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- a workshop in a mess » Blog Archive » LiveLines
You can choose among the Live Bookmark, web services such as Bloglines and NewsGator Online, and RSS reader extensions(Sage, Habari Xenu) for the default RSS subscription system. - It detects RSS feeds which are within anchor tags(<a>) instead of link tags. (But it is not perfect: it cannot recognize those which are located in frames or have an unusual file name.) - You can add the first RSS feed directly without selecting on the popup menu.
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- A+ Freeware
There are a lot of great freeware programs out there. Many are as good or even better than their shareware or commercial alternatives. "A+ Freeware" are choice applications, which when combined, make the complete (!?) freeware package. In other words, all you need is the operating system (Windows®) and you won't have to spend one cent on software. Enjoy!
A+ Freeware are choice applications, which when combined, make the complete freeware package. In other words, all you need is the operating system (Windows) and you won't have to spend one cent on software.
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- Aardvark Firefox Extension
Once you have installed Aardvark as an extension (as opposed to running the demo), start it by right-clicking on the page and choosing "Start Aardvark" from the menu. The extension will run until you leave, refresh, or stop it by pressing “Q” for quit.
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- Ableton Live 5 Released
ABLETON RELEASES LIVE 5 AT NAMM SUMMER SESSION The team's broadest-ever development effort of the award-winning music software solution, Live.
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- About blojsom - Confluence
A Java-based, full-featured, multi-blog, multi-user software package that was inspired by blosxom. blojsom aims to retain a simplicity in design while adding flexibility in areas such as the flavors, templating, plugins, and the ability to run multiple blogs with a single blojsom installation.
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- Abstract Dynamics: Web 2.0
What really separates the "Web 2.0" from the "web" is the professionalism, the striation between the insiders and the users. When the web first started any motivated individual with an internet connection could join in the building. HTML took an hour or two to learn, and anyone could build. In the Web 2.0 they don't talk about anyone building sites, they talk about anyone publishing content. What's left unsaid is that when doing so they'll probably be using someone else's software. Blogger, TypePad, or if they are bit more technical maybe WordPress or Movable Type. It might be getting easier to publish, but its getting harder and harder to build the publishing tools. What's emerging is a power relationship, the insiders who build the technology and the outs
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AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin
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RSS & Blogging (RSSFeedReader)
Add RSS to Your website, Free RSS Feed Reader, Free Content for your web pages.
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- Added Bookmarklets to informatory
I’ve added Bookmarklets links to my site informatory. You can now save every Snippet you like to either del.icio.us, Yahoo MyWeb 2.0, Netvouz, Furl, Simpy or Spurl.
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- Adsense Logger - a wordpress plugin - kloeschen.com >>
This plugin installs the Adsense logger, inserts the corresponding javascript into the footer and displays the reports within the admin interface. For statistics of your revenue, you have to enter your adsense username and password in the configuration of adsense logger. This adsense logger plugin uses the wordpress configured prefix for table creation for this logger.
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- Adsenselogger, Open Source PHP Adsense Tracker - track your Adsense clicks!
The first ever, public released open source php adsense tracker. A great majority of the internet webmasters that earn a advertising revenue with Google's Adsense program, have been looking for more in-depth and detailed statistical information on their Adsense performance.
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- AJAX enable chat module released | drupal.org
I have just made a checkin into the contributions repo of an ajax enabled chat module. This module depends on the buddylist module to allow users to chat in real time with their online buddies on a Drupal powered website. The module includes the drupal.js created by thox for enabling Ajax in Drupal. We started off on this module to explore how we can utilize rich internet technologies like AJAX to create something useful within Drupal. The module is shaping up nicely but it can do with more robustness. This is definitely alpha quality code.
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- AJAX: Usable Interactivity with Remote Scripting [JavaScript & DHTML Tutorials]
If your bookmarks contain even one Web development blog, you'll undoubtedly know that remote scripting is being touted as the new "future of the Web". Although I get the feeling that a few people are perhaps a little over-excited about it, the recent release of numerous high-profile Web applications that use remote scripting has shown that there are definite advantages to utilising these techniques in the creation of seamless Web applications, and to augment Web page functionality.
Remote Scripting, more sensationally known as AJAX, enables slick and powerful interactivity by making on-the-fly server requests without page reloads. But with this power comes the potential for usability nightmares.
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- Alien War / free download
Mobile game, similar to r-type or alpha wings. Pick ups include triple fire, rapid fire and extra lifes. Also each game you will have the option of using the missle which destroys all the aliens at once. Currently adjusting for differenet screen sizes, check out the third version if the images are too big on the first.
Arcade style side scroller shoot em up, along the lines of space invaders or r-type. Pick ups include triple fire, rapid shoot, lifes and missles which will destory all aliens in the immediate vicinity.
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- All-In-One Sidebar :: Sidebar Extension for Mozilla Firefox
All-In-One Sidebar is a highly configurable Opera-like sidebar. Click on the left edge of your browser window to open the sidebar and get easily access to all your sidebars.
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- AllYouCanUpload - Ny Gratis Bildlagringstjänst
AllYouCanUpload är en ny enkel och snabb bild lagringstjänst som är helt gratis och utan reklam. Det är CNET som står för den och den konkurrerar med andra tjänster som ImageShack, Flickr och PhotoBucket.
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Got an amazon wishlist that you want visitors to your homepage/blog to see ? Copy and paste the following text into your web page.
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- Ambient Design Ltd.
ArtRage is a free painting package that lets you play around with realistic painting tools in a simple, intuitive environment. ArtRage lets you paint your own picture from a blank canvas, or load an image to 'trace' using any of its painting tools, letting you recreate your own images as paintings.
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