- Byter till Flock ett tag
Webb läsaren Flock är så pass bra att jag skall prova att använda den på "heltid" så att säga. Men bara om jag lyckas konvertera "Google Notebook" Firefox extensionen till Flock. Jag skall försöka göra det i helgen. Jag klarar mig nämligen inte utan Google Notebook. Den har blivit en viktig ingrediens i mitt webb surfande.
in Public bookmarks with firefox flock google notebook
- Google at work on desktop Linux A Google OS called Goobuntu
Google is preparing its own distribution of Linux for the desktop, in a possible bid to take on Microsoft in its core business - desktop software. A version of the increasingly popular Ubuntu desktop Linux distribution, based on Debian and the Gnome desktop, it is known internally as 'Goobuntu'.
in Public bookmarks with google linux os
- Google Reader updated with Share feature
Google Reader has now the ability to share what you like to read with your friends. You can send a link to your starred items in Reader, or you can put a clip on your blog with recent items from your reading list.
in Public bookmarks with feed_reader google
- Google Spreadsheet - Adjö Excel!
Google släpper en kalkyl applikation online! Med Google Spreadsheet kan man antingen skapa kalkyler från "scratch" eller importera kalkyler i CSV eller XLS format. Alla formler och formateringar blir intakta. Man kan jobba med ett kalkylark tillsammans med andra. Man kan ha dem helt öppna (public) eller helt för sig självt (private).
in Public bookmarks with applikation google google_spreadsheet kalkyl kalkylark kalkyler web2.0
- New Screenshots of the coming Google Calendar CL2
It looks like the Google Calendar is closer to reality. Here are some new screenshots on the hot AJAX calendar CL2 from Google.
in Public bookmarks with ajax calendar cl2 google screenshots
- Yes! Jag fick en invite från Google!
Jag fick just en invite från Google till Google Spreadsheets som jag skrev om förut. Så nu kan jag testa den nya tjänsten rejält. Så här långt ser den ut att klara sig bra för mina behov i alla fall.
in Public bookmarks with google invite spreadsheets
- Acme Technologies Zeitgeist » AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin
AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin
adsense adsense-deluxe blog blogging content marketing plugin wordpress
in Public bookmarks with adsense google plugin wordpress by 5 users
- Adsenselogger, Open Source PHP Adsense Tracker - track your Adsense clicks!
The first ever, public released open source php adsense tracker. A great majority of the internet webmasters that earn a advertising revenue with Google's Adsense program, have been looking for more in-depth and detailed statistical information on their Adsense performance.
in Public bookmarks with adsense blogging google opensource programming
Global IP Sound (GIPS), a leading provider of embedded voice-processing solutions for the Voice over IP (VoIP) market, today announced an OEM license agreement with Google for voice processing solutions. The solutions, which improve PC-to-PC voice quality, are being used with the company’s Google Talk, an open, instant communications service.
in Public bookmarks with audio codec google googletalk
- Gmail Conversation Preview Bubbles [persistent.info]
Want preview bubbles for conversations in Gmail, as shown in the screenshot on the left? Then install the Gmail Conversation Preview Greasemonkey script. You can then right-click on any conversation to see its recent messages in a preview bubble. Greasemonkey 0.5 is required.
in Public bookmarks with firefox gmail google greasemonkey javascript by 2 users
- Gmail Smart-Delete Button
Gmail has changed how they identify some mail items which, in certain instances, leaves the Smart-Delete button disabled.
in Public bookmarks with extensions firefox gmail google greasemonkey plugin plugins
- Google Adsense Notifier - new working version
With the latest update of Google Adsense report page - the excellent Google Adsense Notifier stopped working. Now “minus code”, have made a new beta version that works again.
in Public bookmarks with adsense browser extension extensions firefox google plugin
- Google Analytics - Sophisticated Easy Free
Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You’ll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visito
in Public bookmarks with analytics google
- Google Desktop 2.0 Beta release with Sidebar and widgets!
Google Desktop doesn’t just help you search your computer; it also helps you gather new information from the web with Sidebar, a new desktop feature that shows you your new email, weather and stock information, personalized news and RSS/Atom feeds, and more. Sidebar is personalized automatically, without any manual configuration required (though you can certainly make your own customizations if you want to).
in Public bookmarks with desktopsearch freeware google software svartling widgets
- Google Desktop: Download Plug-ins
Welcome to the Google Desktop Plug-in Download page. Google has not tested or verified the features or security of the third party software listed on this site. Please direct any questions regarding the software to the software's author. We hope you enjoy these plug-ins!
in Public bookmarks with desktopsearch google plugins search sidebar by 7 users
- Google Logo Maker-Logogle
The logo of the Google style is made. Please input the character string to the text box and push the button.
in Public bookmarks with design generator google logo by 3 users
- Google Notebook tar över
Google har släppt "Notebook" som är en underbar online tjänst där man kan med hjälp av en plugin för IE, eller en extension för Firefox kan lägga till text och bilder från webbsidor till en Notebook.
in Public bookmarks with google notebook
- Google Office en verklighet?
in Public bookmarks with google office sun
- Google Reader - Feed reader
Google Reader makes it easier to keep up with your ever-expanding reading list of content from across the web.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feedreader google rss
- Google Total
Googles all services from one site.
in Public bookmarks with google internet productivity search web by 6 users
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