Site Submission MultiTool- Alan's Marklet Maker Maybe you too want to be able to do a one click submit to send sites to places like Furl or at the same time. (Well at least 2 people emailed me about it). Thus I am inspired to create this tool that allows you to select the ones you want and it will generate the bookmarklet tool for you. in Public bookmarkswith bookmarklet
Super-Fast Delicious Bookmarklet - John Resig The bookmarklet provides the following functionality: * The ability to type ‘d tag1 tag2 …’ on the location bar to tag a new URL. * If you select a block of text on the page, that is saved as the extended description. (Borrowed from here) * The window is automatically closed after the link is posted. (Wanted by the author) in Public bookmarkswith bookmarkletdelicioustagby 3 users
Svenska Netvouz uppdaterar med nya finesser Idag så såg jag att Netvouz var nere för uppgradering i 10 min cirka. När den sedan kom upp igen, så såg jag att deras så kallade "Bookmarklet" var avsevärt förbättrad! Nu kan man välja taggar ifrån en lista som automatiskt genereras från den beskrivande texten. Plus att den hämtar sina egna populäraste taggar. in Public bookmarkswith bookmarkletbookmarkssocialbookmarks