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  • chellefic: Fic: Experiment #24
    Experiment #24 Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Category: Character-driven smut; Established Relationship Rating: NC 17 Length: ~3100 words Notes: Inspired by Grrrl, who kindly read through this for me. Summary: John is half-convinced that Rodney thinks their sex life is a series of experiments.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chelle | Atlantis slash fan fiction
    Title: There, There Authors: chelle and The Grrrl Authors' emails: and Authors' URL: and Fandom: Atlantis Category: Slash Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Archive: Ask first Rating: NC-17
    Slash fan fiction by chelle based on characters from the television series Stargate Atlantis.
    adult atlantis chelle elizabeth emmagan fan fanfic fiction graphic homoerotic john nc-17 sex slash stargate subtext teyla weir
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle a_thegrrrl2002 mcshep nc-17
  • chelle | Atlantis slash fan fiction
    In Which Rodney Dates, John is Curious, and Cadman Helps Author: chelle Author's email: Author's URL: Fandom: Atlantis Archive: Ask first Rating: NC 17 AN: Post "Duet" fic written before "Critical Mass" aired. Thank you to Grrrl and Rachel Saboitni for their criticism.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Laughter, Fantasies and Darkness
    Laughter, Fantasies and Darkness Fandom: Atlantis Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: mild R Category: First Time Length: ~1500 words Spoilers: tiny reference to Missing, and if you haven't seen the ep, you won't notice the reference Summary: There's something about Rodney that makes John talkative.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Thinking Positively
    Thinking Positively Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: PG-13 Length: ~5,000 words Category: First Time with a bit of humor Summary: Set immediately after "Quarantine." John says more than he intended to. Notes: Thank you to thegrrrl2002 and crysothemis, both of whom made invaluable comments on this story.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep post-quarantined
  • chellefic: Fic: A Left-Handed Relationship
    A Left-Handed Relationship Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: First Time Length: ~8,000 words, IIRC Notes: Originally written for the Duet Press <i>Surfacing</i> zines. Thank you to Grrrl for her help with this fic. If I recall correctly, part of it may have been written from her couch. Summary: John's best relationship has always been with his right hand.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mchep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: A Place to Stand
    A Place to Stand Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: Established Relationship Length: ~3300 words Summary: Rodney wants to know what comes after incredible.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: An Inaccurate Telling
    An Inaccurate Telling Authors: chelle and [info]thegrrrl2002 Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: NC17 Length: ~14,400 words Category: First Time Summary: When the rules change, Rodney is asked, but what he tells isn't precisely accurately. Notes: Grrrl and I played with this one for a while. We were both so busy that it took much longer than our fics usually do. Then she went away on vacation and I was supposed to post it. I was lame and didn't, but now she's back (Yay!) and here it is. I'm incredibly lucky to have a co-writer who is not just talented and fun, but patient.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle a_thegrrrl2002 mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: Following Orders
    Following Orders Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: R Length: ~1800 words Category: Humor, First Time Notes: [info]thegrrrl2002 was in a mood earlier this week and she posted a pic of Rodney to illustrate her mood. Inspired, I wrote her a little pick-me-up fic. Summary: Rodney is in a mood.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep
  • chellefic: Fic: The Last Test
    The Last Test Fandom: SGA Pairing: John/Rodney Raiting: NC 17 Category: Established Relationship Summary: When Rodney decides to expand their sexual repetoire, John learns some things he wasn't expecting. Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading it through. For one human being to love another: that is the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test of proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. -- R.M. Rilke
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • chellefic: Fic: The Rite of Nereeth
    The Rite of Nereeth Fandom: SGA Pairings: John/Rodney/OMC, John/Rodney Rating: NC 17 Category: First time Summary: This is the first of five stories in which John and Rodney pretend to be married, only to find that pretending has unanticipated consequences. The stories will not be interconnected. Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading through the beginning. Warnings: There is kink here, not of the BDSM sort, but still kink.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • into this world again
    Into This World Again But if he's all you say Would he fly from heaven To this world again -Toad the Wet Sprocket Rodney had been gone four months, three days, and fifteen hours when he finally stepped through the wormhole from the mid-way station into Atlantis. Not that John had been counting.
    in sga fic with a_mmmchelle mcshep nc-17
  • sga_flashfic: In Defense of Honor by mmmchelle
    In Defense of Honor Author: chelle Challenge: Darkside Pairing: John/Rodney, others implied Rating: G Summary: When John and Rodney's secret is exposed, how far will they go to get even? Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading, brainstorming and encouraging. Additional notes at the end of the story. Spoilers: There is a tiny reference to the season three premiere.
    in Public bookmarks with a_mmmchelle mcshep

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