- Viewing ESL/EFL Blogs
This site has links for ESL/EFL teachers and students to create blogs. (See the blog on bullying.) (Note, some of the links are more appropriate for EFL).
in Technology with blogs technology
- Virtual Field Trips Home
The virtual field trips here at Tramline were developed with the goal of making the best use of the web in the classroom. These annotated trips take students to some of the best web sites on each trip subject. We have a Trailhead (Intro) and Teacher's Resource that set the stage for most of our trips. The TourMaker field trips format makes learning fun, and makes using the Internet in the classroom simple, efficient and focused. You will find virtual field trips on science, literature, social studies, and other topics. Rec. by Annie Kane
in Teacher Resources > Videos Virtual Fieldtrips & Interactive Sites with arts field language math science social studies technology trip virtual
- What is the Big6(TM)? Information Literacy Model
Developed by educators Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is the most widely-known and widely-used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world. The Big6 is an information and technology literacy model and curriculum, implemented in thousands of schools - K through higher education. Some people call the Big6 an information problem-solving strategy because with the Big6, students are able to handle any problem, assignment, decision or task.
in Technology with 6 berkowitz big eisenberg information technology
- actDEN (Digital Education Network) Tutorials for Teachers
Software Tutorials and Online Courses This site was prepared specifically to train teachers on software for educational purposes. It may be appropriate for training the students.(I haven't used it yet, so don't know quality)
High-quality software tutorials and online courses for educators, parents and students of all ages.
course education express free frontpage guide ie4 ie5 k-12 k12 math mathematics online outlook powerpoint toefl toeic tutorial
in Tutorials > PowerPoint and Other Microsoft with classroom powerpoint technology tutorioal
- ELLS Technology Work Group Activities
Technologies like Javascript, Shockwave, RealVideo/Audio, Flash, etc. have been adopted into English education to make learning more interactive and authentic. The following are sample web sites of English e-learning organized according to different domains of learning. (Be selective. Many are for English as a foreign language or not in a meaningful context. There are grammar videos if students want an explanation of a grammar point.)
in Technology with ells technology
- Interactive Whiteboards in Classes
This article describes benefits of using interactive whiteboards in classes. Helpful to ELLs and special ed because of the diverse modalities. See the images, touch the screen to move objects etc. Students fingers function as a mouse to select and drag.
Twenty-three sixth-graders at Sterling Middle School got a combined lesson in current events, physical science and new technology last week when a cartoon boy named Tim and a robot called Moby answered the question, "Where do hurricanes come from?"
in Technology with ells technology whiteboard
- Technology in the ESL Classroom | Technology in the ESL Classroom |
By Cinnie Wappel A wide variety of interactive technologies are now available to help both students and teachers in English language instruction.
in Technology with technology wappel
- 20 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have
in Technology with 20 educator skills technology
- Ask Jeeves Answer Computer Skills for Information Problem-Solving Learning and Teaching Technology in Context
in Technology with answer computer information jeeves learning problem-solving skills technology
- Ask Jeeves Answer Integrating Technology The Ultimate Lesson Plan Page
in Technology with answer integrating jeeves lesson page plan technology ultimate
- Beginner's Guide to Internet
in Technology with beginners guide internet technology
- BrainPOP
Health, Science, Technology, Math, movies for Kids.
Animated Science, Health, Technology, Math, Social Studies, Arts & Music and English movies, quizzes, activity pages and school homework help for K-12 kids, aligned with state standards
and animation arts education english health help homework math music quizzes science social standards state studies technology
in Science and Math with health kids math movies science technology
- Bringing the Outside In:Visual Ways to Engage Reluctant Readers:
Review entire book online. Sara Kajder's demonstrates myriad ways to employ the technology interests and talents studens have outside the classroom into the classroom. See multiple examples of student work, demostrating how she adapts the curriculum to incorporate an expanded definition of literacy and literacy tools.
Stenhouse books and videos help K-12 teachers deepen their professional knowledge and build their students' skills as readers, writers, and thinkers.
based classroom coaches development flu groups leaders literacy management site staff stenhouse study teacher teachers training
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy with computers engage readers reluctant technology visual
- CNET Today
Technology News
Tech news and business reports by CNET News. Focused on information technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software, networking, and Internet media.
agency computing internet news reporting technology
in Diverse Modalities > Media with media modalities news technology by 19 users
- CurriculumTechnology Quarterly
in Technology with curriculumtechnology quarterly technology
- Engaged Learning and Technology Assessment Profile Tool
in Assessment with assessment engaged learning profile technology tool
- Enhance Learning .Technology and Tutorials
in Tutorials with enhance learning technology tutorials
- FlamingText.com Examples
in Technology with examples technology by 3 users
- Free online Tutorials
in Technology with free online technology tutorials
- Learning with Technology
in Technology with learning technology
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