Grockit | CrunchBase Profile Grockit is an online social learning game company. It currently offers GMAT and SAT test prep games. Grockit believes that people learn better through peer-to-peer situations instead of teacher-to-student, and they are building their companies’ products around this idea. Grockit is a play on the word ‘grok’ which means to understand something so well it becomes part of you. Their main competitors include online courses offered by The Princeton Review and Kaplan. (subscription site, article in ASCD) in Student Resourceswith gamesgrockitsatstudytechnology
Online games - SAT and GRE Games and Info Prepared by Sheppard Software The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are both essential to getting into competitive colleges. Our online games are a great tool to help refresh and enhance your vocabulary and prepare you to get a great score on either exam. Hear the pronunciation of the word. The words are not in context but can be helpful for motivated learners who can read the definitions and examples. Unique online games - hear SAT and GRE vocabulary words pronounced. Play games to match words with their meanings and learn the use of words in context. Definitions of all vocabulary words are provided. in Literacy > Vocabularywith gamesgrepronunciationsatvocabularyby 2 users