- Middle School Chemistry | Download Free Science Activities, Access Chemistry Multimedia, Find Information on Workshops
Investigate the world of atoms and molecules through hands-on inquiry-based activities and molecular model animations. Teach science by doing science. From the ACS (American Chemical Society)
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities animations chemistry hands-on investigate middle_school_science model
- Algebra Activities
By thinrichsen in Math with activities algebra math
- Interactive Activities and Videos in Spanish!!!!
By thinrichsen in Biology with activities biology interactive spanish videos
- Ocean Portal from Smithsonian Institute for Educators
Our Ocean Portal Educators’ Corner provides you with activities, lessons and educational resources to bring the ocean to life for your students. We have collected top resources from our collaborators to provide you with teacher-tested, ocean science materials for your classroom. We hope these resources, along with the rich experience of the Ocean Portal, will help you inspire the next generation of ocean stewards.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities classroom educators lessons materials ocean portal resources
- OLogy - The Marine Biology Channel
Lots of stuff about marine biology. Activities, games, interview videos, information. May be kinda young! From the American Museum of Natural History.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities games marine_biology oceanography
- Data in the Classroom
We're taking a systems approach to learning about the Earth using real scientific data. Our goal is to design easy-to-use curriculum activities and simple, intuitive computer interfaces for accessing online data. It's all part of a NOAA-supported effort called the NODE Project. 5 levels of modules. Encourages looking for patterns and associations.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities curriculum data
- Earth Exploration Toolbook
The Earth Exploration Toolbook is a collection of computer-based Earth science activities. Each activity, or chapter, introduces one or more data sets and an analysis tool that enables users to explore some aspect of the Earth system. Step-by-step instructions in each chapter walk users through an example — a case study in which they access data and use analysis tools to explore issues or concepts in Earth system science. In the course of completing a chapter, users produce and analyze maps, graphs, images, or other data products. The ultimate goal of each activity is to build user's skills and confidence so they can use data to conduct their own investigations of the Earth system.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities analysis case_studies data earth_system_science exploration globe toolbook
- Cyberchase . Games . Tangrams | PBS Kids
Automated tangram animation game for kids. Good for spatial thinking and tactile learners.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities games iwb puzzles tangrams
- Get 2 Know H2O Learning Zone: Games, Experiments, Activities and Contests, All About Conservation
Learning Zone: Games, Experiments and Activities About Water This site is all about water. Even though you use water many times every day, you might be surprised at some of the cool things you don't even know about it. Play word searches, memory games, puzzles and quizzes. Create and print your own coloring pages. Enter a poster contest and win a prize. Find science experiments you can do at home or school. Get 2 Know H2O: Learn About Conserving Water Hi, my name is Conservation Ken. I want to teach you about water and energy conservation. Using energy and water wisely means being efficient. By saving energy you're helping to save the world's energy resources. By using energy and water wisely, we can cut down on pollutants in
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities experiments fun games memory puzzles water_cycle
- ENSI/SENSI Nature of Science Lesson List
Nature of Science lessons. In order for evolution to be properly understood as a science, ENSI maintains that a thorough introduction to the nature of modern science is a necessary prerequisite to teaching evolution. The lessons included here are intended to do just that. Intended Audience/Grade Level These lessons are intended for use in any high school biology course. However, many can be used in middle school / junior high school, possibly with slight modification depending on teacher's style and approach, and the experience and level of students. Many would likewise be appropriate for use in junior college or lower division university levels.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activities biology ensisensi high_school lessons nature_of_science
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