- A new website - NEWSPAGE (beta)
I have released a new website that I have been working on called "Newspage". On Newspage you can create "News Pages" (News Radars) by filtering the content with keywords. Every News Page created gets it's own RSS Feed, so you can easily subscribe to all the News Pages you create or find interesting. All the content is aggregated from all kinds of feeds around the web, and categorized by me.
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- Feeds, Sociala Bokmärken och Post-it lappar på webben
Webb-baserade applikationer är framtiden. I en snar framtid så kommer vi att använda oss av applikationer online istället för att ha program installerade på våra egna datorer.
in Public bookmarks with bokmärken feeds post-it rss socialbookmarks by 2 users
- Fler funktioner i GreatNews
Igår skrev jag en artikel om RSS läsaren GreatNews och då glömde jag att skriva om några suveräna funktioner, så här kommer del 2 av den artikeln.
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- Full content Feed
För er som använder denna blogs RSS feed kan jag glädja med att tala om att jag har ändrat till Full Feed Content istället för att bara ha ett kort utdrag från varje post. Så nu kan man läsa artiklarna i sin helhet med bilder och allt i sin favorit RSS läsare.
in Public bookmarks with feed fullcontent rss
- GreatNews är den bästa offline läsaren
Som ni som har läst denna blogg redan vet, så har jag bytt RSS läsare ett antal gånger. Först från Off-Line läsarna SharpReader och RSS Bandit till On-Line läsarna Bloglines och Rojo. Och nu är jag tillbaks till en helt underbar Off-Line läsare vid namn GreatNews. Förmodligen så stannar jag vid den ett bra tag..
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- HOW TO - Getting Started with RSS
RSS has become a valuable technology for everything from casual web users to webmasters. According to a recent Yahoo survey only 12% of internet users are aware of RSS and a mere 4% have knowingly used RSS. RSS exists as a means to gather and display information quickly and easily. By the end of this article, you should know what RSS is and how to use it to make your life easier.
in Public bookmarks with guide howto rss
- Hur kan vi underlätta det ständigt ökande informationsflödet på webben?
Internet utvecklas hela tiden och nya Web 2.0 tjänster dyker upp nästan varje dag. Så hur gör vi för att klara oss i detta enorma informations flöde som bara växer hela tiden? Hur kan vi med egna bloggar och hemsidor hjälpa till?
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- (( litefeeds )) mobile RSS
a Mobile RSS reader that synchronizes with your online RSS subscriptions.
Mobile RSS and Web-Based Reader. View images, post to your blog, bookmark items and receive alerts. Synchronize with your phone. Optimized for your phone or PDA. Feeds are cached,compressed and easy to browse
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds mobile rss syndication by 5 users
- a workshop in a mess » Blog Archive » LiveLines
You can choose among the Live Bookmark, web services such as Bloglines and NewsGator Online, and RSS reader extensions(Sage, Habari Xenu) for the default RSS subscription system. - It detects RSS feeds which are within anchor tags(<a>) instead of link tags. (But it is not perfect: it cannot recognize those which are located in frames or have an unusual file name.) - You can add the first RSS feed directly without selecting on the popup menu.
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- Add RSS to Your Website, Free website RSS Feed Reader, Free Content - Yahoo! News
RSS & Blogging (RSSFeedReader)
Add RSS to Your website, Free RSS Feed Reader, Free Content for your web pages.
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed feeds free reader rss by 2 users
- Amazon Wishlist Syndication
Got an amazon wishlist that you want visitors to your homepage/blog to see ? Copy and paste the following text into your web page.
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in Public bookmarks with amazon rss wishlist
- Audiolicious - Turn Any RSS Feed Into A Podcast
Audiolicious is a Windows program that lets you turn any RSS feed into a podcast. It uses text-to-speech to convert the feed’s webpages into MP3 files.
in Public bookmarks with converter podcasting podcasts rss text
- Barbara Feldman
Welcome to my Office: Use Free RSS Feeds on Your Site - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader) - Surfing the Net with Kids (RSSFeedReader)
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds reader rss
- BlogBridge
Don’t know what BlogBridge is? No problems - we think it’s the best news feed and blog aggregation system - bar none! Not only will BlogBridge let you subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds, it will also help you sort through your existing feeds and help you discover new feeds. It also comes with a server-based service that will let you synchronize all your feeds across multiple computers, and even maintain your read/unread status across those computers. The organization of this site is a bit different than most. For you left-brain people, you can look at the left column and access all the information about the product and the company in a traditional web format. For those of you that are a bit more right-brain go to the right column, poke around,
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed java reader rss
- Blogdigger Groups - Beta
Blogdigger Groups allows you to combine the contents of two or more blogs making the combined content easily accessible all at once. You can create a Blogdigger Group using any blogs that have RSS feeds. Once you specify the feeds that comprise your Blogdigger Group you will be able to view the posts from those feeds, sorted by date, and even export your group in OPML or OCS, or subscribe to your Blogdigger Group as an RSS feed.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogs feeds rss syndication web2.0 web_tech by 4 users
- BlogSieve.com: Advanced Feed Processing for Atom, RDF and RSS. Create new feeds by filtering, merging and sorting existing feed
BlogSieve is a free web-based tool that creates new feeds by filtering, merging and sorting existing feeds. The BlogSieve engine accepts virtually every (valid) feed format, processed results are then exported into any feed format you choose.
Blog Sieve is a free atom, rdf and rss filtering, merging and sorting tool, this page is about web tool, free web based, rdf, atom and odin
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- Chordata
RSS & Atom Feed Directory
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator directory feeds rss search by 9 users
- David Raynes Plugins: Tip: Combining multiple blogs into a single feed
I will be using Movable Type's default RSS 2.0 template, simply for size reasons. These template changes can apply just as easily to Atom feeds or any other feed template you can come up with. First, here is the default template:
in Public bookmarks with blogging feeds mt rss
- David Walker: RSS Creator
A system that leverages SFX and Metalib to create RSS feeds for any journal or newspaper indexed and abstracted in a library's subscription databases.
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in Public bookmarks with feeds rss software tools by 2 users
- digg
Digg is a technology news website that gives editorial control back to the community. Most technology websites allow users to suggest content by submitting links or stories to an editor. If the editor believes the story to be relevant to the masses, he or she moves the story to the homepage. With digg, users also submit links for review. But rather than allowing an editor to decide which links go on the homepage, the users do.
in Public bookmarks with blogging rss web_tech by 197 users
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