KNE) is the official web site of the AT&T family of companies education program. Our mission is to help schools, libraries, and other institutions of learning acquire and effectively use technology.
activities conference education k-12 k12 learning librarian online teacher teleconferencing video videoconferencing webquests
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with english history lesson lessons math planning science social studies by 5 users
- So Just What Is the Academic Language of Mathematics?
By Suzanne Irujo, ELL Outlook™ Contributing Writer Although most teachers now recognize that understanding mathematics is a verbal undertaking, the academic language of mathematics is one of the reasons that ELLs still have difficulty achieving in mathematics. In this article, Suzanne Irujo explores ways to teach ELLs the academic language they need to be successful in math. Full
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with irujo math outlook
- Teacher Education Materials Project (TE-MAT) : A Database for K-12 Professional Development Providers
The TE-MAT (Teacher Education Materials) Project was funded through a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to Horizon Research, Inc. (HRI) to develop an online resource to support professional development providers as they work to enhance the capacity of pre-service and in-service teachers to provide high-quality K-12 mathematics/science education. Susan Snyder, Warren Beasley, and Kathryn Chval have served as NSF program officers for this project.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development with development dvds math professional science te-mat videos
- Teachers' Domain: Home (Free digital media for your classes)
Teachers' Domain is an extensive library of free digital media resources produced by public television, designed for classroom use and professional development
in Diverse Modalities > Media with arts content domain dvds free language math science social studies teachers videos by 4 users
- Teaching Math to English Language Learners
Can Research Help? By Suzanne Irujo, ELL Outlook™ Contributing WriterConventional wisdom once held that teaching math to ELLs was a cinch because math was "only numbers." Current research tells us that this isn't true. In fact, the language of math can be even more difficult for ELLs than other subjects!
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with irujo math outlook research
- The Words Came Down!
English Language Learners Read, Write, and Talk Across the Curriculum, K-2 Browse the entire book online! "The Words Came Down" by Parker and Pardini outlines structures that successfully support ELL students both in the classroom and throughout the school, and shows teachers how to implement workshops in writing, reading, social studies, math, and science. Multiple examples of Understanding by Design.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with ells k-2 literacy math reading science social strategies ubd workshops writing
- Welcome to PHSchool.com
Interactive textbook to accompany Pearson Hall textbooks
in Technology with health history math science social technology
- WritingFix (RAFT)
Writing Across the Curriculum...RAFT Writing Assignments with interactive features to create the assignments across the content areas.
in Literacy > Writing Strategies with math raft science social studies writing
- ¡Colorín Colorado! Teaching content areas
The strategies in this section suggest ways in which you can provide your ELLs with additional support in learning content areas such as math, science, social studies, and language arts.
in English as a New Language > Sheltered Instruction (Teaching Content to ELLs) with content ells la math science sheltered social studies
- A Report of Spanish Resources for Mathematics Teachers of ELL
An amazing list of Spanish resources (2006) with additional links to bilingual publishers and other resources. Joyce Fischer, Ph.D. Alejandro Garza, M.A Jim McClure, M.P.H.Piedad Dix, B.S.Department of Mathematic Texas State University-San Marcos
in Bilingual Resourses with bibliography bilingual math resources spanish
- AAA Math
AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts. A wide range of lessons (Kindergarten through Eighth grade level) enables learning or review to occur at each individual's current level.
AAA Math features a comprehensive set of interactive arithmetic lessons. Unlimited practice is available on each topic which allows thorough mastery of the concepts.
aaa addition decimals division equations exponents ge interactive math measuring money multiplication ratios skills subtraction
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with interactive math by 7 users
- Access Center
Enhancing access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. See differentiation examples across the disciplines. Multiple examples of completed graphic organizers.
in Differentiated Instruction with arts differentiation education instruction language math science sciences social special by 2 users
- actDEN (Digital Education Network): Software Tutorials and Online Courses
Great for students and teachers actDEN currrently offers seven software tutorials, produced in conjunction with Microsoft K-12 Education, and seven exciting DEN courses. Each tutorial and online course offers up-to-date information and interactive features that encourage students to learn, think, and participate in the online community.
High-quality software tutorials and online courses for educators, parents and students of all ages.
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in Tutorials > PowerPoint and Other Microsoft with math technology tutorials writing
- algebasics™ Algebra Tutorials
Algebasics is a fine online mathematics instructional resource WITH SOUND that takes young and old alike through the basics of algebra. The breadth of the material is divided into sixteen sections, which begin with, "the basics," and proceed all the way to a section on applying algebra to real-world situations.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with algebasics algebra math tutorial by 4 users
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