- dogeared v-day mcshep snippet
dogeared v-day mcshep snippet
in sga fic with fluff mcshep short
- raina_at: RPS FIC: And the Rest, As they Say, Is History (Jared/Jensen), NC-17, (1/4)
Struggling actor Jensen takes a job as big-shot movie star Jared Padalecki’s dogsitter. And the rest, as they say, is history. Warning: AU RPS. Not much plot. Slightly cracky premise.
in cw fic with fluff jsquared lovely
- sheafrotherdon - how did rodney and john spend valentines day?
A plethora of snippets, and ficlets from a ton of great people. All definately worth a read. (Note: some have been archived on netvouz separately.)
in sga fic with fluff mcshep nc-17 short by 2 users
- ginger ate radioactive green beans - Fic: That Kindergarten AU I Can’t Believe I’m Writing (G)
That Kindergarten AU I Can’t Believe I’m Writing Author: Troll Princess Fandom: CW RPS Pairing: Jensen/Jared Rating: G (... duh.) Author’s note: I hate all of you. ;P (Just pretend they’re all the same age, ‘kay?)
in cw fic with au fluff jsquared mr_morgan_omg
- SGA FIC: Once Upon a Furry Octopus
Once Upon a Furry Octopus Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG Word count: ~6,000 Spoilers: er... not really, although a few vague mentions of stuff in past episodes (up to only Epiphany) Summary: He was an intelligent, intuitive pet, but he wasn’t going to start sniffing out ZPMs or hidden Ancient weaponry or detailed instructions on how to kill a Wraith with a common household item. A pen, for instance.
in sga fic with fluff mcshep pets
- sheafrotherdon: Wee Ficlet: Afterwards
Afterwards by [info]sheafrotherdon ~500 words; post-coital boys.
in sga fic with a_sheafrotherdon fluff mcshep
- crimsonclad: wherein Van Guy is frequently mentioned
wherein Van Guy is frequently mentioned Some more John-is-a-functional-human-being AU! (links to the first three parts)
in sga fic with au fluff mcshep
- dev_earl: got ink?
RPS AU. tattoo artist!jensen for the lovely paz_; because their love is so dorky and obvious, eh, sweets? awesome beta love to unamaga. feedbacks would be loved. :)
in cw fic with au fluff jsquared nc-17 tattoo
- idyll - untitled ot4 kitten fic
where oh where has my shame gone?!?! untitled ot4 kitten fic
in sga fic with fluff ot4
- idyll: Fic: Untitled Cracktasticness
Time Stamp: A week after Rodney brings the dogs home ot4
in sga fic with fluff ot4
- rain_dances: ahhhh!
Check One Author: rain_dances Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not even the idea is totally mine. Summary: John gives Rodney a note.
in sga fic with fluff mcshep
- toft_froggy: Here we go. My first ever SGA fic, writt
Summary: So, McKay was a talker. Like that was a surprise. Fluff, fluff, fluff. Happy new year, everybody. Pillow Talk
in unread_yet with fluff mcshep
fluff from all users