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  • 3 Lovers
    3 Lovers by Speranza wherein teyla takes three lovers, and everyone gets a home (and babies).
    in sga fic with domestic ot4
  • Written by the Victors
    Written By The Victors by Speranza
    in sga fic with mcshep ot4 written_by_the_victors
  • 30toseoul: more OT4 smut
    From last week's porn prompts, hermitsoul said: Mmm, locker room OT4 porn. After a mission they're checking each other over, making sure everyone is OK, and well, it turns into something more.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • apple_pi: Wow, I haven't written het in a long, long time.
    Teyla came back from the infirmary to a domestic sort of scene: Ronon sitting by the open balcony door, tipped back in his chair so only two legs were on the floor, sharpening his knives with a leather strop; John lying on the bed reading; Rodney sitting up beside him, propped against the back wall and typing on his laptop, scowling as usual.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • artword: Challenge 009: The Exclusion Principle
    The Exclusion Principle Author: briar_pipe Artist: moxie_brown Challenge: 009 Pairing: Rodney/team, OT4 Rating: Hard R or light NC-17 Word count: ~9,300 Spoilers: minor for Sateda, Sunday, and Tao. Author's Notes: Special thanks to moxie_brown (who said the magical words "Teyla as Venus"), to Anonymouse for talking me down off the ceiling, and to lavvyan for graciously allowing the use her flowers. No tulips were harmed in the making of this fic. Artist's Notes: As usual, I bite off more than I can chew. I have a more ambitious piece to accompany briar_pipe's wonderful story, but the fic cover will do for now (speaking of which, I give most artistic credit to the wonderful brushes and patterns from Brusheezy and Design Fruit).
    in sga fic with ot4
  • ladycat777: Fic!
    OT4, NC-17, 2567 words.
    in sga fic with a_ladycat777 nc-17 ot4
  • ladyflowdi: SGA fic: "How We Operate", NC17, OT4
    How We Operate Pairing: McKay/Sheppard/Teyla/Ronon
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 ot4
  • team_sga: afternoon delight by 30toseoul (NC-17)
    afternoon delight Author: 30toseoul Pairing: John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla Rating: NC-17
    in sga fic with ot4
  • team_sga: what you miss by 30toseoul (R)
    what you miss Author: 30toseoul Pairing: John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla Rating: R
    in sga fic with ot4 by 2 users
  • 30toseoul - fandom birthday and ot4
    ot4 snippet
    in sga fic with ot4
  • hth_the_first: works and plays well with others
    Works and Plays Well With Others by Hth So I impulsively started a little bitty porny thing at 2 a.m., and it kind of kept going, and now, four hours and four thousand words later, I give you team!porn, the breakfast of champions.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • hypercritical reprobate curmudgeon - fic: Sacred Geometry
    Sacred Geometry PairingGrouping: OT4, John/Rodney/Teyla/Ronon Rating:NC-17 Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Summary: Ronon returns from a mission with Lorne's team and the other three welcome him home. Comment: Written as a thank you note to the kind anonymous person who paid for my LJ time. Takes place in [info]30toseoul's OT4 world, with permission, and mentions characters in [info]miss_porcupine's universe, without permission, although I assume this is their alternate versions. [ETA: She said she didn't mind since I didn't cast them in the smut parts.] Yep, it's fanfic of fanfic. How low can you go?
    in sga fic with ot4
  • ladycat777: Fic: Maybe the Name (OT4, PG-13, 1/1)
    Maybe the Name Fandom: SGA Pairing: OT4 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Except Rodney can’t get up. Not yet.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • sga_flashfic: What to Say to Rodney When He's Naked; Or, How Aliens MadeThem (Almost) Do It, by mousewitchy
    What to Say to Rodney When He’s Naked; Or, How Aliens Made Them (Almost) Do It Author: mousewitchy Rated: Hard R/ Soft NC-17 Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Disclaimer: Not mine. Fan-written fiction. Summary: Wherein Teyla gets slave-boys, Rodney gets naked, and John’s hair sends secret signals.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • team_sga: OT4 Link Roundup
    Previous Entry Add to memories! Tell a Friend! Track This Next Entry OT4 Link Roundup It astounds me how much OT4 fic is out there, buried, and the harder I look, the harder it is to find.
    in sga fic with ot4
    post-Sateda OT4
    in sga fic with ot4 by 2 users
  • apple_pi: Mondays need something cheering
    What does all this mean for you? Porn! I don't know where Teyla is in this - she must be off at a harvest ceremony or something. Boy, is she gonna be pissed she missed out. (There's no way I can write the three boys and not at least think of Teyla; no way would she let herself be left out of such a hot trio. So she's implied. Just take my word for it.) I owe this whole idea to hth_the_first and her INSANELY HOT fic Works and Plays Well with Others. I won't tell you why, because then you won't be surprised. But I just - she made me think of this, and I'm very, very grateful. All errors are mine, and feedback and corrections are welcomed with open arms! And chocolate, perhaps.
    in sga fic with ot4
  • apple_pi: post-Sateda OT4
    post-Sateda OT4 tiny snippet
    in sga fic with ot4 by 2 users
  • briar_pipe: Fic: But Just Ourselves (OT4)
    But Just Ourselves Pairing: Team Shep (OT4) Ratings/Warnings: PG-13. Warnings can be found here. Challenge: "Immortality" Word Count: ~550 Author's Note: This is not the fic I'm supposed to be writing. Also, there's clearly a wider universe here, but I have no clue if it's something that should be explored. (And once again - not the fic I'm supposed to be writing. *huffs*) Beta by The Mouse. Blanket inspired by a gift from kaifu's mom, may she never read this, amen. -_-;;
    in sga fic with mpreg ot4
  • gardens & sea, sky - SGA fic: Let Us Go Then, You And I (1/2)
    Let Us Go Then, You And I Author: Sage Rating: NC-17 Pairings: OT4, John/Rodney, John/various slash and het pairings Length: 13,600~ words Author's Notes: This fic was started in early season 2. S3 has jossed Sheppard's characterization a bit, so feel free to consider this a slightly alternate reality. (There are no spoilers past S2.) Title and certain images are from Eliot. Acknowledgments: Many thanks to purna and malnpudl for their brilliant and exceedingly generous betas. Thanks also to thecomingnight for cheerleading. Summary: The love song of Lt. Colonel John Sheppard.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 ot4

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