- I have installed the plugin Bad Behavior
I have installed the plugin "Bad Behavior". "Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however. Bad Behavior is available for several PHP-based software packages, and also can be integrated in seconds into any PHP script." Source
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- » The WordPress Sidebar InsideGoogle - part of the Blog News Channel
Did you know WordPress has a cool sidebar that you can use in pretty much any browser for super-fast blogging? It’s located at yourblog/wp-admin/sidebar.php, and if your browser lets you, you can make it a permanent sidebar.
in Public bookmarks with blogging sidebar wordpress wp
- Acme Technologies Zeitgeist » AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin
AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin
adsense adsense-deluxe blog blogging content marketing plugin wordpress
in Public bookmarks with adsense google plugin wordpress by 5 users
- Adsense Logger - a wordpress plugin - kloeschen.com >>
This plugin installs the Adsense logger, inserts the corresponding javascript into the footer and displays the reports within the admin interface. For statistics of your revenue, you have to enter your adsense username and password in the configuration of adsense logger. This adsense logger plugin uses the wordpress configured prefix for table creation for this logger.
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- Bad Behavior - IO ERROR
Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however. Bad Behavior is available for several PHP-based software packages, and also can be integrated in seconds into any PHP script.
Blocked? Read this first!Bad Behavior is a set of PHP scripts which prevents spambots from accessing your site by analyzing their actual HTTP requests and comparing them to profiles from known spambots. It goes far beyond User-Agent and Referer, however. Bad Behavior is available for several PHP-based software packages, and also can be integrated in [...]
in Public bookmarks with blogs cms php plugin security spam tools wordpress wp by 2 users
- bbPress » Home
bbPress is forum software with a twist. bbPress is focused on web standards, ease of use, ease of integration, and speed. Most software in this space is focused on features like avatars or file attachment and if that's what you're interested in, bbPress probably isn't for you. We're focused on keeping things as small and light as possible for the explicit purpose of creating a community around support.
in Public bookmarks with forum forums php server software wordpress by 10 users
- bistr-o-mathik.org | Wordpress Plugins
The plugin adds an "Insert Image" button to the the edit screen which opens an image browser in a popup window to select from all previously uploaded images and add the appropriate code to the post.
in Public bookmarks with blogging images plugin plugins wordpress wp
- BloxPress - AJAX Wordpress theme released
It’s a totally new type of theme with many interactive options for your visitors and also for you as webmaster. It’s expandable and offers much powerful functions and features never seen before in the WordPress Community. Enable your visitors to recreate their reading experience by customizing your website live with the power of AJAX in the back. Many new built-in plugins with interesting functions included, like “sticky notes”, “global bookmarks” and “off site content aggregation”, to name a few.
in Public bookmarks with ajax theme wordpress wp
- figby.com » WordPress 1.5 plug-in: view future posts
With this plug-in, an administrator can view future posts at their permalink, so the View links in the administration panel work just like regular posts. The posts only appear at their permalink page—they are omitted from the home page, archives pages, category pages, and RSS feeds.
in Public bookmarks with plugins wordpress
- hitormiss.org: Weighted Categories List in WordPress
Following the example of Flickr's weighted list of photo tags (a bigger font size denotes more items), I created a simple plug-in for WordPress that creates a weighted list of post categories.
Weblog of Matt Kingston
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in Public bookmarks with folksonomy plugin plugins tagcloud tags wordpress wp
- How To Blog: Fighting TrackBack Spam - WordPress beats TypePad by a mile
Once you have a blog that gets any amount of traffic, you will eventually get bombarded by TrackBack spammers (people who send a fake trackback ping to your blog to try to increase links in to their site when their website doesn't even mention your post, your blog, or anything to do with the subject).
