- Feeds, Sociala Bokmärken och Post-it lappar på webben
Webb-baserade applikationer är framtiden. I en snar framtid så kommer vi att använda oss av applikationer online istället för att ha program installerade på våra egna datorer.
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- Feeds, Sociala Bokmärken och Post-it lappar på webben
Webb-baserade applikationer är framtiden. I en snar framtid så kommer vi att använda oss av applikationer online istället för att ha program installerade på våra egna datorer. Fler och fler användbara Webb tjänster släpps nästan varje dag. Det finns motsvarigheter online redan för Word, Excel, Outlook med flera.
in Public bookmarks with bokmärken feeds post-it by 2 users
- (( litefeeds )) mobile RSS
a Mobile RSS reader that synchronizes with your online RSS subscriptions.
Mobile RSS and Web-Based Reader. View images, post to your blog, bookmark items and receive alerts. Synchronize with your phone. Optimized for your phone or PDA. Feeds are cached,compressed and easy to browse
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- Add RSS to Your Website, Free website RSS Feed Reader, Free Content - Yahoo! News
RSS & Blogging (RSSFeedReader)
Add RSS to Your website, Free RSS Feed Reader, Free Content for your web pages.
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- Barbara Feldman
Welcome to my Office: Use Free RSS Feeds on Your Site - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader) - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader)
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- Blogdigger Groups - Beta
Blogdigger Groups allows you to combine the contents of two or more blogs making the combined content easily accessible all at once. You can create a Blogdigger Group using any blogs that have RSS feeds. Once you specify the feeds that comprise your Blogdigger Group you will be able to view the posts from those feeds, sorted by date, and even export your group in OPML or OCS, or subscribe to your Blogdigger Group as an RSS feed.
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- BlogSieve.com: Advanced Feed Processing for Atom, RDF and RSS. Create new feeds by filtering, merging and sorting existing feed
BlogSieve is a free web-based tool that creates new feeds by filtering, merging and sorting existing feeds. The BlogSieve engine accepts virtually every (valid) feed format, processed results are then exported into any feed format you choose.
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- Chordata
RSS & Atom Feed Directory
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- David Raynes Plugins: Tip: Combining multiple blogs into a single feed
I will be using Movable Type's default RSS 2.0 template, simply for size reasons. These template changes can apply just as easily to Atom feeds or any other feed template you can come up with. First, here is the default template:
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- David Walker: RSS Creator
A system that leverages SFX and Metalib to create RSS feeds for any journal or newspaper indexed and abstracted in a library's subscription databases.
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- Diodia Software - RSS Feeds Toolbar
The RSS Toolbar makes it easier to stay up to date. Instead of browsing your 10 favorite news sites 10 times a day you can just add the news sites RSS feeds to the toolbar and have the latest news displayed at the top of the Internet Explorer all the time:
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- Feed Digest : Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds
With FeedDigest, mix, filter and republish or syndicate feeds to HTML, JavaScript, WAP or PHP, or to a new feed.
Professional service that blends and converts RSS and Atom feeds to other formats for publishing
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds rss syndication by 24 users
- FeedAlley.com - Webfeed Value Added Services - About
FeedAlley.Com is a social bookmark webfeed manager. It allows you to * apply (descriptive) tags to help identify the many types of information available. Tagging categorizes your webfeed collection, thus creating the possibility * to access your collection wherever you are * share your collection with others too * and last but not least discover and search for feeds other users aggregate/read
Feedalley.Com - Webfeed Value Added Services
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- FeedCatch - RSS archiver by FeedShake.com
What is FeedCatch? It is a free service by FeedShake for archiving headlines in an RSS feed. Usually, RSS feeds give you a limited number of latest news, articles , links etc... When a new item is listed the oldest one is deleted from that feed. This is not a problem unless the webpage is updated too often. To make it easier to follow your feeds, you can use this service. Every item will stay in this feed forever or until you follow its link and/or it gets too old. There is a useful article about FeedCatch on ResearcBuzz.
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- FeedShake - Merge , sort and filter RSS feeds
Feedshake tool helps you to generate new feeds by merging, sorting and filtering existing online RSS feeds. This service doesn't require any subscription nor e-mail adress.
FeedShake is a free service for merging , sorting , filtering and hosting multiple RSS feeds
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- Gregarius » A Free, Web-based Feed Aggregator
Gregarius is a web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM feed aggregator, designed to run on your web server, allowing you to access your news sources from wherever you want.
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- MediaTuner - Rich Media RSS Aggregator Reader and Player
MediaTuner, an easy-to-use webbased Rich Media Aggregator and Player. <br><br> MediaTuner allows you to easily manage both Text and Rich Media RSS Feeds, all through your browser. <br><br> With the proprietary MediaTuner Universal Player/Viewer, you can view and listen to: <br><br> Video Blogs, Podcasts, Images, Streaming Video, Audio, Text Blogs and News.
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- Microsoft exec defends RSS rebranding | InfoWorld | News | 2005-08-15 | By Elizabeth Montalbano, IDG News Service
A MicrosoftNetwork (MSN) executive is defending Microsoft's rebranding of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) into "Web feeds" after a flurry of Microsoft bloggers accused the software giant of trying to recast the Web-site syndication technology in its own image.
Others decry proposal, saying the software giant is trying to recast the technology in its own image
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- Newzie.com
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- Open Directory - Reference
Libraries: Library and Information Science: Technical Services: Cataloguing: Metadata: RDF: Applications: RSS: News Readers: Web Based
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds reader rss syndicate by 2 users
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