- Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction
Book by Joan M. Kenney, Euthecia Hancewicz, Loretta Heuer, Diana Metsisto and Cynthia L. Tuttle This book examines the importance of language to competency in math and offers strategies for developing literacy skills related to math. Rec. by ASCD
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY > Strategies for Math with literacy math reading vocabulary by 2 users
- LITTLE EXPLORERS by Enchanted Learning Software
2,460 illustrated dictionary entries! Each word is used in a meaningful example sentence. Most entries have links to a related web site. Just click on an underlined word (or its accompanying picture), and you'll link to a related page. LITTLE EXPLORERS makes surfing the Internet very easy. A picture-dictionary format is used to link to hundreds of carefully-chosen child-friendly sites around the world. Since the pictures are links, even pre-readers can surf with a minimum of help and guidance from their favorite adult. Older kids can use Little Explorers as a school reference. This is the English version. Other languages are available.
Little Explorers-A multi-lingual picture dictionary with links to educational activities and games. Even preschoolers can surf carefully chosen kids' sites on the web. The format is an easy to use, illustrated word book. The pictures and words are links to educational activities, games, and nursery rhymes. This on-line illustrated, linking dictionary for children was designed
browser childrens dictionary elementary explorers homework illustrated kids kindergarten little on picture preschoolers school
in Literacy > Vocabulary with dictionary visuals vocabulary by 2 users
- Mathematics Greece NY: K-12 Curriculum
Greece NY school district provides an amazing site curriculum development based on Understanding by Design. See each grade or course. Scroll down to see all resources, including graphic organizers, See math glossary.
in Science and Math with curriculum glossary math strategies vocabulary by 7 users
- Multilingual eGlossary, Mathematics
This is an amazing multilingual glossary for ELL math students! Students select the letter of the alphabet, choose the language and the word.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY with glossaries glossary math vocabulary
- Reading Rockets: Classroom Strategies (MUST SEE includes teacher examples)
The classroom strategy section is designed to share with teachers what research suggests are the most effective ways to build fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. Not ESL specific, see Colorin Colorado for ESL bilingual, but helpful strategies. Well organized, includes teacher examples. You can submit your own.
in Literacy > Reading Strategies with examples reading rockets strategies teacher vocabulary writing
- ResearchOverview-WordGeneration.pdf
Adapting Texts to English Language Learners’ Needs builds on the development and evaluation of Word Generation, an interdisciplinary middle school academic language support program. Word Generation uses engaging paragraphs to present crucial, non-disciplinary, all-purpose academic words and defines activities to help students learn them. The adapting-texts component develops alternative forms of the paragraphs to be used in a modified, ELL-focused version of Word Generation.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with create middle research vocabulary
- Rethinking English lang Instruction: An Architectural Approach (Must See)
Susana Dutro and Carrol Mora (Chapter draft for English Learners Ed. by Garcia) The authors us an architectural metaphor to lay out a blueprint that outlines how to conceptualize an ELD program, how to design instruction, and how to teach English for academic purposes. Excellent explanation of function, form and fluency as well as the "bricks" and "mortar" for vocabulary.
in English as a New Language > Sheltered Instruction (Teaching Content to ELLs) with bricks content dutro fluency form function moran mortar vocabulary
- Science IDEAS Online, Concept Maps
Great concept maps for science. Some include both nouns and verbs, others just nouns or just verbs. Physical, earth, and life science. Be sure to see other Science IDEAS online links.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with concept earth graphic life literacy mapping maps physical science vocabulary
- SCOE: Resources: For the Classroom: Reading/Language Arts: Vocabulary/Comprehension
Academic Language: Applied Linguistics and Literacy Development Complex issues of academic language (e.g. vocabulary, syntax, grammar, semantics) surround making wise choices about literacy instruction. Annotated list of resources.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with arts lanaguge research resources scoe vocabulary
- Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the Picture Word Inductive Model
Book Rec. by ASCD view online: Emily F. Calhoun In this practical guide to teaching beginning language learners of all ages, Calhoun encourages us to begin where the learners begin--with
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with inductive pwim reading vocabulary writing by 2 users
- Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing With the Picture Word Inductive Model:
Emily F. Calhoun In this practical guide to teaching beginning language learners of all ages, Calhoun encourages us to begin where the learners begin--with their developed listening and speaking vocabularies and other accumulated knowledge about the world. Engage students in shaking words out of a picture--words from their speaking vocabularies--to begin the process of building their reading and writing skills. Use the picture word inductive model (PWIM) to teach several skills simultaneously, beginning with the mechanics of forming letters to hearing and identifying the phonetic components of language, to classifying words and sentences, through forming paragraphs and stories based on observation.
