- Teaching English Language Learners in Career and Technical Education Programs
Exploring the unique challenges of vocational education, this book provides simple and straightforward advice on how to teach English Language Learners in today's Career and Technical Education programs. The authors' teaching framework and case studies draw from common settings in which career and technical educators find themselves working with ELLs—in the classroom, in the laboratory or workshop, and in work-based learning settings.
in Career and Technical Education, PE and Specials with career ells technical vocation
- Teaching Language Minoirtity Students in Elementary Schools
Based on CREDE's Five Standards for Effective Teaching and Learning for all students the Jana Echevaria introduces applications for ELLs
in English as a New Language > Elementary Only with effective ells intro learning standards teaching
By Alex Ragan, ELL Outlook™ Editor There are currently many strategies for helping ELLs access the content of textbooks, but few ways to determine what specific academic English needs to be taught. This article presents a step-by-step process for analyzing the academic language of textbooks.
in Literacy > ELLs (See ESL section also) with academic ells literacy reading sheltered
- Teaching Today | How-To Articles | English Language Learners in Math
English Language Learners in Math English language learners have unique needs when it comes to mathematics instruction. Find out about several key strategies to help ELLs succeed.
in Science and Math > MATH ONLY > Strategies for Math with ells math strategies
- Ten Principles for an Effective Education Plan for ELLs at the Sec, Level – Part I
Intercultural Research Development Association
in Administrators > English Language Learners with administrators ells principals secondary
- The English Language Learner KnowledgeBase
An online resource supporting education professionals in the administration of programs for ELL students. It is organized around seven elements that assist administrators and program directors develop and maintain school and district wide programs. There is special emphasis on rural programs.
in Administrators > English Language Learners with design development ells law program rural
- The Knowledge Loom: Elementary Literacy - Meeting the Literacy Needs of Ells
Meeting the Literacy Needs of English Language Learners (ELLs)
in Literacy > ELLs (See ESL section also) with ells literacy reading
- Trend Watch: Formative Assessments for Secondary ELLs - Learning the Language - Education Week
This blog By Mary Ann Zehr on September 8, 2010 10:14 provides multiple links for resources on secondary ELLs, assessment links as well as support for teaching secondary ELLs to read
in English as a New Language > Secondary Only with adolescents ells literacy older reading secondary
- Using Portfolios With English Language Learners
By Dr. Natalie A. Kuhlman, ELL Outlook™ Contributing Writer This article focuses on why portfolios are useful for ELLs, and how to plan, organize, and use them.
in Assessment with assessment ells
- Welcome to Bank Street's Literacy Guide for Volunteers
This Website provides reading tutors with a variety of information ranging from background information on literacy and early reading, sample lesson plans, activities, and information on other literacy and reading resources. Updated in August 2001, the site now includes important information for volunteers working with young children whose first language is not English.
in Literacy with ells literacy reading resources tutors volunteers
- Welcome to Course Crafters
Course Crafters is a specialized education company that works with school districts and educational publishers to provide custom education solutions—professional development, curriculum, and materials—for addressing the needs and challenges of English language learners, particularly students in grades 3-12. Our goal is ensuring the academic success of every student.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with course crafters ells
- WestEd Web: Books for serving ELLs
View Academic Success for English Language Learners: Strategies for K-12 Mainstream Teachers, plus other texts for meeting the needs of ELLs: Science, Math, etc.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with academic content ells math science
- WestEd Web: View Making Mathematics Accessible to English Learners
A Guidebook for Teachers, Grades 6-12 By: John Carr, Catherine Carroll, Sarah Cremer, Mardi Gale, Rachel Lagunoff, Ursula Sexton, This practical book helps upper elementary, middle, and high school mathematics teachers effectively reach English learners in their classrooms.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with carroll content cremer ells gale lagunoff math sexton wested
- What Does the Research Say? | Culturally Responsive Practices for Student Success: A Regional Sampler | By Request...June 2005
NW Regional Educational Laboratory discusses the limited rigourous related research but contends there are many correlational and case studies that demonstrate how culturally responsive practices affect achievement and other indicators of school success for ethnically, culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse students.
in Ed. Research and Theories > Bilingual and ESL research with best-practices ells indicators research
- What the Research Says About Effective Strategies for ELL Students
Colorin Colorado, Rhonda Barton (2007) This article gives a brief summary of research that promotes effective instructional programs for ELLs with references for more in-dept reading.
in Administrators > English Language Learners with effective ells models program research by 2 users
- When English Language Learners Write
Not only does Samway provide a window into the latest research as well as practical teaching ideas, she takes you inside the minds and classroom experiences of five ELLs. She documents the ways they think, the products of their learning, and their progress as writers. You'll see firsthand how an instructional focus on what children can do helps nonnative speakers become fluid English writers more quickly than placing them in low-performing groups or falling back on pullout remediation.
Unfair mythologies about English language learners have sprung up in schools around the country. Unsure how to help nonnative speakers write, some teachers and administrators have resorted to deficit-based stereotypes: ELLs cant write They...
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with ells methods samway strategies writing
- Working with Second Language Learners, 1st ed
Stephen Cary addresses the top ten most frequently asked questions by teachers about ELLs along with practical, research-informed answers.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with cary ells faq questions stephen
- Writing Sense: Integrated Reading and Writing for English Language Learners
This book by Julie Kendall and Outey Khuon provides explicit guidance for teaching students at diverse levels. This site provides the opportunity to read the book online. See links to order.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with ells julie kendall khuon outey reading sense writing
- Academic Achievement for Secondary Language Minority Students: Standards, Measures and Promising Practices
General suggestions for secondary mainstream teachers. Vignettes for each content area followed by suggestions. Small font, etc. but relevant info.
in English as a New Language > Secondary Only with content ells mainstream secondary
- CALL on a Word Processor: Language Learning Techniques Implemented through Word Processing
The site has grammar-based exercise templates for becoming proficient with Word Processing while teaching grammar at the same time. Each exercise forces students to use a different word processing skill. Good idea, but make your own related to content you are teaching.
in English as a New Language > Grammar for ELLs with computer ells grammar processing teachnology word
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