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  • chellefic: Fic: The Rite of Nereeth
    The Rite of Nereeth Fandom: SGA Pairings: John/Rodney/OMC, John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: First time Summary: This is the first of five stories in which John and Rodney pretend to be married, only to find that pretending has unanticipated consequences. The stories will not be interconnected. Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading through the beginning. Warnings: There is kink here, not of the BDSM sort, but still kink.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • Coping Mechanisms Part 1
    Coping Mechanisms Author: Amireal Rating: NC-17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Disclaimer: If they were mine, there'd be waaay more emotional continuity. So there. Also, I probably wouldn't be buying lotto tickets. Author's notes: Thanks to chopica who had to crack the whip bunches during beta. I hate you my dear. Die in a fiery death? Thanks. *innocent blink*
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17
  • Coupling by lamardeuse
    Coupling by lamardeuse Rating: NC-17 Written for unamaga's birthday, inspired by this manip created by unamaga and unaccompanied_g.
    in sga fic with a_lamardeuse mcshep nc-17
  • Crys in Space - Fic: Fix by Crysothemis
    Fix by Crysothemis Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay Rating: NC-17, for adults only Length: 25,000 - 58,000 words, depending on how you choose to read it Disclaimer: Still not mine, damn it. Summary: John has a problem. Rodney really doesn't want to help. Warnings: All the usual clichés without the usual fluff. Spoilers up to 3x15 "The Game," with an additional spoiler for 3x17 "Sunday." Thank yous: to Aristide/Mairead Triste (a.k.a. cimmerians), rustler, and wpadmirer for kick-ass beta. Additional thanks to darklock, springwoof, and zorrorojo for checking my html. Notes: Set after "The Game" and veers from canon shortly thereafter.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17
  • Cultural Exchange by lamardeuse
    Cultural Exchange by lamardeuse Thanks: To Sihaya, Cate, Kass, The Grrrl, Tex, and Crys for beta assistance and general moral support. Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: Vague for Season Five. Written for Chopchica and Unamaga's Happyfic Fest, 2008.
    in sga fic with a_lamardeuse mcshep nc-17
  • Deirdre - New SGA Fic: Melting the Darkness
    Melting the Darkness Characters: Radek Zelenka/John Sheppard Word Count: 5943 Rating: NC-17 Summary: The morning steals upon the night, melting the darkness. Author's Notes: Thanks to beta readers [info]rosewildeirish, [info]kyrdwyn, and [info]clumsygyrl. You ladies are the best. This was written for [info]dark_cygnet.
    in sga fic with johnzelenka nc-17
  • dev_earl: got ink?
    RPS AU. tattoo artist!jensen for the lovely paz_; because their love is so dorky and obvious, eh, sweets? awesome beta love to unamaga. feedbacks would be loved. :)
    in cw fic with au fluff jsquared nc-17 tattoo
  • Eighteenish by seperis
    Eighteenish by seperis [NC-17] [Reviews - 13] Summary: They woke up brand new.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17 post-tao_of_rodney
  • Equal-Opportunity Kissing Bandit - Fic: Supply And Demand (McKay/Sheppard) AU, NC17
    Supply And Demand (McKay/Sheppard) AU, NC17 A while back, [info]velocitygrass gave me a prompt -- John/Rodney AU. John is given to Rodney as a gift, because daddy thinks he should finally become a man.
    in sga fic with au mcshep nc-17
  • Equal-Opportunity Kissing Bandit - Tied in Anxious Bondage by Yin, McKay/Sheppard, NC17
    Tied in Anxious Bondage Author: Yin Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard Rating: NC17 Warning: Light consensual bondage, boy-touching, porn for its own sake
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 yin
  • estrella30: New RPS - Jared/Jensen - Sticks and Stones (complete - 1/3)
    Title - Sticks and Stones Pairing - JA/JP Rating - NC17 Word Count - 22,000
    in cw fic with hurtcomfort jsquared nc-17
  • Fashion Victim by lamardeuse
    Fashion Victim by lamardeuse Inspired by this fabulous artwork by berlinghoff79.
