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- Cynical-C
"Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth" - Lillian Hellman
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- Dark Roasted Blend: Fantastic Art by Tomasz Maronski
Tomasz Maronski paints fascinating forms, which seem to originate from some smoky subconscious realm, then morph into entirely different kingdoms and realities and surround the viewer with the sultry and somewhat dangerous ambiance. They remind me of some "Pan's Labyrinth" movie concept art. See for yourself. With the artist's personal permission, here are some of the highlights of his exceptional work <<giger>>
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with blogs design by 14 users
- dazibao
Big-character posters (Traditional Chinese 大字報, Simplified Chinese 大字报, pinyin dàzìbào, literally "big-character journal") are handwritten, wall-mounted posters using large-sized Chinese characters, used as a means of protest, propaganda, and popular communication. They have been used in China since imperial times, but became more common when literacy rates rose after the 1911 revolution. They have also incorporated limited-circulation newspapers, excerpted press articles, and pamphlets intended for public display.
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- de ijslandse taal
Op IJsland spreekt men een eigen taal: het (nieuw-)IJslands, een verbastering van het Oudnoors. Het IJslands is een Germaanse taal uit de Scandinavische groep. Er wordt niet aan getwijfeld, dat de taal niet of nauwelijks is veranderd sinds het moment dat de vikingen (de eerste bewoners) de taal in de 9e eeuw het land binnenbrachten. De taal is van oorsprong dan ook een taal van boeren en vissers. In het IJslandse alfabet zijn daardoor nog letters overgebleven, die in de rest van Europa verdwenen zijn. Het is een van de oudste, levende talen in Europa. Hoewel er wel wat buitenlandse invloeden te merken zijn, zijn de schrijftaal en de grammatica nauwelijks veranderd.
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- Digital History: Trailers of Historically Significant Films: (In alphabetical order)
Digital History enhances history teaching and research through primary sources, an online textbook, extensive reference resources, and interactive materials.
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- Discussion traditional bows in contemporary warfare (photo intensive) - Archery - Primitive Bows - Bowmaking/Archery Discussion
I noticed a photoseries from Kenia, Africa. I don't know the exact details, but it is stated that in the beginning of March, members of the Kalenjin and Kisii-tribe were fighting for land. This happened in the Olmelil valley, western Kenia. Twenty deaths are reported. The reason why I am posting this, is of course because of the bows and arrows, which are clearly visible in the photos. I am amazed by the size of both arrows and bows. I just wanted to share these photos about traditional bws still being used by tribes for warfare. Discussion is welcom
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- Django | The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed and used over two years by a fast-moving online-news operation, Django was designed to handle two challenges: the intensive deadlines of a newsroom and the stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. It lets you build high-performing, elegant Web applications quickly. Django focuses on automating as muc
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
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- English Russia » Holes in the Ground
From the end of 1980s a strange phenomena is happening in some Russian forests. People find strange, deep holes. They appear in the dense forest, in the places you can’t get on the car or truck to bring any device to drill the ground. There is no any soil that should be taken from such deep holes is found. On this pictures people go down to one of such holes but it just finishes with nothing. There are no any reasonable ideas on how these holes appear and what they are being used for.
Interesting news from Russia in English language.
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- Explore The World - 歪酷博客 Yculblog.com
Explore The World
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With the contribution photograph, they are the contents which make a certain visual, but. Clicking, when it chooses one photograph, that it starts flowing as an animated picture. From k tie and being able to contribute from PC, it corresponds to also [burogupatsu]. What they are the challenge contents.
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- FLICKA: photoshoping cosmopolitan cover
She's a model and she's looking good I'd like to take her home that's understood She plays hard to get, she smiles from time to time It only takes a camera to change her mind She's going out tonight but drinking just champagne And she has been checking nearly all the men She's playing her game and you can hear them say She is looking good, for beauty we will pay She's posing for consumer products now and then For every camera she gives the best she can I saw her on the cover of a magazine Now she's a big success, I want to meet her again <<photoshop>>
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- FlixFlux: The Ultimate Torrent Site for Films
Find torrents for the latest films and dvd releases
The ultimate torrent site for films, combining bittorrent search results with film information, making it easy to find new film releases.
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- Free Dynamic Phrase for Internet IP Address Websites and Visitors - IP2Phrase
IP2Phrase™ allows you to insert dynamic customizable welcome messages to your web page with geographical information.You can either design your own phrase or use one of our defaults. Our service requires no sign up or registration - just cut and paste this very small piece of javascript code onto your home page. However, we required a text backlink to our website.
Free dynamic phrase for webmaster based on visitor's geographical locations and network information. Free usage and no registration required.
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- garytaxali.com
"The work of Gary Taxali takes a basically juvenile bibliophilic impulse - doodling in the leaves of borrowed books - to a more artistically sophisticated level. The books he appropriates aren't the precious kind one sees fashioned into delicate, romantic assemblage works but the thick, hardy sort that fill high school libraries and suffer the consequent abuse. He arranges their covers and pages in grids of varying sizes and embellished these grids with an entertaining cast of cartoonish characters, random words and phrases, and icons of one sort and another. There (sic) is an appealing sense of play, drawn from childhood but supported by a mature iconographic sensibility."
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- Gateway: Why Operation Sealion Wouldn't Work
The Second World War has always been a favorite stomping ground of alternate historians, especially the writers of alternate history novels. Probably the most popular single alternate history in the western world is one where the Nazis win the war. In order to accomplish this, the creators of many timelines utilize Operation Sealion, a German plan in 1940 for the invasion of Britain. Unfortunately, what most don't realize is that Sealion was nothing more than a pipe dream - utterly unworkable in any alternate history at all similar to the history we are familiar with. In this essay, I will examine the various reasons why Operation Sealion would not work, and could not be made to work (without _extremely_ large changes) in an alternate timeline. Check out my
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