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  • I lost my shoe... - SGA FIC: Gotta Dance!
    Gotta Dance! Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: R Summary: What wouldn't Rodney do for a ZPM?
    with a_scribblinlenore mcshep
  • "And Be One Traveler", by Amireal and Trinityofone
    login: fic pw: of doom
    with mcshep
  • 3daychallenge: International 'What did you say about my mama?' Day Challenge!
    Lorne in Atlantis, SGA, PG13 ltlj 2007-06-04 04:27 pm (local) (link) Track This Trying to post, hope this works: This is a Retrograde story, and follows First Impressions.
    with lorne retrograde
  • a fragment of angry candy - new SGA fic: visiting hours (1/2)
    visiting hours (1/2) Sheppard/McKay, vague spoilers for Trinity, adult content.
    with mcshep post-trinity
  • Advent Atlantis: Countdown to Season 4 - Ficlet: Of Two Hours
    Title: Of Two Hours Author: tigs Characters: Zelenka, McKay/Sheppard (but not explicit) Rating: Teen. Pretty mild. Disclaimer: Unfortunately none of them are mine. So sad. Summary: Most days, Radek appreciates it, how he and Rodney can communicate in half sentences.
    with mcshep
  • aesc: .fic: Ariadne - Teyla, team (R)
    Ariadne, hard R (implied Teyla/Carson, pre-McKay/Sheppard; ~5,300) atlantisbasics fic for wojelah, who wanted something about Teyla and how the rest of the team views her. This came out a bit more as how Teyla views her team, but I hope you like it :> Notes: This fic contains brief mentions of implied rape/non-consensual sex. They are, however, very fleeting (mostly alluded to and not described in detail). To talk about them more kind of gives away the rest of the story, though the circumstances come out in the first few paragraphs--but I thought I'd issue the warning in case.
    with team teyla
  • And All the World Beneath
    sga/spn cross over. (jaq rec)
    with crossover long
  • anotheratlantis: FIC: Lie to Me, madeline871, Rodney/John, NC-17
    Lie to Me (1/2) Author: madeline871 Pairing: Rodney/John Rating: NC-17 Warnings: none A/N: Prompt: The only thing which Dr Rodney McKay knew about James Carter — his darkly handsome new boyfriend with the perpetual bedhead and the sinful smirk — was that he's been lying to Rodney. In fact, Rodney's not even sure that James is his real name. So why on Earth is Rodney falling in love with him anyway? Extra special thanks to the_cephalopod for the beta.
    with au mcshep
  • apple_pi: More snippets!
    More snippets! The first SGA responses to my "Everybody Falls in Love!" request for prompts. I'm hoping to come up with a few more. Rated about... oh, say, teen.
    with a_apple_pi mschep
  • Are You Happy Now?
    I felt "Sanctuary" (S1 x 14) deserved something of an epilogue. So I wrote one. Many thanks to Lamardeuse for beta! Are You Happy Now? by Kass
    with mcshep
  • Area 52: Loving Rodney
    Loving Rodney by Lady Ra
    with mcshep
  • artword: Challenge 008B: By the End of April
    By the End of April Author/Artist: lavvyan with lovely art by smuffster Pairing: McKay/Sheppard (slash) Rating: R for intense situations and the occasional swearword Warnings: May squick a little. People die (neither John nor Rodney, though). Wordcount:: ~10,200 (for me, that's practically a book *g*) Author's Notes: Extra thanks to pegasus_01 and kuna_yashmaa for pointing out very helpful material on emergency procedures for subway trains – if those are screwed up, I managed that all by myself. :) Let's all pretend that this is some cheap action movie.
    with au mcshep
  • as lost as you get
    post epiphany
    with mcshep
  • Ascending Order
    Ascending Order Team: Angst Prompt: Lost Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Spoilers up to and including 3.20 "First Strike." Summary: "Why build something that, you know, kills you if you can't Ascend? Seems like a pretty big design flaw." AU from "Tao of Rodney."
    with mcshep post-tao_of_rodney
  • Atlantis Chat - SGA Fanfiction - Down Where It's Wetter ~ SGA (McShep)
    Down Where It's Wetter Author: icantfollow Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG-13 Author Note: Written for the atlantis_9to5 Comm-a-thon: The One at the Luxury Hotel Resort: Elizabeth Weir: Hotel Manager John Sheppard: Casino Security Guard Rodney McKay: Housekeeping Supervisor or Chief Maintenance Engineer Ronon Dex & Radek Zelenka: Bellhop Teyla Emmagen: Front Desk Representative
    with a_icantfollow au mcshep
  • Atlantis Crew - 9 to 5 - Lantis Cinemas and the Pegasus Cafe by bergann (Teen)
    Title: Lantis Cinemas and the Pegasus Cafe Author: Janne (bergann) Pairing: Slash (John/Rodney) Rating: Teen Author Note: Dedicated to wildebrian, for being an amazing beta and person :) Prompt: #7 Group: The One at the Atlantis Cinema: Elizabeth Weir: Manager Teyla Emmagen: Staff (usher, concessionist, cashier) John Sheppard: Shift Supervisor Rodney McKay: Staff (projectionist, concessionist, cashier, usher) Ronon Dex: Staff (usher, concessionist, cashier) Radek Zelenka: Shift Manager
    with a_bergann au mcshep
  • atlantisbasics: The Boy Who Didn't Need Stories (G), for roaringmice
    The Boy Who Didn't Need Stories Author: wojelah Rating: G Category: gen, or mild pre-ship (Radek/Teyla) Spoilers: None in particular. Summary: Once upon a time, there lived a small boy who had no use for fairy tales. Many years later, his head pounding and blood on his shirt, opening his eyes and finding that he is sitting against a sealed bulkhead, with a ton of debris cutting three of his friends off from their only chance at safety, Radek Zelenka thinks about his grandmother, and the story of the golden bird, and realizes that he might, finally, have started to understand. Recipient requested: a) Ronon observing the Sheppard/McKay dynamic; b) Adventure story where Radek gets hurt but saves the day; c) Teyla and Radek exchanging cultural tokens. This hit
    with gen zelenka
  • Blindsided
    Blindsided by Resonant
    with mcshep
  • blinkie says: sorry, we were just thinking - [fic] SG:A - How Not To Make A Light Bulb
    SG:A - How Not To Make A Light Bulb Clocking in at around 6,900 words (give or take). Written on napkins, MS Word documents, private livejournal entries, and bits of scrap-paper in such glamourous locals as Chicago, New York, Montréal, Detroit, Atlanta, and at least three different airplanes on two different airlines. Suffice to say, not my usual methods, but it's been a helluva trip. Stargate: Atlantis Sheppard/McKay - NC-17 - 40k Written before Season 2, AU from Seige II. Thanks to searchyoursoul for the beta. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to get things right.
    with mcshep nc-17
  • captanddeastar: Fic: The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay (SGA)
    The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay, Plus Other Interesting Stuff Author: Deastar Pairing: McKay / Sheppard (SGA) Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Rating: PG Words: ~13,500 Summary: All of this drama about her tragic love for Lorne has been distracting Elizabeth from her real priority: The Top Secret, Super Awesome, Ass-Kicking, Name-Taking, Huzzah for the Genius Elizabeth, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, And He Shall Reign Forever and Ever Anniversary Present of Unparalleled Magnificence and Splendor. A/N: For Christmas, the Captain asked for McShep+kidfic, Lorne/Parrish a plus. This is the result. Beta'd for posting by the Captain.
    with a_captanddeastar domestic mcshep

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