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  • aesc: .pornlet: for apple_pi (John/Rodney) NC17
    .pornlet: for apple_pi (John/Rodney) NC17 Very much needed decompression in the form of pornlet, a companion to apple_pi's very very unbelievably hot Thursday porn, from Rodney's POV.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: John Never Thought of Rodney That Way (Except When He Did)
    John Never Thought of Rodney That Way (Except When He Did) Author: apple_pi Fandom, Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis; McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Summary: The title pretty much says it all. Cheerful and unrepentant fluff. Disclaimer: Aliens made me do it! And they didn't even pay me. A/N: Many thanks to secrethappiness for excellent beta services. I totally owe her chocolate-covered strawberries Flanigan.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: Wikipedia, thy name is love
    Jesus Christ on a cross, Rodney thought, and he didn't even believe in Jesus. But, if asked, he'd probably convert, if it meant he got to see what he was seeing right now.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • beautiful_game: Fic - Jensen/Jared - The Early Bird Catches The Worm (Or Not)
    The Early Bird Catches The Worm (Or Not) Author: benitle Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Jensen/Jared Word count: Ca. 2,600 Warnings, spoilers: Rimming, real person slash, no spoilers Disclaimer: I am not associated with Jensen or Jared in any way. This is a piece of fiction. It never happened. Summary: Jensen and Jared share an early morning shower.
    in unread_yet with jsquared nc-17
  • Big Yellow Taste - RPS Fic: Learning Curve 1/1 -- Belated Birthday fic for Keepa!!!
    Learning Curve - SPN RPS: Jared/Jensen - Rating: NC-17 - No spoilers. Short and sweet: 2,876 words - Unbeta'ed PWP. A very belated happy birthday ficlet for keepaofthecheez. Sorry! Was meant to go up on, you know, your actual b-day, but thesis-writing prevented the completion of porny fic.
    in cw fic with jsquared nc-17
  • blinkie says: sorry, we were just thinking - [fic] SG:A - How Not To Make A Light Bulb
    SG:A - How Not To Make A Light Bulb Clocking in at around 6,900 words (give or take). Written on napkins, MS Word documents, private livejournal entries, and bits of scrap-paper in such glamourous locals as Chicago, New York, Montréal, Detroit, Atlanta, and at least three different airplanes on two different airlines. Suffice to say, not my usual methods, but it's been a helluva trip. Stargate: Atlantis Sheppard/McKay - NC-17 - 40k Written before Season 2, AU from Seige II. Thanks to searchyoursoul for the beta. Sometimes it takes a couple tries to get things right.
    in unread_yet_sga with mcshep nc-17
  • Camerado - *throws confetti*
    Reciprocity by lamardeuse Rating: NC-17 A/N: Spoilers for “Trio”. A little over 1700 words, because I don't do short.
    in sga fic with a_lamardeuse mcshep nc-17
  • Campfire Law
    Campfire Law Author: ? Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Word count: 11,500 Summary: The summer before college, Rodney the camp counselor meets John the lifeguard at Camp Atlantis. Homesick kids, campfires, and Scooby Doo Mysteries ensue. Notes: This is a total AU, set at a summer camp. Thank you to ? and ?, and I feel compelled to note that this entire thing is ?'s fault, but then I guess turnabout is fair play. Worship God (mm-hmm-hmm). Seek beauty, give service, and knowledge pursue. Be trustworthy ever in all that you do. Hold fast onto health and your work glorify, and you will be happy in the law of Campfire. -- Campfire USA Law
    in sga fic with au mcshep nc-17
  • cathalin - SGA Fic: Decreasing Radii Part 1
    Decreasing Radii Author: Cathalin Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Length: Kind of embarrassing. *Squints* Let’s say 27,000 words Genre: Aliens Made Them Do It (sort of), angst, first time Warnings: None. Unless you are a person for whom AMTDI is a problem, but there’s nothing nonconsensual. The angst isn’t hugely heavy either imo. Spoilers: One for Outcast, one for Harmony; general through about mid-Season 4.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_cathalin mcshep nc-17
  • cathalin: Stargate: Atlantis Fic - "Forty-Two"
    Forty-Two Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC-17 Words: About 6,000 Category: Episode Tag for Quarantine. Spoilers: For Quarantine, stuff before Quarantine Summary: Rodney realizes something, and takes a risk
    in sga fic with a_cathalin mcshep nc-17 post-quarantined
  • chelle | Atlantis slash fan fiction
    Title: There, There Authors: chelle and The Grrrl Authors' emails: and Authors' URL: and Fandom: Atlantis Category: Slash Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Archive: Ask first Rating: NC-17
    Slash fan fiction by chelle based on characters from the television series Stargate Atlantis.
