- (( litefeeds )) mobile RSS
a Mobile RSS reader that synchronizes with your online RSS subscriptions.
Mobile RSS and Web-Based Reader. View images, post to your blog, bookmark items and receive alerts. Synchronize with your phone. Optimized for your phone or PDA. Feeds are cached,compressed and easy to browse
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds mobile rss syndication by 5 users
- Blogdigger Groups - Beta
Blogdigger Groups allows you to combine the contents of two or more blogs making the combined content easily accessible all at once. You can create a Blogdigger Group using any blogs that have RSS feeds. Once you specify the feeds that comprise your Blogdigger Group you will be able to view the posts from those feeds, sorted by date, and even export your group in OPML or OCS, or subscribe to your Blogdigger Group as an RSS feed.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogs feeds rss syndication web2.0 web_tech by 4 users
- Feed Digest : Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds
With FeedDigest, mix, filter and republish or syndicate feeds to HTML, JavaScript, WAP or PHP, or to a new feed.
Professional service that blends and converts RSS and Atom feeds to other formats for publishing
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds rss syndication by 24 users
- FeedCatch - RSS archiver by FeedShake.com
What is FeedCatch? It is a free service by FeedShake for archiving headlines in an RSS feed. Usually, RSS feeds give you a limited number of latest news, articles , links etc... When a new item is listed the oldest one is deleted from that feed. This is not a problem unless the webpage is updated too often. To make it easier to follow your feeds, you can use this service. Every item will stay in this feed forever or until you follow its link and/or it gets too old. There is a useful article about FeedCatch on ResearcBuzz.
in Public bookmarks with feeds rss service syndication tech
- FeedShake - Merge , sort and filter RSS feeds
Feedshake tool helps you to generate new feeds by merging, sorting and filtering existing online RSS feeds. This service doesn't require any subscription nor e-mail adress.
FeedShake is a free service for merging , sorting , filtering and hosting multiple RSS feeds
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in Public bookmarks with aggregator feed feeds reader rss syndication web2.0
- MediaTuner - Rich Media RSS Aggregator Reader and Player
MediaTuner, an easy-to-use webbased Rich Media Aggregator and Player. <br><br> MediaTuner allows you to easily manage both Text and Rich Media RSS Feeds, all through your browser. <br><br> With the proprietary MediaTuner Universal Player/Viewer, you can view and listen to: <br><br> Video Blogs, Podcasts, Images, Streaming Video, Audio, Text Blogs and News.
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in CMS with aggregator blogs feeds reader rss syndication by 3 users
- Microsoft exec defends RSS rebranding | InfoWorld | News | 2005-08-15 | By Elizabeth Montalbano, IDG News Service
A MicrosoftNetwork (MSN) executive is defending Microsoft's rebranding of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) into "Web feeds" after a flurry of Microsoft bloggers accused the software giant of trying to recast the Web-site syndication technology in its own image.
Others decry proposal, saying the software giant is trying to recast the technology in its own image
internet operating systems
in Public bookmarks with feeds microsoft rss syndication
- RSS Ping
RSS Ping combines RSS item metadata with site update information. It enhances the current ping specification, adding information about exactly what has been updated or published, with the notification that something has been updated. RSS Ping reduces the need to revisit or work done by aggregators and search engines when revisiting the publisher site after being pinged, to provide truly real-time updates for information on the Web.
in Public bookmarks with ping rss syndication web2.0
- The Personal Bee
The Personal Bee is a "discovery engine" that helps you discover information from a collection of RSS feeds. In contrast, client-based RSS readers and web-based RSS aggregators merely catalog your RSS feeds. These tools are adequate if you subscribe to fewer than 5-10 news sources per topic of interest. Compared to RSS search engines, the Bee captures the latest "buzz words" in a topic area without requiring you to pre-specify search terms.
Blog search, breaking news, photos, and videos, on the latest headlines, business, entertainment, lifestyle, politics, sports, and technology. See what and who is most popular in the blogosphere.
in Public bookmarks with aggregator blogs feeds reader rss syndication by 6 users
- Tim Yang’s Geek Blog » Feed Digest : Mix, convert, and syndicate RSS and Atom feeds
Feeddigest is finally released and it has all the features I’d been waiting for. It’s like RSSmix and Bloglines in one. You can combine feeds and there’s an interface where I can see and control all my mixes. There’s even a built-in online feed reader. When the statistics feature comes into play, Feedburner will have a competitor. http://feeddigest.com/
in Public bookmarks with aggregator feeds rss syndicate syndication
- XML.com: Secure RSS Syndication
I have a problem. It's actually a pretty common problem. I have data that I want to syndicate to myself, but I don't want you to see it. It's private. Now this could be my credit card balance or internal bug reports for the day job. Either way, I want the information in a form suitable for syndication but not available to everyone.
Joe Gregorio hacks a Greasemonkey script to make his browser decrypt a Blowfish-encrypted RSS channel on the fly.
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in Public bookmarks with encryption firefox greasemonkey rss security syndication xml by 2 users
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