- Arizona Educational Equity Project: Abstracts and Papers — The Civil Rights Project at UCLA
Arizona Educational Equity Project: Abstracts and Papers Date Published: July 08, 2010 This page links to nine papers received as part of the Arizona Educational Equity Project: 21 senior scholars and advanced graduate students from four major research universities joined together under the aegis of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA, to produce the studies on the condition of English learner students in Arizona
in Ed. Research and Theories > Bilingual and ESL research with arizona civil research rights
- First Amendment Schools
First Amendment Schools project teaches civics through hands-on lessons. Primary and secondary students are learning first-hand about some of their constitutionally protected rights through the First Amendment Schools project. The national initiative seeks to promote civic responsibility by encouraging students to, for example, write new school constitutions, help hire staff and plan assemblies.
in Social Studies > Government with citizenship government rights
- The Consequences of Losing a Lawful Immigrant Parent to Deportation
In the Child's Best Interest? The Consequences of Losing a Lawful Immigrant Parent to Deportation The authors of this new report (March 2010) from the University of California's Berkeley and Davis Schools of Law estimate that 100,000 children (88,000 of which were U.S. citizens) were affected by the deportation of a parent who was a U.S. legal permanent resident during 1997-2007. The authors examine the economic, legal, and social/emotional impact of these deportations, and recommend a number of guidelines to amend current policy that will "bring current immigration laws in line with the basic American values of public safety and family unity, as well as with international human rights standards."
in Bilingual Resourses > Parents with deportation parents political rights
- Constitutional Rights Foundation--Service Learning Network (82)
Information about Constitutional Rights Foundation one of the leading civic education groups in the United States
americans civics constitution education government history law law-related mock politics social studies trial u.s world youth
in Social Studies > Government with 82 constitutional foundation--service learning network rights social studies
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