- A Close-Up Look at Teaching Reading DVD
Sharon Taberski’s classic video series A Close-Up Look at Teaching Reading is now available on a single DVD. The series takes you inside Sharon’s classroom andshows how to help students become fluent, independent readers by assessing their reading in authentic ways, demonstrating effective reading strategies, creating opportunities for children to practice strategies, and providing genuine responses. (Excellent prof. development resource).
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with dvd literacy reading sharon taberski video
Curriculum Mapping - Aligning for Success The Oklahoma Dept of Ed has compiled resources for curriculum mapping. See templates in side bar, a staff development DVD and ebook, and Software resources.
in Curriculum Development with curriculum dvd hayes heidi jacobs mapping oklahoma resources software templates
- Differentiating Instruction DVD
Featured Expert: Carol Ann Tomlinson Introduce your school and community to differentiated instruction with this popular video series. Classroom scenes show how to differentiate content, activities, and products.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with ann carol differentiation dvd tomlinson video
- Differentiating Literacy for English Learners: A DVD and Instructional Booklet
To ensure every English learner learns and understands content area curriculum, the renowned author team of Carol Rothenberg and Douglas Fisher presents teachers and staff development trainers with Differentiating Literacy for English Learners: A DVD and Instructional Booklet. Their new DVD features eleven examples of exemplary content area instruction to help teachers implement effective lesson plans that include both content area objectives and language development–essential to learning content area coursework.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with carol differentiated differentiation douglas dvd ells fisher instruction rothenberg
- Launching Literacy Stations (DVD): Mini-Lessons for Managing and Sustaining Independent Work, K–3
Literacy work stations are being embraced in many elementary schools as a way to ensure students of all ages are completing thoughtful, challenging tasks while their teachers meet with small groups of students. Debbie Diller, author of the book Literacy Work Stations, takes you into two primary classrooms to demonstrate how to create a thriving stations program. Patty Terry's first grade students and Vicky Georgas' second graders work in stations that include a wealth of literacy tasks designed to build academic and collaborative skills across the curriculum.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with debbie diller dvd literacy stations video
- Reading the World (DVD) Content Comprehension with Linguistically Diverse Learners
In these DVDs Anne Goudvis and Stephanie Harvey welcome you to the child-centered classrooms at Columbine Elementary in Boulder, Colorado, where the majority of the children are English language learners. Effective comprehension strategy instruction is integrated with content knowledge acquisition in science and social studies. Explanatory segments with Nancy Commins are included.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with dvd engaged multiculturalsm reading strategies video
- Reading the World (DVD): Content Comprehension with Linguistically Diverse
Anne Goudvis and Stephanie Harvey welcome you to the child-centered classrooms at Columbine Elementary in Boulder, Colorado, where the majority of the children are English language learners. In these culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms, kids read, write, talk, listen, and investigate their way through the curriculum, developing a common language for reading, writing, and speaking English.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with dvd ells goudvis harvey video
- Stepping up with Literacy Stations (DVD)
This DVD takes viewers into diverse third and fifth year classrooms, where Debbie Diller coaches and guides children and their teachers through the process of designing and implementing stations.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with debbie diller dvd literacy stations video
- The Daily Five Alive! (DVD)
Strategies for Literacy Independence by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser, "The Sisters" This DVD is to foster literacy independence in primary classrooms. Learn how to launch The Daily Five literacy tasks and observe detailed sample lessons in 85 minutes of video. The Viewing Guide provides PD workshop suggestions, focus questions, and handouts. Rec. by ASCD.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with boushey dvd literacy moser sisters
- The Model Teaching Documentary Project (Video resources for Bilingual and ELLs)
The Model Teaching Documentary Project is affiliated with the New Teacher Center at the University of California at Santa Cruz. The Project focus is on developing, producing, and disseminating a variety of effective educational, training, and documentary video programs, designed to support professional development, teacher training, as well as thoughtful public discourse on education policy, language learning, and bilingual education.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with bilingual dvd esl video
- A Six Step Process for Teaching Vocabulary DVD
Educational Consultant: Robert Marzano Demonstrations from elementary and secondary classrooms show examples of the research-based, six-step process for teaching academic vocabulary. Elementary tape and secondary tape available at a lower price.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with 6-step academic dvd marzano video vocabulary
- Educating English Language Learners: Three Disc DVD Set
Educating English Language Learners: Connecting Language, Literacy, and Culture Three Disc DVD Set (ASCD DVD, 2010) Three 30–minute DVDs, each with a professional development program.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with dvd ells product rojas virginia
- Exemplars: Mathematics Materials, K-12 DVDs
Exemplars math performance tasks can be used for assessment, instruction and professional development. Math Exemplars gives both teachers and administrators a way of assessing students' problem-solving and communication skills and provides classroom-tested, real-world problems for instruction. It can be integrated into your existing curriculum to facilitate both assessment and instruction.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Math with differentiated differentiation dvd exemplars math
- Fluency Rubric (DVD):
Debbie Diller It may be a little tricky explaining what fluency is to a group of third-graders; but they can recognize it when they hear it. Working with teacher Lisa Gregory's students in their Houston, Texas, classroom, Debbie introduces the concept of fluency and gives them a rubric so they can self-assess and score their fluency on a four-step scale. To help students become conscious of what fluent and not-so fluent readers sound like, Debbie reads passages, modeling the four levels of fluency contained in the rubric.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with debbie diller dvd fluency rubric
- Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping: DVD With Facilitator's Guide
Getting Results with Curriculum Mapping DVD With Facilitator's Guide This DVD is top help educators develop curriculum in ways that include components by Understanding by Design ASCD and mapping suggestions of Heidi Hayes Jacobs. (I have not seen the DVD, but support the practices it refers to J. Gordon)
in Curriculum Development with ascd curriculum dev dvd hayes heidi jacobs ubd
- Good-Fit Books (DVD):
"The Sisters" (Gail Boushey & Joan Moser) demonstrate how to launch conversations about choosing books and provide five simple criteria that primary students can use. 15-min. DVD +
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with boushey dvd gail joan literacy moser sisters
- Launching Literacy Stations (DVD):
Mini-Lessons for Managing and Sustaining Independent Work, K-3 Launching Literacy Stations 2 60 minute DVD, See examples online
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Administrators > Staff Development with dvd literacy stations
- Maximizing Learning for English Language Learners DVD
Educational Consultant: Virginia Rojas "Here's a professional development tool that will help teachers and administrators address the needs of English language learners (ELL). Use the DVD and the Facilitator's Guide to create workshops and presentations that inform teachers and other audiences of proven approaches." Rec. by ASCD
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > VIDEOs and DVDs with ascd development dvd ell professional video
- Resource: Algebra: In Simplest Terms
A video instructional series on algebra for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 26 half-hour video programs and coordinated books. Produced by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications and Chedd-Angier. 1991 Just sign in to view free streaming videos.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with algebra dvd math video
- Resource: Algebra: In Simplest Terms
A video instructional series on algebra for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 26 half-hour video programs and coordinated books Now on DVD In this series, host Sol Garfunkel explains how algebra is used for solving real-world problems and clearly explains concepts that may baffle many students. Graphic illustrations and on-location examples help students connect mathematics to daily life. The series also has applications in geometry and calculus instruction. Algebra is also valuable for teachers seeking to review the subject matter. Produced by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications and Chedd-Angier. 1991.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with algebra dvd geometry math video by 2 users
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