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  • gladwell dot com - the pima paradox
    The Pima are famous now--famous for being fatter than any other group in the world, with the exception only of the Nauru islanders of the West Pacific. Among those over thirty- five on the reservation, the rate of diabetes, the disease most closely associated with obesity, is fifty per cent, eight times the national average and a figure unmatched in medical history. It is not unheard of in Sacaton for adults to weigh five hundred pounds, for teen-agers to be suffering from diabetes, or for relatively young men and women to be already disabled by the disease--to be blind, to have lost a limb, to be confined to a wheelchair, or to be dependent on kidney dialysis.
    with economylogy evo evolution food science usa
  • Falling from Space
    From a camera mounted on a rocket booster on the Space Shuttle Atlantis.
    with astronautics videofilm
  • Gnod is a self-adapting system that learns about the outer world by asking its visitors what they like and what they don't like
    Visual map of: Authors=>Literature-Map Movies=> Music=>
    An artificial intelligence system learning about the outer world. Teach gnod about the relations between the things out there.
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  • Google Maps Mania
    An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools being influenced by Google Maps.
    with astronautics map travel by 18 users
  • Googlewhacking: The Search for The One True Google Whack

    Googlewhacking: using a search engine to find fewer results, or exactly one result.
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    with fun net script
  • Hamster Shredder
    Tom Ballhatchet
    with art fun
  • Heliocentrism is an Atheist Doctrine « Blogs 4 Brownback
    What’s even worse than the debate raging in American schools about the teaching of the soulless doctrine of evolution, is the non-debate over an issue that rational Americans have foolishly conceded to the secular among us: the issue of Heliocentrism, or the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
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  • Hide data in files with easy steganography tools - Lifehacker
    Unlike encryption, which obscures data in such a way that it's obvious someone's keeping something from listeners-in (and therefore heightens interest in that info), stego techniques offer no hint to the outsider that there's any private data contained within the visible file. Like hiding your valuables from burglars in an empty cereal box in your kitchen cabinet, steganography keeps the existence of the secret item from everyone but those in the know.
    with computer cryptography utils
  • HolyJuan
    10 Attributes of Really Lazy People
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  • How Many of Me - How many have your name?
    There are 299,968,595 people in the United States of America. The U.S. Census Bureau statistics tell us that there are at least 88,799 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Some names are more common than others. There are 49,535 people named John Smith in the United States. There are 1,048 people named James Bond, 113 people named Harry Potter , 503 people named George Bush, and 31 people named Emily Dickinson. However, Johnny Cash (39 people) songs aside there are, statistically speaking, no boys named Sue. What about you? How many people share your name? Enter it and find out how many of you there are.
    There are millions of people in the United States. How many people have your name?
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    with fun net utils by 2 users (all private)
  • How to destroy the Earth @ Things Of Interest
    Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe. You've seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You've heard people on the news claiming that the next nuclear war or cutting down rainforests or persisting in releasing hideous quantities of pollution into the atmosphere threatens to end the world. Fools. The Earth is built to last. It is a 4,550,000,000-year-old, 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000-tonne ball of iron. It has taken more devastating asteroid hits in its lifetime than you've had hot dinners, and lo, it still orbits merrily. So my first piece of advice to you, dear would-be Earth-destroyer, is: do NOT think this will be easy. This is not a guide for wusses whose aim is merely to wipe out humanity.
    with astronautics fun science
  • How to Draw Graffiti Names - wikiHow
    with art design tutorial
  • How to Learn Morse Code
    Morse Code was first used in the 1840s, and even after more than 160 years, it is still used today, especially by amateur radio operators. In 1844, Samuel F.B. Morse developed this code, which can be sent quickly over the telegraph. It's also useful for emergency signaling (SOS) with a radio, mirror, or flashlight, and even for people with severe disabilities to communicate. Plus, you can probably communicate faster with Morse code than you can with SMS text messaging![1] In order to master Morse code, however, you need to approach it like a new language. Here's how to get started.
    with cryptography linglang media tutorial
  • How to Make Tiramisu - WikiHow
    1. Place the mascarpone cheese in a bowl. 2. Enlarge Whisk in the sugar, vanilla and kahlua., being sure to always stir in the same direction 3. Enlarge Whisk in a cup of whipped cream and 4 tbsps of flaked chocolate. 4. Enlarge Place the coffee in a mug and mix with hot water. Take 4 short glasses and break sponge fingers in to the bottom and brush with coffee. 5. Enlarge Place some of the tiramasu mixture on top. 6. Enlarge Add another layer of sponge fingers and another layer of tiramasu mixture. 7. Enlarge Top with whipped cream and grated chocolate. Tips * Try adding a splash of rum to the coffee before spreading it on the sponge fingers.
