- Add RSS to Your Website, Free website RSS Feed Reader, Free Content - Yahoo! News
RSS & Blogging (RSSFeedReader)
Add RSS to Your website, Free RSS Feed Reader, Free Content for your web pages.
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- Barbara Feldman
Welcome to my Office: Use Free RSS Feeds on Your Site - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader) - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader)
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- BlogBridge
Don’t know what BlogBridge is? No problems - we think it’s the best news feed and blog aggregation system - bar none! Not only will BlogBridge let you subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds, it will also help you sort through your existing feeds and help you discover new feeds. It also comes with a server-based service that will let you synchronize all your feeds across multiple computers, and even maintain your read/unread status across those computers. The organization of this site is a bit different than most. For you left-brain people, you can look at the left column and access all the information about the product and the company in a traditional web format. For those of you that are a bit more right-brain go to the right column, poke around,
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- FeedShake - Merge , sort and filter RSS feeds
Feedshake tool helps you to generate new feeds by merging, sorting and filtering existing online RSS feeds. This service doesn't require any subscription nor e-mail adress.
FeedShake is a free service for merging , sorting , filtering and hosting multiple RSS feeds
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- inforss Version - Firefox extension
infoRSS is a lightweight, non intrusive, RSS, ATOM, NNTP and HTML headlines reader for Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and thunderbird, designed by Didier Ernotte. The extension installs a small icon (looks like an earth) in the status bar. The headlines are displayed in the beside this icon in the status bar or in a separate bar (top or bottom of the screen). The interface is very simple to use: drag and drop new url of feed onto the extension icon to add a new feed or click on the extension icon to select a specific feed to read. The feeds can be grouped to allow multi feed fetch and filter can be used to limit the number of headlines.
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- Läsa böcker på mobilen är suveränt!
Det finns en java applikation som heter readmaniac för mobiltelefoner som kör java (till exempel Siemens M65). Med den kan man läsa text filer i telefonen!
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- List of news aggregators
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed reader rss by 3 users
- MediaTuner - Rich Media RSS Aggregator Reader and Player
MediaTuner, an easy-to-use webbased Rich Media Aggregator and Player. <br><br> MediaTuner allows you to easily manage both Text and Rich Media RSS Feeds, all through your browser. <br><br> With the proprietary MediaTuner Universal Player/Viewer, you can view and listen to: <br><br> Video Blogs, Podcasts, Images, Streaming Video, Audio, Text Blogs and News.
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- Newzie.com
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- Open Directory - Reference
Libraries: Library and Information Science: Technical Services: Cataloguing: Metadata: RDF: Applications: RSS: News Readers: Web Based
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds reader rss syndicate by 2 users
- Pluck 2.0 Beta, Firefox Edition - RSS Reader
Pluck 2.0, Firefox Edition (beta) is a lightweight RSS feed aggregator and integrated bookmark manager. Using Pluck, you can easily navigate between the RSS Reader and Bookmark Manager via an integrated sidebar. Via a free subscription service, you can synchronize your RSS Feeds and bookmarks across multiple computers at work or at home.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator bookmarks feed news reader rss
- ReadManiac - Electronic book reader for Java enabled phones
ReadManiac is a midlet that lets you read large text files on practically all other JAVA-enabled phones. Midlet comes in two versions: Standalone application (ReadManiac FULL) and midlet with emebeded book (ReadManiac LITE). Standalone application (ReadManiac FULL) is installed to phone once, and than used to search, download from internet and read books without a help of PC. Midlet has dedicated search engine for searching books in several on-line libraries. ReadManiac download these books directly to phone's memory. Once installed, it becomes library in the pocket. Midlet with embeded book (ReadManiac LITE) is built with ReadManiac Building Wizard on PC. Wizard embeds selected book into midlet. Resulting midlet that can be installed to phone ant
in Public bookmarks with books freeware java mobile mobilephone portable reader software
- RssFwd : Reading RSS the way you are already reading your emails
Why re-invent the wheel or run yet-another-application to read your stuff? Create another set of folders, sub-folders, filtering, spam-filter training,... when your existing E-mail application has done it all - tried and tested - and finally just the way you like it? This site allows anyone to subscribe to any RSS / Atom feed and receive the updates in their email inbox. You can get more technical information at the blog (e.g. download source codes, updates). I can be reached at choonkeat at gmail.
in Public bookmarks with email feeds reader rss by 11 users
- The Binary Realm
Digg Eater is a RSS news aggregator designed just for the Digg.com tech news site. If your anything like me your always trying to keep up on the latest tech news. This is a great way to check out the latest stories on Digg.com and keep your blog up to date.
in Public bookmarks with feed reader rss
- The Personal Bee
The Personal Bee is a "discovery engine" that helps you discover information from a collection of RSS feeds. In contrast, client-based RSS readers and web-based RSS aggregators merely catalog your RSS feeds. These tools are adequate if you subscribe to fewer than 5-10 news sources per topic of interest. Compared to RSS search engines, the Bee captures the latest "buzz words" in a topic area without requiring you to pre-specify search terms.
Blog search, breaking news, photos, and videos, on the latest headlines, business, entertainment, lifestyle, politics, sports, and technology. See what and who is most popular in the blogosphere.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogs feeds reader rss syndication by 6 users
- The Rocketinfo RSS Reader
The Rocketinfo RSS Reader is a FREE personal news and information tool that allows you to search, subscribe, read and track content from thousands of RSS and Weblog sources.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed feeds reader rss syndicate
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