Amazon.com: Teaching Beginning Reading and Writing with the Picture Word Inductive Model (9780871203373): Emily F. Calhoun: Books
0871203375 and ascd beginning calhoun emily inductive ing0871203375 model phonet picture reading teaching the with word writing
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy with ells language learning reading vocabulary
- Teaching Vocabulary in All Classrooms, 3/E - Prentice Hall Catalog
This text by Camille Blachowicz and Peter J. Fisher is written for preservice and inservice teachers of all grade levels and in all content areas who recognize the importance of vocabulary development but aren't sure what to do with it in the classroom. This text is also written for teachers who have a sense of direction but who want some new, classroom-tested strategies to renew their curriculum. Also explored in the third edition are independent means of learning vocabulary, such as using metacognitive and contextual cues. Features of this edition include greater attention to the ELL student and an added chapter on spelling and word structure.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with literacy reading vocabulary
- The Vocabulary Book Learning & Instruction by Michael F. Graves
This book presents a comprehensive plan for vocabulary instruction from kindergarten through high school—one broad enough to instruct students with both small and exceptional vocabularies and every child in between. Written by one of the top experts in the field, this book offers a research-based program with plenty of classroom examples and strategies that teachers can use. Rec. by International Reading Association, see Chapter 5 online.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with literacy reading vocabulary
- Using Pictures to Teach Content to Second Language Learners
Article by Karen D. Wood and Josefina Tinajero in Middle School Journal: May 2002 Volume 33 Number 5, This article explores the benefits of the Picture Word Inductive Model PWIM for English Language Learners
in Literacy > Vocabulary with content pwim reading sheltered vocabulary
- Voc. Slide presentation Institute on Beginning Reading
Big Ideas in Vocabulary Instruction, presentation of important research and strategies. College of Education University of Oregon, 2000 by Michael Coyne and Lana Edwards
in Literacy > Vocabulary with presentation reading slide vocabulary writing
- Vocabulary @Web English Teacher
This site offers an amazing list of resources for teaching vocabulary.
Ideas for teaching vocabulary, K-12
in Literacy > Vocabulary with english resources roots spelling vocabulary
- Word Generation - Developing Academic Language (MUST SEE)
Word Generation is a middle school academic language program developed under the direction of Harvard University Professor Catherine Snow, one of the nation’s most prominent experts in literacy. It is a school-wide effort that demands relatively little (15 minutes, once a week) from any single subject area teacher
in Literacy > Vocabulary with academic generaration snow vocabulary word
- Word Wall Resource Page
Education World ® Lesson Planning This site contains multiple links to explantions of word walls, the goals and guidelines as well as links to multiple resources and activities.
in Literacy > Vocabulary with vocabulary words
- Words Their Way with English Learners: Word Study for Spelling, Phonics, and Vocabulary Instruction
Words Their Way with English Learners helps teachers determine what their students bring with them from their home languages, where their instruction in English orthography should begin, and how best to move these students through their literacy development. Research-based word study development is a foundation to help English learners develop literacy skills. Chapters 1 through 3 introduces teachers of English Learners to the stages of spelling and reading development, the assessments to use, and the best ways to organize your classroom for word study.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with phonics reading spelling vocabulary words
- Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12: Books
Author Janet Allen uses a conversational tone and puts vocabulary research into perspective and practice. This book provides excellent graphic organzers specifically for vocabulary. Many are very applicable for completion in heterogeneous groups.
Amazon.com: Words, Words, Words: Teaching Vocabulary in Grades 4-12 (9781571100856): Janet Allen: Books
1571100857 4-12 acamp_book_usedlikenew_1571100857 allen grades janet language publishers stenhouse teaching vocabulary words
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Vocabulary with literacy vocabulary words
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