- Beyond The Beyond | playground for global guerrillas | By Bruce Sterling 100201
No rules: Internet security a Hobbesian "state of nature" Ars Technica By Nate Anderson | Last updated February 1, 2010
Life in cyberspace can be nasty, brutish, and short. So says a new report (PDF) on international cybersecurity, which argues that the Internet is a Hobbesian “state of nature” where anything goes, where even government attacks maintain “plausible deniability,” and where 80 percent of industrial control software is hooked into an IP network.
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Note: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/02/no-rules-internet-security-a-hobbesian-state-of-nature.ars
- Biology Online Editable Wiki Dictionary
This dictionary is based on a WiKi system, which enables everyone to add and update the content. If you discover a term which is missing, then you can easily add it here.
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- Boffins build JELL-O memory for your brain • The Register
team of US researchers has fashioned a memory circuit that may provide an electronic bridge between man and machine. "Our memory device is soft and pliable, and functions extremely well in wet environments – similar to the human brain," one of the researchers, Michael Dickey, said when announcing the breakthrough. To construct the circuits, the team used a liquid alloy of gallium and indium, set in water-based gels. "We've created a memory device with the physical properties of Jell-O," says Dickey.
with computer evolution psy science
- Boing Boing: Amazing "Mad Max" vehicles in Iraq
"There's a soldier in Iraq who's been posting some crazy pictures of American SUVs and pickup trucks that have been modified by civilian security contractors for use as gun trucks. They're insane, in a 'Mad Max at the Wal-Mart parking lot' kind of way."
with design mesopotamia military usa w4
- Boing Boing: Fox commits copyright fraud
Fox has invented a new copyright law: the right to control who links to clips of your work. They're sending takedown notices to websites that link to supposedly infringing clips on YouTube:
with net p2p
- Boing Boing: Google founder regrets censoring China
Google founder Sergey Brin told an interviewer that censoring China's search-results at the behest of the totalitarian government in Beijing was a "net negative" for Google. Before this, Google's position on China was the a kind of Orwellian doublespeak: "We have to censor China because they have lots of money and we can't have any without participating in censorship" and "If we censor China but tell Chinese people when they're being censored, they'll clamor for democracy." (Um... yeah... What about if you just send uncensored web-results to China about democracy? Wouldn't that aid the cause of democracy more?)
with china geostrategy net
Note: + lot of links
- BoingBoing: Document Shredding scissors -- five-scissor blades on one handle
These Japanese shredding scissors are a nice, low-tech way to discard of docs at your desk.
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- Book-A-Minute
Don't have time to read it all? We at Book-A-Minute understand that your time is valuable. You want to experience the wonder and excitement of the fine art of literature, but reading actual books requires a significant time investment. We've got the solution for you. Our ultra-condensed books are just the ticket.
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- Book-A-Minute: Don't have time to read it all?
We at Book-A-Minute understand that your time is valuable. You want to experience the wonder and excitement of the fine art of literature, but reading actual books requires a significant time investment. We've got the solution for you. Our ultra-condensed books are just the ticket.
Humorous lampooning of popular books via ultra-condensation.
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- Boyd's Comments on Cheng and Ch'i: Remarks to the Seminar on Air Anti-tank Warfare May 25-26, 1978
Sun-Tzu talks about a cheng and ch'i maneuver as a basis to throw strength against weakness. Now the question is, what is a cheng and what is a ch'i. You might even be able to explain it better than I can, but let me give you an idea. How many people here saw the movie Patton? If you recall in one portion of that movie--I think he was up before the American flag, I do not remember exactly when--he made the comment to the effect "What you want to do is you want to hold them by the nose and kick them in the ass." Everybody said, "Ha, ha, funny." That was a very important statement he made because it really represents in a sense a cheng and a ch'i. The hold by the nose to get his attention and then the undisclosed movement to the rear in order to pull him apar
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- Britney Spears guide to Semiconductor Physics
The physics of optoelectronic technology
Britney Spears lectures on semiconductor physics, radiative and non-radiative transitions, edge emitting lasers and VCSELs.
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with design fun science by 5 users
- Brix Picks - Movies
Hi! Welcome to the newly designed Brix Picks. Now I'll be updating daily rather than weekly with my favorite things that I hope you'll enjoy. The latest picks are located below, but you can browse the archives all the way back to 2005. Got a tip or suggestion? I’d love to hear it! You can reach me at brixpicks at gmail dot com
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323 speed test sites ordered by location <<adsl>>
Broadband news, information and community, Speed Test
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Note: http://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest.html
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- Cinemorgue
From time to time, I've noticed a couple of questions that come up in movie trivia discussions: "Has so-and-so ever gotten killed in any movies?" and "What's that movie where what'sisname kills such-and-such?" This site will attempt to answer those questions for most of the so-and-so's, what'sisnames and such-and-suches. (I've even started listing voice-over performances in animated death scenes.)
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- citat från 0-films forum:
citat från 0-films forum: "Så fort folk inser att 0-budget inte leder dem in i branschen tröttnar de. Det kanske är en sund reaktion vad fan vet jag?" Henrik Möller, 0-film forum "Fixa fram en kamera... missade ju det allra smidigaste sättet... sno en!" K. Schwartz, 0-filmforum
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- Cloth Physics Flash
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- CNET News.com: 'Second Life' faces threat to its virtual economy
Groups of Second Life content creators were gathering digitally Tuesday to protest the dissemination of a program they worry could badly damage the virtual world's nascent economy. The controversy gathered steam Monday when Linden Lab, which publishes Second Life, posted a blog alerting residents of the virtual world to the existence of a program or bot called CopyBot, which allows someone to copy any object in Second Life. That includes goods such as clothing that people purchase for their in-world avatars, and even the virtual PCs that computer giant Dell announced Tuesday it is going to sell in the digital world.
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- CouchSurfing
CouchSurfing is a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit.
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- Cours d'orthographe et de grammaire - RPG-Forum
with linglang script
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