- A Focus on Vocabulary (Good overview of general voc. research and instruction)
A Focus on Vocabulary by Fran Lehr, M.A., Lehr & Associates, Champaign, Illinois Jean Osborn, M.Ed., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Dr. Elfrieda H. Hiebert, Visiting Research Professor, University of California - Berkeley A Focus on Vocabulary is the second in the Research-Based Practices in Early Reading Series published by the Regional Educational Laboratory at Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with literacy research strategies vocabulary
- A Maths Dictionary for Kids by Jenny Eather
This sight provides an interactive dictionary for kids K-6, but the vocabulary is great support for ELLs. Because the site is interactive, the user will gain visual support for not only the math vocabulary but related language.
Animated, interactive math dictionary with definitions of over 600 common math terms in simple language. Math glossary, examples, practice interactives, calculators and mathematical activities for kids. © Jenny Eather 2001-2009
animated dictionary glossary interactive k-6 kids math mathematics maths mea meanings students term terms thesaurus word words
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with glossary interactive manipulatives matj vocabulary by 8 users
- Academic Vocabulary Games (MUST SEE)
This site was developed by a project in Tennessee to support Academic Vocabulary Development. It explains Marzano's 6-step process with additional support, activities, and/or games for each step.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with games literacy marzano vocabulary
- Academic Word List (Most important 570 words for academic success)
The Academic Word List includes ten units of sets of words most frequently found in school text books of all types, hence applying to non-fiction. "The Academic Word List, compiled by Coxhead (2000), consists of 570 word families that are not in the most frequent 2,000 words of English but which occur reasonably frequently over a very wide range of academic texts. These 570 words are grouped into ten sublists that reflect word frequency and range.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with averil coxhead vocabulary
- Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction
Isabel L. Beck, Margaret G. McKeown,Linda Rocan This book garners high praise from Timothy Shanahan and Catherine Snow and is recommended by Colorin Colorado. Research-based practical suggestions.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with literacy vocabulary
- Building Academic Vocabulary: Teacher's Manual
This manual by Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering provides explicit guidance for teachers in the implementation of the research presented in Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with handbook instruction research vocabulary by 2 users
- Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools
Drawing from 35 years of research, Robert J. Marzano focuses on what works. The vocabulary terms that are critical to students' success are included for all grade levels. Learn why insufficient background knowledge is a chronic cause of low achievement, and learn strategies that help.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with achievement book reading research research-based vocabulary
- Carl's Corner.htm
This website provides numerous literacy activities for students to complete. It is a tool for teachers to use to find book links, writing activities, assessment ideas, literacy stations, poems, mini books and much much more. All the materials are already pre-made and come with an explanation on how to use them. This site it gear to teacher who teach pre-k – 3rd grade. There are also literacy ESL materials on the site as well as Spanish materials. Rec by Janet Peters.
in Literacy > EMERGENT LITERACY with emergent literacy phonics reading tools vocabulary words
- Colorín Colorado :: Reading and Understanding Written Math Problems (Plus Links)
Reading and Understanding Written Math Problems By: Brenda Krick-Morales (2006) This resource provides valuable suggestions and links for teaching math to ELLs, plus resources for all.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY > Strategies for Math with colorado colorin math vocabulary
- Common Errors in English
Paul Brians has prepared an alphabetized list of Common Errors in English. Many are words that are often confused with a different word. Scroll to the bottom to see Non-errors and other resources.
in Language Arts with errors grammar vocabulary writing
- Common Errors in English
This site by Paul Brians contains an alphabetized list of common errors in the use of English. Most are related to misuse of vocabulary where two terms are often confused.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with errors language vocabulary
- CPS High Quality Instruction Handbook
This resource from the Chicago Reading Initiative provides very explicit guidance for the components of their literacy framework. It defines a strategy, what the teacher does, what the students do and what an observer is looking for. Rubrics for age-appropriate evaluations are included.
in Public bookmarks with evaluation fluency knowledge reading rubric strategies vocabulary word writing by 4 users
- CPS High Quality Literacy Handbook
This resouce is part of the Chicago Reading Initiative. It is divided by K-3, 4-8 and H.S. It clearly explains many specific strategies for literacy instruction with support for: Word Knowledge, Fluency, Comprehension and Writing. It explains what students would do, what the teacher would do and what the evaluator would look for during observations. It also includes Observation Guides for Literacy Instruction in a rubric format.
in Administrators > Indicators of Effective Learning & Teacher Assessment with assessment literacy reading strategies vocabulary writing by 4 users
- CPS High Quality Literacy Instruction Handbook
This resouce is part of the Chicago Reading Initiative. It explains many specific strategies for Word Knowledge, Fluency, Comprehension and Writing. It explains what students would do, what the teacher would do and what the evaluator would look for.
in Chicago Public S with evaluation fluency knowledge reading rubric strategies tags: vocabulary word writing by 4 users
- Creating ABC Books
Strategy of the Week from Education World. Includes ideas across grade levels as well as samples of student ABC books online.
Strategies that Work: Reinforcing Language Skills
in Literacy > Vocabulary with abc multiculturalism vocabulary
- English: Vocabulary Guide
This site provides pictures for suvival and content vocabulary accompanied by the pronunciation of each. Students select the picture, hear the word, and see it written.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with vocabulary by 3 users
- Essential Academic Content Vocabulary
In 2005 U-46 made a commitment, based on research, to use the Marzano's six steps to teach academic vocabulary throughout the district as a way to improve student achievement. This site provides vocabulary lists across the grade levels for the content areas and even includes student samples. Rec. by Francine Kavourinos
in Literacy > Vocabulary with 6 academic bav lists marzano step vocabulary
- Inside Words: Tools for Teaching Academic Vocabulary, Grades 4-12
In Inside Words, Janet Allen merges recent research and key content-area teaching strategies to show teachers how to help students understand the academic vocabulary found in textbooks, tests, articles, and other informational texts. Each instructional tool is listed alphabetically. Inside Words builds on Janet's previous books Words, Words, Words and Tools for Teaching Content Literacy, to provide a much-needed middle and secondary school resource for teaching vocabulary, not only in the language arts, but in all content areas.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with allen janet vocabulary words
- Integrated Vocabulary Instruction: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in Grades K-5
Blachowicz, C.L.Z, Watts-Taffe, S. & Fisher, P. (2005) The goal of this document is to provide the information that teachers and other educators need to implement an integrated and comprehensive approach to vocabulary instruction.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with blachowicz fisher vocabulary watts-taffe
Dr. Kate Kinsella - Developing Academic Discourse Skills for English Learners in Grades K-12 Teacher Resources Santa Clara County Office of Ed The resources were developed as for ELLs using RtI Read 180 program, but they provide great examples of scaffolding.
in Public bookmarks with clara county kate kinsella lists santa scaffolding vocabulary word
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