- CREDE Standards for Effective Teaching and Learning
The Standards for Effective Pedagogy and Learning were established through CREDE research, and through an extensive analysis of the research and development literature in education and diversity. The Standards represent recommendations on which the literature is in agreement, across all cultural, racial, and linguistic groups in the United States, all age levels, and all subject matters. Thus, they express the principles of effective pedagogy for all students. Even for mainstream students, the Standards describe the ideal conditions for instruction; but for students at-risk of educational failure, effective classroom implementation of the Standards is vital. The research consensus can be expressed as five standards.
Find Lesson Plans, Diversity Activities and more at Crede.org. Get the best of Cultural Diversity or Teacher Lesson Plan, browse our section on Teaching Strategies or learn about Printable Worksheets. Crede.org is the site for Lesson Plans.
activities cultural diversity lesson plans
in Administrators > Indicators of Effective Learning & Teacher Assessment with diversity education effective evaluation research self-assessment standards teachers
- CREDE - Six Standards Worksheet
CREDE colleagues in Greenland have adapted the Standards for Effective Pedagogy to traditional Greenland values, and to their new reformed classrooms. Student perceptions of their classroom activities are invaluable in providing feedback to teachers. This rating scale is easy to administer and helps to involve students in building a community of learners.
Find Lesson Plans, Diversity Activities and more at Crede.org. Get the best of Cultural Diversity or Teacher Lesson Plan, browse our section on Teaching Strategies or learn about Printable Worksheets. Crede.org is the site for Lesson Plans.
activities cultural diversity lesson plans
in Assessment with assessment crede self-assessment standards
- Language Assistance Planning and Self-Assessment Tool
This two-part document is intended to assist organizations that receive Federal financial assistance in their strategic planning efforts to ensure that program goals and objectives address meaningful access for all of the people they serve or encounter, including those who are limited-English proficient.
in Administrators > English Language Learners with assistance federal finances financial grant self-assessment strategic tool
- NCREL's Indicators of Engaged Learning
This is an online tool for teacher self-assessment.For each category there is a description of the indicator and examples that fall along a continuum. There are three examples for each indicator. This activity is intended to be a tool to help you think through the kinds of activities you use to help your students learn. This rubric was not developed specificaly for ELLs, but the indicators would be relevant. Others specific to language objectives for ELLs would also be needed.
in Administrators > Indicators of Effective Learning & Teacher Assessment with administrator. rubric self-assessment teacher
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