Version 2.0 by lamardeuse Version 2.0 by lamardeuse ~ for Mav ~ Pairing: Rodney/Ronon Rating: PG-13 Warning: Spoilers for “Tao of Rodney” through “Sunday”. Also one very small spoiler for "Vengeance" you won't even pick up on if you haven't seen the ep. in sga ficwith post-tao_of_rodneyrodneyronon
Ascending Order Ascending Order Team: Angst Prompt: Lost Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Spoilers up to and including 3.20 "First Strike." Summary: "Why build something that, you know, kills you if you can't Ascend? Seems like a pretty big design flaw." AU from "Tao of Rodney." in unread_yet_sgawith mcsheppost-tao_of_rodney