    Tiramisu is an Italian dessert typically made from Lady Fingers, espresso coffee, mascarpone cheese, eggs, cream, sugar, marsala wine, cocoa and rum. The name "tiramisù" means "pick-me-up" (metaphorically, "cheer me up"), referring to the two caffeine-co
    balls biscuit boil cake cheese chocolate cream eat eggs home kahlua made make nests own rum tiramisu traditional whipped your
    with food italy
  • How to Mask Your IP and Use Country Restricted Services
    A warning from our reader, Mark: ”Whoever runs that proxy can see all your internet communications - including MSN conversations and any passwords that are not encrypted! Use this at your own risk and do not transmit any sensitive data through the proxy unless you know and fully trust the person who runs it!”
    with computer cryptography net
  • How to Obscure Any URL
    The URL (Universal Resource Locator) of the page you are now viewing is It is also http://3513587746@3484559912/o%62s%63ur%65%2e%68t%6D. Go ahead and click on that link. It'll take you right back to this very page. The weird-looking address above takes advantage of several things many people don't know about the structure of a valid URL. There's a little more to Internet addressing than commonly meets the eye; there are conventions which allow for some interesting variations in how an Internet address is expressed.
    with computer cryptography net
  • How to Read Music - wikiHow
    # Study the staff. There are five lines and four spaces, each of which represents a single note. The space above or below any given line corresponds to the note above or below it on the scale. # Identify the clef. The first symbol written on a staff (the five lines on which the notes are written) is the clef, and it tells you which lines and spaces on the staff correspond with which notes. The two most common clefs are the treble clef and the bass clef.
    with audio utils
  • How to Send Large Files without Email
    Private P2P file sharing tools like Grouper, TrustyFiles or even Groove, QNext and several others are possible solutions, but they are not as popular or as easy to adopt for users needing to send a large file on an occasional basis. Thankfully, several vendors have recognized the need for a Web-based file exchange service to answer this market demand, and offer products ranging from bare-bones file uploading services (targeted mostly to individuals and home users) to fully customizable secure online file storage and distribution systems. If you have experience with these and other vendors (we're adding more — there's a lot of them!), please share them in the comments section.
    with computer net p2p
  • How to Write a Good Tutorial at BlenderNation
    A few weeks ago I posted an article called 'How to Produce a Good Video Tutorial' in which I summed up a few things that you should keep in mind when creating, well, a video tutorial. If you're more interested in working on written material, then check out this checklist on From the site: Tutorials can be on almost any subject. All a tutorial does is teach someone something new. Tutorials can be on how to create a cool gadget, how to program in a certain language, how to set up a feature for a web page, how to ride a horse, how to meet girls, or anything else that someone might want to learn. This is a guide to writing good tutorials (ones that will get accepted on this site.) Writing a good tutorial is easy and fun as long as
    Fresh Blender News, Every Day
    3-d article blender called good information news posted produce summed tutorial tutorials video week
    with blogs design script utils
  • IBM Extends Moore's Law to the Third Dimension
    An IBM scientist holds a thinned wafer of silicon computer circuits, which is ready for bonding to another circuit wafer, where IBM's advanced "through-silicon via" process will connect the wafers together by etching thousands of holes through each layer and filling them with metal to create 3-D integrated stacked chips. The IBM breakthrough can shorten wire lengths inside chips up to 1000 times and allow for hundreds more pathways for data to flow among different functions on a chip. This technique will extend Moore's Law beyond its expected limits, paving the way for a new breed of smaller, faster and lower power chips. