- Colorín Colorado :: Content Resources: Social Studies
Content Resources: Social Studies Links for teaching Social studies to ELLs collected by Colorin Colorado
in Social Studies with colorado colorin history social studies
- Content Course Assignments and Student Work
Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum: Internet/Computer Writing Resources for a Content-Based Curriculum, Michael Krauss, ISALC, Lewis & Clark College
in Technology with experiment social
- Core Responsive Classroom Titles
These are the core books that provide specific guidance for creating the Responsive Classroom. The Responsive Classroom is an approach to elementary teaching that emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth in a strong and safe school community. It is strongly supported by research with a 20 year history.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Classroom Management with classroom community management parents responsive social
- Country Reports
This site provides support for students who are asked to do a report on a country. It would be beneficial for intermediate and JH students as well as ELLs
in Social Studies with country history report social studies
- Differentiated Curriculum Samples
This is a list of differentiated curriculum samples related to various topics and grade levels. I imagine the quality of the samples will depend on the writer.
in Differentiated Instruction with arts differentiated language lessons math science social studies
- Differentiated Instruction and Differentiated Learning for Social Studies and History - Grades 5 to 10
US History and Africa-Europe-Asia World Social Studies lessons projects feature self-directed research tasks. The differentiated learning instruction in the lesson activities provide individual tasks and investigations for differentiated learning styles. The electronic booklets feature essays, guiding questions, fact sheets, worksheets, and individual tasks. Task Cards and Investigations let students identify the type of tasks they most enjoy, the ones most likely to lead to successul learning experiences.
in Differentiated Instruction with africa asia europe history social studies us world
- Education Place® for Students
This site provides multiple interactive sites for all disciplines. Games, glossary, readings
in Student Resources with games glossary math science social stuides
- Education Week Latino Kindergartners' Social Skills Found Strong
This article focuses on research that found Kindergartners with strong social skills when they entered K, but lost over time.
in Multiculturalism with kindergarteners social
This PBS site provides numerous 10-30 minute online videos on various topics from around the world. The site is organized by continent or by theme and new videos are posted monthly. The videos can be used by themselves or used as introductions to units or themes. Rec. by Matthew Guglielmi
FRONTLINE/World - Stories from a small planet - FRONTLINE turns its lens on the global community and brings a new generation of video journalists to television and the web.
breaking carbon frontline global international investigative iwitness map news pbs reporting reports video warming watch world
in Social Studies with history pbs social studies videos world by 3 users
- Games, Stories, News, Animals, Pictures, Postcards--National Geographic Kids
This site offers multiple resources from National Geographic for Kids, videos, games, kid-friendly information related to science and social studies.
in Teacher Resources with geography kids science social by 60 users
- High School Social Studies: Interactive
This site offers multiple links to interactive sites for high school social studies.
in Social Studies with geography government history interactive social
- Jamestown Settlement and the "Starving Time" Interactive Textbook entry
This site is a sample of the resources in Beyond Books Interactive Textbooks
in Social Studies > U.S. History with interactive jamestown social studies textbooks
- Kid's Place
Houghton Mifflin Social Studies: Illinois The Geonet link is a fantastic, interactive geography website. The students can go anywhere around the world, play games and take quizzes about any country or region. The site focuses on location, place and region, physical systems, human systems, environment/society for each country/continent, and the uses of geography. See bilingual glossary Rec. by Kira Stewart
in Teacher Resources > Videos Virtual Fieldtrips & Interactive Sites with glossary interactive kids social studies by 3 users
- Literacy Matters: Middle Grades and Secondary School
The goal of the Literacy Matters project is to improve the literacy development of middle grades and secondary school students, especially those students who are struggling to succeed. The content within this web site focuses on what matters most in adolescent literacy development. The first two "matters" are adolescent literature and content area literacy. Literacy Matters seeks to reach three audiences.
in Literacy with adolescents content literacy math reading science social strategies studies writing
- Middle school link of the week archives
Check out the many resources in this site across the disciplines. Focus on middle school but some of the links are appropriate for other grades.
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with language math planning science social
- Morning Meeting Activities (Elementary)
This PDF provides directions for the activities Modeled in the Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting DVD.
in Language Arts with activities classroom games language meeting morning oral responsive skills social
Lewis and Clark: This site is part of a tourism site for the state of Montana. It has many photographs of the actual placesLewis and Clark visited. It also has some interactive Lewis and Clark games. Recommended for grades 3-5. Recommended by Mary Lynn Buckner
Learn the story behind Montana's most mysterious ghost town and the production Montana made movies.
activities big buildings chinese city education fun games george ive kids montana pictures sky tourism travel vacation virginia
in Social Studies > U.S. History with clark kids lewis mt social studies
- NARA on Google Video
Google has digitized 103 historic films from the National Archives and made them available on the Web. The pilot project, which may be expanded, includes such gems as newsreels from World Wars I and II, video of the moon landing and Depression-era films about the national parks and public works projects.
in Social Studies with film history social studies video by 4 users
- NYSED - Social Studies Learning Standards and Core Curriculum
Select Corp pt. 1 for K-6 social studies understandings.
in Curriculum Development > Examples of Understandings/Big Ideas: Many with Curr. Dev. Examples with curriculum social studies understandings
- Prentice Hall
Social Studies Skills Tutor
in Social Studies with skills social studies tutor
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