Essential Academic Content Vocabulary In 2005 U-46 made a commitment, based on research, to use the Marzano's six steps to teach academic vocabulary throughout the district as a way to improve student achievement. This site provides vocabulary lists across the grade levels for the content areas and even includes student samples. Rec. by Francine Kavourinos in Literacy > Vocabularywith 6academicbavlistsmarzanostepvocabulary
WritingFix 6 Traits (MUST SEE!) Part of the Northern Nevada Writing Project Scroll down to all of the resources on this site. Resources for each trait, great posters, songs for the traits, mentor texts (mostly quality children's literature, traits across the content areas, lessons, etc. etc. See sidebar for process writing, etc. in Literacy > Writing Strategieswith 6postersprocesssongstraitswriting
6+1 Trait® Spanish Writing Scoring Guides 6+1 Trait® Spanish Writing- Rúbricas para la evaluación The 6+1 Trait Spanish Writing model is not a direct translation of the 6+1 Trait (English) Writing Model. While some aspects and traits of English and Spanish correspond, not all do. This model is intended for native Spanish speakers who are not fluent in English, yet need to learn the basic principles of writing without the additional challenge of being forced to use an unfamiliar language. Read examples of real student papers that have been assessed with the 6+1 Trait scoring guides. in Bilingual Resourses > Bilingual Literacywith 166-traitexamplesrubricsspanishwriting
What is the Big6(TM)? Information Literacy Model Developed by educators Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is the most widely-known and widely-used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world. The Big6 is an information and technology literacy model and curriculum, implemented in thousands of schools - K through higher education. Some people call the Big6 an information problem-solving strategy because with the Big6, students are able to handle any problem, assignment, decision or task. in Technologywith 6berkowitzbigeisenberginformationtechnology