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  • En guide på svenska om hur man krypterar ett USB minne
    Att kryptera sitt USB minne kan vara bra av många orsaker. En orsak kan vara att om man har känslig, personlig information på USB minnet, och råkar tappa bort det så är det inte så kul om den personen som hittar det kan se just den informationen.
    in Public bookmarks with freeware guide howto security usb by 2 users
  • HOW TO - Getting Started with RSS
    RSS has become a valuable technology for everything from casual web users to webmasters. According to a recent Yahoo survey only 12% of internet users are aware of RSS and a mere 4% have knowingly used RSS. RSS exists as a means to gather and display information quickly and easily. By the end of this article, you should know what RSS is and how to use it to make your life easier.
    in Public bookmarks with guide howto rss
  • Digital TV to AVI Conversion Guide
    Digital TV capture cards are now available on the market, and you can now capture high definition streams onto your PC. Unfortunately, these streams tend to be huge in size. Naturally, a highly compressive format like DivX would be a great format to convert these streams into.
    in Public bookmarks with digitaltv guide howto
  • Doom9 - Codec shoot out 2005
    Doom9 has once again made his big codec comparison guide: "Welcome ladies and gentleman, to the main round of the 2005 codec comparison." "Just like last year, we have a new first timer: XviD AVC. Yes, you read right, the XviD team has whipped up an MPEG-4 AVC encoder which makes its testing debut right here. Because the codec is yet unreleased and still very young, I allowed a late submission, the build I tested only arrived 4Li days after the deadline, a courtesy which will of course only be extended once."
    in Public bookmarks with codec comparison guide video
  • HC Guide - Doom9 guide to a freeware MPEG-2 encoder
    “What does HC stand for? I guess Hank’s mpeg-2 enCoder would fit since the author goes by the name of Hank. Either way, HC has quickly developed into a very interesting alternative to expensive MPEG-2 encoders like CCE SP. I leave it up to you to decide which one is better, but you can certainly not beat the pricetag - and many applications using MPEG-2 encoders have been quick to support HC as well.”
    in Public bookmarks with encoder freeware guide mpeg2 video videoedit videotools

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