- Region XIII Education Service Center
Links for Social Studies collected and recommended by Region XIII Education Service Center
in Social Studies with links region resources social xiii
- SECRETS OF THE DEAD . Cases Archive | PBS for JAMESTOWN scrool down
Crime Scene Investigations Meet History, This site provides multiple online interactive lessons that explore the mysteries of historical deaths, for example the deaths in Jamestown. See lessons with team jigsaw applications to explore conflicting theories.
in Social Studies > U.S. History with cooperative interactive jamestown jigsaw learning social studies
- Social Studies for Kids
Search this site for free resources for kids learning social studies. It includes lesson plans with online links to multiple resources related to the topic. This resource can provide lower reading levels for older learners.
Social Studies for Kids is a site with articles, subjects, and tons of links for all subjects of social studies, with a focus on what kids and their teachers/parents are learning.
chat child childeducation computer development education for game health kid kidcraft kideducation resource site social study y
in Social Studies with lessons social studies by 2 users
- Social Studies--Teaching Toward Lasting Understanding: Terry Robinson
Part of the NCA Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement Journal of School Improvement, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 2003 Social Studies--Teaching Toward Lasting Understanding Part of the NCA Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement Journal of School Improvement, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 2003 In this article Terry Robinson describes her journey toward teaching important understandings.
in Social Studies with social studies undestandings
- TeAch-nology.com
Worksheets, Lesson Plans, Teaching Tips, Teacher Resources, and Rubrics. We provide free and easy to use resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's generation of students.
Teach-nology.com offers teachers FREE access to thousands of teacher resources, lesson plans, and rubrics.
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with arts differentiated differentiation langauge lesson math plans rubrics science social worksheets by 11 users
- Teachers: Content Literacy
Literacy Skills for the Social Studies Classroom The following sites feature information and strategies for helping students develop the reading and writing skills needed for success in the social studies classroom.
in Social Studies with literacy reading social studies vocabulary
- Teachers: Content Literacy
The Reading section provides an introduction to why reading is important in the content areas and information on strategic reading. Choose from the links below to access classroom applications for the following reading techniques:
in Literacy > Reading Strategies with adolescents content literacy math reading science social studies
- Teachers: Content Literacy
In this section of Literacy Matters, we organize the Sites That Matter under two categories: writing to learn and writing to demonstrate knowledge.
in Literacy > Writing Strategies with adolescents content literacy math reading science social studies writing
- Teachers' Domain: Inspiring Middle School Literacy (video)
These self-paced classroom activities are designed to enhance the literacy skills of struggling readers in grades 5–8. Each uses videos, interactive activities, note-taking, reading, and writing to present students with an engaging science or history topic.
in Literacy > Storytime: Diverse Modalities with literacy math science social studies technology videos
- Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association
TSSSA promotes the common interest of social studies supervisors in curriculum, instruction, assessment, materials, research, and teacher training. This site is designed to provide professional social studies leaders with information, resources, and ideas for enhancing the education and performance of students.
in Social Studies with research social strategies studies vocabulary
- The American Immigration Law Foundation
Links to Immigration Policy Center, Legal Action Center, Curriculum Center, Exchange Program, Public Ed. etc.
The American Immigration Law Foundation works to increase public understanding of U.S. immigration law through litigation support and public education about the contributions of immigrants to America.
aila ailf american bcis citizenship ellis foundation immigrants immigration ins island law naturalization
in Bilingual Resourses with immigration legal lessons social
- The Center for Teaching History with Techology
The Center for Teaching History with Technology aims to help K-12 history and social studies teachers incorporate technology effectively into their courses.
in Social Studies with history social studies technology
- The Oregon Trail
This interactive Oregon Trail Map shows how, where and why pioneers travelled from Missouri to Oregon in 1843. There are graphics for each major stopping point along the trail, along with interesting facts about the various locations and people. The writing is limited and focused in a way that should not be overwhelming for ESL students. Rec. by John Cronfel.
in Social Studies > U.S. History with history interactive oregon social studies trail
- The Responsive Classroom Brochure
The Responsive Classroom is an approach to elementary teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community. This approach for developing school community has strong research support.
in Administrators > Staff Development with classroom cooperative management responsive social
- The U.S.-Mexican War . Interactive Timeline | PBS
This interactive Mexican History Timeline has pictures and videos displaying critical events from 1519 to 2000. The main focus, however, is the key events of the Mexican-American War. It is in both English and Spanish. This is a PBS website that is very professional and loaded with resources. Each event on the timeline also has pop up information boxes that provide concise information about the event.Rec. by John Cronfel
in Social Studies > U.S. History with history mexican pbs social studies video war
- THOMAS (Library of Congress)
This website is from the Library of Congress and gives legislative information, in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson. Under “Current Activity” students can read what happened recently in Congress or what is on the house floor at the moment. Under “Learn” students can find out about the Supreme Court, the legislative process, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution. There is a section for teachers with classroom activities and lesson plans. Rec. by Sharon Siciak
The Library of Congress THOMAS site is the source for federal legislative information. THOMAS provides several options for finding bills, resolutions, and legislative histories from 1973 to the present. Legislative information can be searched across multiple Congresses. THOMAS is also the source for presidential nominations, treaties, committee reports, legislative resources f
becomes bill bills congress congressional how information law laws legislative representatives resolutions resources senators
in Social Studies > Government with constitution court government social studies by 25 users
- Virginia Studies: Ready Resources for the Classroom (Social Studies)
Complete Curriculum Framework for Social Studies: Includes standards, essential understandings, essential questions, essential knowledge and essesntial skills
in Curriculum Development > Examples of Understandings/Big Ideas: Many with Curr. Dev. Examples with curriculum essential questions social studies understandings
- Virtual Field Trips Home
The virtual field trips here at Tramline were developed with the goal of making the best use of the web in the classroom. These annotated trips take students to some of the best web sites on each trip subject. We have a Trailhead (Intro) and Teacher's Resource that set the stage for most of our trips. The TourMaker field trips format makes learning fun, and makes using the Internet in the classroom simple, efficient and focused. You will find virtual field trips on science, literature, social studies, and other topics. Rec. by Annie Kane
in Teacher Resources > Videos Virtual Fieldtrips & Interactive Sites with arts field language math science social studies technology trip virtual
- Vocabulary A-Z
Vocabulary Lists, Vocabulary Lesson Plans, Vocabulary Worksheets This site was recommended by an ESL teacher who attended a workshop. The site is apart of the a-z.com family and has very comprehensive lists of ACADEMIC LANGUAGE CONTENT WORDS divided by tier. Parts of this website service is by subscription, but it is minimal. Especially if more than one teacher can use it! Randy Kalal, Mattoon, Il District ESL Instructor
builder building ell english esl improve language lear learner lesson list math plan second teaching vocabulary words worksheet
in Literacy > Vocabulary with a-z content lists math science sciences social vocabulary worksheets by 3 users
- Constitutional Rights Foundation--Service Learning Network (82)
Information about Constitutional Rights Foundation one of the leading civic education groups in the United States
americans civics constitution education government history law law-related mock politics social studies trial u.s world youth
in Social Studies > Government with 82 constitutional foundation--service learning network rights social studies
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