    in sga fic with au mcshep nc-17
  • fiercelydreamed: Cool Hand Luke
    Cool Hand Luke Summary: Excerpt from an IM conversation earlier today: fiercelydreamed: this is the weirdest shit i have ever googled for a pwp fiercelydreamed: only in sga fandom fiercelydreamed: would you ever google "tens unit voltage," "prosthesis," "chemical composition of semen," and "factorial function" all for a fic under 2000 words Details: SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17, ~1,500 words. Notes: My first [info]kink_bingo fic, written for a prompt I seriously believed I could not do: amputee fetishism. This story is for [info]cindyjade, because she had a craptastic week and deserved something to improve it. [info]shaenie deserves sexual favors for extensive services rendered, including coming up with the seed of the story, betaing, and playing pornographic th
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed mcshep nc-17
  • foxxcub: Fic: Match Point (McKay/Sheppard)
    Match Point Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Summary: McKay discovers the joys of vacations and pro beach volleyball players. Notes: This is completely for aesc, as it is based off of her awesome prompt concerning Sheppard as a beach volleyball player. She also riffed off the idea and wrote McKay and Shep playing volleyball on Atlantis. Um, blame her for this insanity, 'k? :)
    in sga fic with au mcshep nc-17
  • gardens & sea, sky - SGA fic: Let Us Go Then, You And I (1/2)
    Let Us Go Then, You And I Author: Sage Rating: NC-17 Pairings: OT4, John/Rodney, John/various slash and het pairings Length: 13,600~ words Author's Notes: This fic was started in early season 2. S3 has jossed Sheppard's characterization a bit, so feel free to consider this a slightly alternate reality. (There are no spoilers past S2.) Title and certain images are from Eliot. Acknowledgments: Many thanks to purna and malnpudl for their brilliant and exceedingly generous betas. Thanks also to thecomingnight for cheerleading. Summary: The love song of Lt. Colonel John Sheppard.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 ot4
  • Gay Porn For Girls Studios - Nothing Like the Classics, by Pi [McKay/Sheppard, NC-17]
    Nothing Like the Classics Author: [info]apple_pi Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Vetted and Beta'd by: [info]secrethappiness Warnings: None Author's Notes: Many thanks to [info]secrethappiness for lightning-fast turnaround and general marvelousness. This fits into the Starter-verse begun with [info]yin_again's Their Debut. Set an indeterminate time later. Summary: GPFG decides to go for a tried and true porn motif in its short films for the Web.
    in sga fic with gpfg mcshep nc-17
  • Gay Porn For Girls Studios - Rough Day at the Office by Yin, McKay Sheppard, NC17
    Rough Day at the Office Author: yin_again Pairing(s) : McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC17 Vetted By: beadattitude Warnings: None Author's Notes: Just something to celebrate the fact that there are 69 members of gpfg_studios Summary: Rodney and John have a rough day at work.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • Gay Porn For Girls Studios - The Colonel and the Physicist: Alone in the City, by Yin, GPFG-verse, NC-17
    The Colonel and the Physicist: Alone in the City Author: yin_again Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Vetted By: beadattitude Author's Notes: This story is in the same timeline as Their Debut, Pleasure Doing Business, and Kind of Beautiful. Special thanks to Bead - I threw this at her and basically shook the internet until the beta fell out. Summary: The next movie in the popular "The Colonel and the Physicist" series, where Colonel Jake Stone and Dr. Ryan Mensa find themselves in their city, but in an alternate timeline.
    in sga fic with gpfg mcshep nc-17
  • gblvr_lite: SGA: Watch Out for the Flowers (Lorne/Zelenka, rated NC-17)
    Title: Watch Out for the Flowers Fandom/Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis; Lorne/Zelenka Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Not mine, please don't sue! Comments: This one's doing double duty as a story for thepouncer as part of alyse's the Czech is in the Male Thing-a-thon and as a late entry for the lorne_porn Seven Days of Smutmas. (Yes, I did manage both sets of prompts: from thepouncer there was flame, howl & mask and for Smutmas there was public & intent.) Thanks to M., for beta and to lenyia for the Czech translations (at the end).
    in sga fic with a_gblvr lornezelenka nc-17
  • Good Idea, Bad Idea -
    Cadence Summary: A progression of chords moving to a harmonic close, point of rest, or sense of resolution. (Definition from Date: 5/8/06 Rating: NC-17 Thanks: To shrift and gritkitty for beta. Notes: When I offered to write resonant8 something for her birthday, she asked for a story set in my Atlantis AU "Counterpoint". I find myself very attached to this version of these characters, so I was thrilled to write this for her. I got into my first slash fandom right before Resonant started writing, a particularly lucky bit of timing on my part. I admire her writing greatly, and devouring everything she writes watching her has taught me a lot about what I want my own writing to be. Happy birthday, Resonant!
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17

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