- Wordnik
Lexicografische informatie over Engelse woorden (betekenis, etymologie, gebruik en zelfs foto's).
By hno in Public bookmarks with dictionaries language reference vocabulary words by 15 users
- Using the VisualThesaurus
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with documentation help manual using visualthesaurus vocabulary
- Spelling Bee from Visual Thesaurus
A great spelling tool. Presents definition and synonyms, states word, you spell it. Assigns points, so could use as a classroom competition.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with games spelling synonym vocabulary
- Middle School Science Vocabulary List / Gallery
Vocabulary List - Vocabulary.com
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with language_arts literacy middle_school_science reading science study_skills vocabulary
- StudyStack - World's most versatile flashcards
Find flashcards to study or create your own flashcards. Study flashcards or use the other activities such as matching, crosswords, hangman, scrambled word, or bug chase. Study flashcards anytime and anywhere by printing your flashcards or by using them with applications on your cell phone, PDA, or iPod.
Flashcards for studying any subject. Matching game, crossword, word search puzzle, and hangman also available.
crossword flashcards free hangman matching memorize online study studystack tools
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with flashcards hangman homep matching scrambled study vocabulary by 6 users
- ACT Victory L1 study tools.
ACT vocabulary study stack. Use flashcards, matching, hangman, crossword, unscramble, etc. tools to learn most important vocabulary for standardized testing.
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with act flashcards games hangman sat standardized_testing test vocabulary
- Science Vocabulary Hangman Game
Welcome to Science Vocabulary Hangman! The computer will randomly pick a term used in science. Discover the word the computer has picked by guessing which letters are in it. Each incorrect guess you make causes the atom man to decay. Solve the puzzle before the atom man completely decays! Attention Teachers!! Add your own vocabulary words for your class to use! Please select the question sets you wish to use:
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with games hangman language_arts letters middle_school_science spelling vocabulary warm-ups word
- Think-Tac-Toe, a strategy for vocabulary
Builds meaning by arranging words and requiring students to compare/contrast; analyze written documents; use kinetic tactics by moving words around; powerpoint jeopardy; making brochures; timelines; read-a-picture; walk a mile; or make your case!
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with comprehension differentiation game reading strategies tic-tac-toe vocabulary
- MiddleSchoolPortal/Vocabulary Development - NSDLWiki
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with differentiated_instruction science teaching vocabulary
- Anagram Maker
Create anagrams to unscramble in class. Good vocabulary refresher if a meaning activity is added
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with activity anagram games vocabulary
Results 1 - 10 for vocabulary
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