- Pete's Power Point Station
A Collection of FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format for K-12 Teachers and Students Note: The site also contains some multimedia presentations for sale.
in Technology with multimedia powerpoint technology video by 2 users
- Renaissance Learning, software, web-based or inhouse
Renaissance Solutions for reading, math, writing, standards mastery, and English language acquisition give educators something they've never had before—timely, accurate, objective information they can use to personalize instruction and accelerate learning for students of all ages and abilities.
in Technology with assessment software technology web-based by 2 users
- Rubicon.com - Atlas Curriculum Mapping - Atlas Capabilities
Atlas is a customizable, web-based application designed to electronically encompass the process of curriculum mapping which facilitates collaboration among teachers across subjects, grades and schools. Its extensions go beyond just recording and reporting, to the sharing of curriculum strategies with administrators, superintendents, boards of trustees and parents. Armed with the most current and enhanced curriculum information, educators and administrators alike are empowered to make complex curriculum decisions in order to advance and improve the learning experience of all students on a continuum. Shared by Roger Johnson
in Curriculum Development with atlas curriculum mapping technology
- Scholastic.com | Teachers: Science Interactives
Scholastic.com and MSNBC are proud to present interactive activities on a variety of topics. Explore these science interactive activities to learn more about space, science, and technology
Online interactive learning and reading activities for students PreK-12
activities for interactive learning online reading students
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with earthquake interactive science space technology
- SciLinks Tour
SciLinks is a free service—all you need is a SciLinks-enabled textbook and a computer connected to the World Wide Web. And SciLinks is easy to use—just log on to the SciLinks site and enter a SciLinks number from the margin of your textbook. You will be offered a smorgasbord of teacher-approved Internet resources tied to that specific point in your book! Tools for generating question pools for tests are also available. If you have just one book from the several companies that provide this resource, you would know the codes to access the selected sites.
in Science and Math > SCIENCE ONLY with assessment computer questions science technology
- StrategyTools.org
The StrategyTools Coach web site is designed to help you learn about Strategy Tools. You can view the tools, listen to others talk about using the tools, and practice making some tools for different uses. At this web site, you can download Strategy Tools to use in school and home on your own and get more information. Select Home for more info
in Career and Technical Education, PE and Specials > Consumer Education with consumer interactive resources student technology tools
- StrategyTools.org - Welcome!
The StrategyTools Coach web site is designed to help you learn about Strategy Tools. You can view the tools, listen to others talk about using the tools, and practice making some tools for different uses. At this web site, you can download Strategy Tools to use in school and home on your own and get more information.
in Student Resources with budget consumer interactive resources stratgies student technology tools
- Teacher Magazine: Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards
Published: January 27, 2010 By Bill Ferriter Article about how interactive whiteboards are doing nothing to make the classroom less teacher-centered.
in Technology with bill ferriter technology whiteboards
- Teacher Printables Section
Teachnology provides multiple free printable resources for teachers. There are also many additional resources for a yearly subscription fee.
In this section of our site we feature all the items that you can print outside of your standard worksheets.
in Teacher Resources > Teacher Tools with games printable skills spelling technology words worksheets by 2 users
- Teachers: Content Literacy
This section of Literacy Matters provides you with up-to-date and practical information about why and how to use technology tools as an integral part of reading and writing instruction. The information is divided into three sub-sections: Technology and Writing Technology and Reading Technology and Communicating
in Technology with literacy reading strategies technology
- Teachers' Domain: Inspiring Middle School Literacy (video)
These self-paced classroom activities are designed to enhance the literacy skills of struggling readers in grades 5–8. Each uses videos, interactive activities, note-taking, reading, and writing to present students with an engaging science or history topic.
in Literacy > Storytime: Diverse Modalities with literacy math science social studies technology videos
- Teachers' lessons go viral on education video Web site
January 5, 2009 Article By KATHERINE LEAL UNMUTH / The Dallas Morning News kunmuth@dallasnews.com Just as YouTube gave regular people a stage to become famous, teachers such as Valentine are now sharing videos and gaining attention beyond the confines of their classrooms.
in Teacher Resources > Videos Virtual Fieldtrips & Interactive Sites with lessons technology videos youtube
- TeachNet
Lesson Plans This website provides lesson plans created by teachers for lessons at the high school, middle school, and elementary levels in a variety of subject areas, including business & careers and technology & media. The lesson bank is supported by TeachNet, which seeks to help teachers use web-based technology in their practice.
in Teacher Resources > Lesson Planning with career lesson planning technology
- Technology in Education
Interactive Webcast New Research on K–12 Online Learning: Guidance for Policy and Practice Thursday, December 1
in Technology with online technology
TESL : CALL This is a sub-page of The Internet TESL Journal's TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Links Links of Interest to Teachers and Students of English as a Second Language
in Technology with call grammar pronunciation skills technology tesol writing
- The Center for Teaching History with Techology
The Center for Teaching History with Technology aims to help K-12 history and social studies teachers incorporate technology effectively into their courses.
in Social Studies with history social studies technology
- THWT Edublogger: History Applications
Best Edublogging Practices in the Humanities The best edublogging activities for the humanities fall into two broad categories, reflection/analysis and simulation/role-playing.
in Social Studies with humanities reflection role-playing simulations technology
- Tramline - the Virtual Field Trips Company, Home of TourMaker Software
Your students can use TourMaker software to create online VFTs, reports and presentations that can be shared anytime, anywhere using the most current news and information available!
in Technology with field software technology trip virtual
- Use of Technolgoy Tools for Large Scale Science Assessment:
Implications for Assessment Practice and Policy at the State Level Guellmalz & Hartel from the Center for Tech. in Ed. SRI International discuss the lack of alignment between current educational goals and standardized tests. They suggest using technology tools to assess standards for critical thinking and understandings that are not readily assessed through pencil and paper tests.
in Assessment with alignment assessment curricular technology tools
- using technology in esl - About.com
English as 2nd Language Articles about using technology for teaching ESL as a second language. Note: many of the technology lessons are more for teaching English as a foreign language (more survival language, etc.) but the technology can be applied to sheltered instruction and content-based ESL
in Technology with about blogs technology
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