in Public bookmarks with spam trackback wordpress wp
- Hydrogen » Wikifying the blog
Wikifying the blog
weblog on Energy Regime Change
energy hydrogen oil peak
in Public bookmarks with plugin plugins wiki wordpress
- IImage Browser | skriker
If you know very nice Image Browser plugin for Wordpress but you are still looking for something even more sophisticated - you should try my own version. New features: * You can browse through subdirectories. * I have added lot of JavaScript code to allow you insert pictures to your post as easy as possible. * You can delete selected files from server. * You can upload files to server and create thumbnails.
in Public bookmarks with blogging images plugin plugins wordpress wp
- Jeremy Curry | The Personal Website » Blog Archive » Linknotes
a thing called link notes, sort of like foot notes, but with links. I thought that this was indeed a neat idea, and would be worth investigating, and testing out. So, I read through the comments, went off to the Wordpress Support Forums[4] and couldn’t find anything that was exactly what he wanted, and what I wanted to do with it. So, I went to work. I was going to through it together from scratch, BUT I found it easier just to basically rip some stuff out of the Textile plugin, and added a bunch of modifications. This is how it works when your writing a post.
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in Public bookmarks with blogging plugin plugins wordpress wp
- kepo-ing Zz85 » Live Spell Checker
As usual I’m using the word “Live” but go ahead to name it ajax, xmlhttprequest or dhtml, or …, and spellcheck, spell-check, spell_check, spellchecker, Spell Checker or… whatever.
Dumping Ground for Diverse Dictus Thoughts of Me
in Public bookmarks with ajax plugin plugins wordpress wp
- Kramer - WordPress Plugin Repository - Trac
Kramer is a plugin that will add inbound links to a post on your weblog as Pingbacks. What this means is that when a post in blog A links to a post in blog B, blog B will find the inbound link and add it as a pingback or a general comment, without the need for the author of the post on blog A to send a ping to blog B. The way it finds the new links is by searching Technorati (http://www.technorati.com) for all new inbound to a particular post and also (in the upcoming version) by analyzing and verifying incoming referrers. What this means is that pingback/traceback/trackback and other post-pinging tools are no longer required, as all links to a post will be found (eventually) and shown as Pingbacks. To show links to the main weblog, or to other pages in
in Public bookmarks with blogging plugin plugins technorati trackback wordpress wp
- noizZze » Blog Archive » WordPress: Auto-Tagging Posts At Del.icio.us
One of the main blog marketing advices sounds like this: “Always register your post in one more social bookmarking systems to get more promotion“. If you were trying to follow this suggestion as I did, you probably got tired already with doing it manually again and again. That’s why I spent two hours this evening to create a small plugin for WordPress publishing system to automatically add bookmark to del.icio.us on every post publishing (and saving).
in Public bookmarks with del.icio.us plugin tagging wordpress wp
- Redirect Old Slugs - Wordpress plugin
If you are using “fancy permalinks” in WordPress, part of that permalink will be a “slug,” an all-lowercase dashed version of your post title… like this-is-a-slug. This becomes part of your permalink… and so it cannot change. But what if you decide you want to change it? What if you made a spelling error in your title, and don’t want the permalink’s slug to remain misspelled for all of eternity? You could either just change the slug, and have old links to the post break, or you could go through the trouble of setting up an Apache redirect for the old link to the new one.
in Public bookmarks with plugin wordpress wp
- Ricardo Galli, de software libre » WP-Cache 2.0
WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make your site much faster and responsive. It works by caching Worpress pages and storing them in a static file for serving future requests directly from the file rather than loading and compiling the whole PHP code and then building the page from the database. WP-Cache allows to serve hundred of times more pages per second, and to reduce the response time from several tenths of seconds to less than a millisecond.
in Public bookmarks with blogging cache php plugin plugins wordpress by 4 users
- Share your Moderation Keys and Blacklists
This plugin for Wordpress 1.5 allows a blog user to safely and easily share the contents of their “moderation keys” and “blacklist” with other trusted bloggers. This method is a very powerful way of disseminating spam identifiers and has been proven to be very effective in preventing comment spam.
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