Class Profile Maker from Teaching Every Student The UDL Class Profile Maker helps you learn to use the UDL framework of the three learning brain networks to understand your students better. The UDL Class Profile Maker Tutorial gives you practice in using the UDL framework to develop a class profile of strengths, challenges, and interests. The UDL Class Profile Maker Tool structures you online as you develop a class learning profile for your own students. The UDL Class Learning Profile Template is a downloadable template you can use on screen or in print to develop your own class learning profile. in Diverse Modalitieswith interestneedsprofilereadinessstudenttemplatetoolby 2 users
Intel Education: Channels: en: ThinkingTools: Seeing Reason Tool Cause-and-effect relationships can get pretty complex. Seeing Reason Tool is a classroom workspace for investigating cause-and-effect relationships in complex systems. At the heart of Seeing Reason is an interactive mapping tool that helps students map relationships and construct models of their understanding. The tool is easy to use and supports investigation of causal factors and relationships across grade levels and subject areas. Student maps are saved online in a project workspace set up by the teacher. in Graphic Organizerswith cause-effectgraphiclessonsorganizersprojectstool