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  • fiercelydreamed: [SGA] Sweet Charity Ficpost #1 -- for Amberlynne
    Title: The Convocation Summary: The idea was so startling that Rodney actually shut the laptop and pushed it aside. "You're serious," he said to Teyla. "Someone in the Pegasus Galaxy is hosting a scientific conference?" Details: SGA, McKay/Sheppard, light R, ~3,500 words. Notes: The first of my three Sweet Charity fics, written for the wonderful and generous [info]amberlynne. A., I threw a twist on your prompt, but it gave me a new way to work in the ingredients you were hoping for. I sincerely hope you like it, and thank you so much again for doing this with me. Additional thanks to [info]shaenie for the beta.
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: Canon for Two Instruments (the missing scene from Unidentified)
    Title: Canon for Two Instruments Summary: They fog the glass and leave their handprints all over it, until all that shows in John's periphery is the city blurred out into smudges of color, gold and orange and deep blue. The missing scene from part three of Unidentified (index post here). Details: NC-17, McKay/Sheppard, AU, ~5300 words. Notes: Sincere thanks to shaenie, thingswithwings, and (way back in the day) secrethappiness for betaing, to cindyjade (again, because), and to the handful of people who read this over the last few months and assured me that it was good enough to post.
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed au mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: Cool Hand Luke
    Cool Hand Luke Summary: Excerpt from an IM conversation earlier today: fiercelydreamed: this is the weirdest shit i have ever googled for a pwp fiercelydreamed: only in sga fandom fiercelydreamed: would you ever google "tens unit voltage," "prosthesis," "chemical composition of semen," and "factorial function" all for a fic under 2000 words Details: SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17, ~1,500 words. Notes: My first [info]kink_bingo fic, written for a prompt I seriously believed I could not do: amputee fetishism. This story is for [info]cindyjade, because she had a craptastic week and deserved something to improve it. [info]shaenie deserves sexual favors for extensive services rendered, including coming up with the seed of the story, betaing, and playing pornographic th
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed mcshep nc-17
  • sga_flashfic: "Five People Who ..." by shaenie and fiercelydreamed [Five Things Challenge]
    "Five People Who ..." by shaenie and fiercelydreamed [Five Things Challenge] Title: III. Five people who the press won't care about when the Stargate Program goes public (and the reasons why the Atlantis expedition wouldn't have made it without them). Authors: [info]shaenie and [info]fiercelydreamed Summary: A thumb drive, a tally sheet, a single stripe, a NMR spectrometer, and a mediocre GPA; these are the things that save Atlantis. Details: Gen, ~1,700 words, very vague spoilers through S4. Notes: Installments 11-15 of the 25 Things series (which isn't linear -- each set stands fully independent of the others). Part I is here and Part II is here.
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed a_shaenie
  • sga_flashfic: Fic, 5 Ancient Gadgets... by fiercelydreamed and shaenie (A,V, or M Challenge)
    Five Ancient Gadgets on Atlantis Rodney Would Absolutely Piss Himself with Glee if he Found Series: 25 Things Author(s): [info]fiercelydreamed and [info]shaenie Rating: R for language Pairing: er, gen-ish? Spoilers: Through S-4, for the series; none in this installment (I think!) Length:1000+ Challenge: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral (We're going to go with mineral on this one) Summary: Because some mental tangents absolutely not related to how good the ass of a certain senior staff member looked in their BDUs today don't actually need to be recorded for posterity. Notes: [info]fiercelydreamed made me. Don't let her tell you different. The second 5 in the series are here: Medical TMI for the WIN!
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed a_shaenie rodney
  • sga_flashfic: Five medical issues ... by shaenie and fiercelydreamed (Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral Challenge)
    Five medical issues Jennifer Keller is really, really sick of treating. Authors: [info]shaenie and [info]fiercelydreamed Summary: Some days it boggles the mind that this expedition consists of humanity's "best and brightest." Details: Keller, various others, PG-13 for mild sexual content (but basically gen). ~1,100 words, spoilers for S4. Notes: Installments 6-10 of the 25 Things series (which isn't linear -- each set stands fully independent of the others). Started because [info]shaenie somehow didn't have enough to do (I know, I'm boggled too), and continued because we like to collectively elaborate on canon with the mad glee of kindergartners stealing sandbox toys when the other kids aren't looking. Installment #1 can be found here.
    in sga fic with a_fiercelydreamed a_shaenie keller

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