    adult atlantis chelle elizabeth emmagan fan fanfic fiction graphic homoerotic john nc-17 sex slash stargate subtext teyla weir
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle a_thegrrrl2002 mcshep nc-17
  • chelle | Atlantis slash fan fiction
    In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps Author: chelle Author's email: Author's URL: Fandom: Atlantis Archive: Ask first Rating: NC 17 AN: Post "Duet" fic written before "Critical Mass" aired. Thank you to Grrrl and Rachel Saboitni for their criticism.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chelle Atlantis slash fan fiction
    Neighboring Solitudes Author: chelle Author's email: Author's URL: Fandom: Atlantis Archive: Ask first Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC17 AN: A "Duet" AU inspired by Miera and Carolyn Claire. The title was stolen shamelessly from Rilke. Thank you to Grrrl for her patience and criticism.
    Slash fan fiction by chelle based on characters from the television series Stargate Atlantis.
    adult atlantis chelle elizabeth emmagan fan fanfic fiction graphic homoerotic john nc-17 sex slash stargate subtext teyla weir
    in unread_yet with duet mcshep nc-17
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: A Mr. Toe Christmas
    Fic: A Mr. Toe Christmas Authors: thegrrrl2002 and I Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Length: ~7,000 words Category: First Time Summary: Jeannie says Rodney can bring someone special with him at holiday time.
    in sga fic with christmas mcshep nc-17
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Showing
    Showing Fandom: SGA Pairings: John/Rodney/OFC John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: First Time Length: ~5200 words Summary: John Sheppard has never been good at understanding feelings, especially his own. Notes: This one most definitely qualifies as Sunday Porn.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Unexpected
    Unexpected melagan has, according to Yin, declared it Blowjob Friday. Link takes you to John, Rodney, and fellatio.
    in sga fic with mcshep nc-17 snippets
  • chellefic: Fic: A Left-Handed Relationship
    A Left-Handed Relationship Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: First Time Length: ~8,000 words, IIRC Notes: Originally written for the Duet Press <i>Surfacing</i> zines. Thank you to Grrrl for her help with this fic. If I recall correctly, part of it may have been written from her couch. Summary: John's best relationship has always been with his right hand.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mchep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: A Place to Stand
    A Place to Stand Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: Established Relationship Length: ~3300 words Summary: Rodney wants to know what comes after incredible.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: An Inaccurate Telling
    An Inaccurate Telling Authors: chelle and [info]thegrrrl2002 Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC17 Length: ~14,400 words Category: First Time Summary: When the rules change, Rodney is asked, but what he tells isn't precisely accurately. Notes: Grrrl and I played with this one for a while. We were both so busy that it took much longer than our fics usually do. Then she went away on vacation and I was supposed to post it. I was lame and didn't, but now she's back (Yay!) and here it is. I'm incredibly lucky to have a co-writer who is not just talented and fun, but patient.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle a_thegrrrl2002 mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: The Last Test
    The Last Test Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Raiting: NC 17 Category: Established Relationship Summary: When Rodney decides to expand their sexual repetoire, John learns some things he wasn't expecting. Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading it through. For one human being to love another: that is the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test of proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. -- R.M. Rilke
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17

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