- CyberBee
This is a great site for teachers looking for more ways to integrate technology into their classroom. Look to the Curriculum Ideas, How Tos, Treasure Hunts, and the fine articles to give you fresh ideas. (
in Technology with bee cyberbee lesson planning technology by 4 users
- Differentiated Instruction Using Technology: A Guide for Middle and High School Teachers
Like Amy Benjamin’s other books, this one is easy to read and simple to implement. It demonstrates that you can manage the complexities of differentiated instruction – and save time -- by using technology as you teach. It showcases classroom-tested activities and strategies which are easy to apply in your own classroom. Brief Contents - Tiered Tasks - Unit Menus - Constructing Learning Centers and Stations - Differentiated Instruction in Whole-Class Instruction - E-Communications - Using Databases to Make Instructional Decisions - Models
in Public bookmarks with amy benjamin differentiation technology
- ECS Education Policy Issue Site
Technology This site was recommended by ASCD as a resource for educators. Technology research, etc.
education policy technology
in Technology with research technology
- Edublogs - education blogs
This site is designed to make blogging for teachers and students easy. Effortlessly create and manage students blogs.
in Technology with blogs teacher technology tools by 14 users
- Education World ® Technology Center: Searching with Savvy,
Part 3: Time-Saving Shortcuts and Strategies Tips for searching the web quickly. See part 1 for Best Search Engines, Part 2 for searching and getting what you are looking for
Members of the Education World Tech Team discuss the technology they use to help students with special needs keep up with their classmates, and to help students with special abilities extend their learning beyond the standard curriculum.
in Technology with technology websearch
- Education World ® Technology Center: The Best Search Engines
Two basic kinds of search tools can help you find what you're looking for on the Web -- search engines and search directories. See Part 2 and 3 for speed in searching
The Best Search Engines
in Search Engines with engines search technology
- eSchool News online article about reading in high school,
Article search for "Tech helps teach content reading skills". Substantial experience reading complex texts in high school is a key indicator of college success, according to a new report from the not-for-profit ACT. The report calls on schools to incorporate the reading of more complex texts to boost students' reading skills--a challenge that some schools already are meeting with the help of technology.
Description Stuff
keyword stuff
in Literacy > Reading Strategies with high reading school tech technology
- Evalutech (Reviews of software and printed resources)
EvaluTech offers expanded access to resources that are aligned with the work of the Educational Technology Cooperative. It is committed to providing high-quality information to K-20 education agencies —states' departments of education and higher education agencies— in the 16 states. EvaluTech grew out of a partnership between the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the Southern Regional Education Board to create an online, keyword-searchable database of reviews of instructional materirals (over 10,000 recommended reviews of software and print resources.) Recommended by ASCD
in Technology with reviews technology
- Focus On Grammar Interactive (Online Product)
Focus on Grammar Interactive, the five-level, integrated-skills grammar course, is now available online. Students can log in from home, from the lab, or from any location with Internet access. Teachers can customize the course, manage their class, set assignments, and monitor students’ progress with the program’s easy-to-use management tools. Learn more!
in English as a New Language > Grammar for ELLs with focus grammar online secondary technology
- Gettech.org
GetTech Careers This site provides introductory information on many tech careers. It also has links for teacher support and other resources for students.
in Career and Technical Education, PE and Specials with careers technology
- Getting tuned in iPod-enhanced reading a hit
This article is about using iPods for audio-books as a support for teaching students to read. The users in a middle school site benefits to ELLs C.L. Lopez, Staff Writer San Bernardino County Sun
in Diverse Modalities with adolescents ipods reading technology
- Glencoe eSolutions
Product for sale. "Integrate Academics and Technology into the Classroom with Glencoe TechCONNECT!" Because this product teaches keyboarding and other computer skills integrated with JH content, it seems a possible resource for computer classes for ELLs.
in Technology with computer content glencoe resources technology
- Grockit | CrunchBase Profile
Grockit is an online social learning game company. It currently offers GMAT and SAT test prep games. Grockit believes that people learn better through peer-to-peer situations instead of teacher-to-student, and they are building their companies’ products around this idea. Grockit is a play on the word ‘grok’ which means to understand something so well it becomes part of you. Their main competitors include online courses offered by The Princeton Review and Kaplan. (subscription site, article in ASCD)
in Student Resources with games grockit sat study technology
- Internet Resources for use in English/Language Arts classes in MS and HS
This site contains multiple links for Language Arts teachers. The links were compiled by Internet 4 teachers, an organization dedicated to promoting more effective use of the internet by educators. Online stories available.
in Language Arts with games grammar pronunciation stories technology terms vocabulary
- ISTE | Home (International Society for Tech. in Ed.
This resource is recommended for teachers by ASCD
in Technology with technology by 8 users
- Make Me a Story (Digital Storytelling)
Stenhouse Publishers Make Me a Story by Lisa Miller demonstrates the power of digital storytelling as a tool for teaching writing and engaging students. It takes teachers step-by-step through all the elements of a project, from research through putting the story together on the computer. Includes a CD with 27 student examples.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > Literacy > Writing with digital lisa miller technology writing
- National Center for Technology Planning
this technology site is recommended for educators by ASCD
in Technology with technology
- NEA: ELL Web Technology Resource List
NEA Today ELL WEB TECHNOLOGY RESOURCE LIST Compiled by Frank Hernandez, a Program Advisor of the ELL Unit at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL)
in English as a New Language > About ELLs and Great Resources with bibliography hernandez nea resources technology
- New Ways in Teaching English at the Secondary Level
New Ways in Teaching English at the Secondary Level Deborah J. Short, Editor (1999) This book is a collection of activities suited to meet the demands of education at the secondary level, both in ESL and EFL settings.
in Books & Videos/DVDs: Professional Development > English Language Learners with secondary short technology
- Overcoming the Fear of Blogs: Teaching Critical Skills, Learning About Your Learners
ASCD 2006 Anual conference blog, Chicago, IL April 1-Educators who attended "Blogs: How Do They Fit Into Teaching?" had numerous questions for presenter Erica Brownstein about the risks of using blogs in the classroom, but she pointed out that "students are blogging anyway," and challenged the attendees: "What if you took that energy and brought it to your classroom?" 3
in Technology with ascd blogs technology
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