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  • gblvr_lite: SGA: Watch Out for the Flowers (Lorne/Zelenka, rated NC-17)
    Title: Watch Out for the Flowers Fandom/Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis; Lorne/Zelenka Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Not mine, please don't sue! Comments: This one's doing double duty as a story for thepouncer as part of alyse's the Czech is in the Male Thing-a-thon and as a late entry for the lorne_porn Seven Days of Smutmas. (Yes, I did manage both sets of prompts: from thepouncer there was flame, howl & mask and for Smutmas there was public & intent.) Thanks to M., for beta and to lenyia for the Czech translations (at the end).
    in sga fic with a_gblvr lornezelenka nc-17

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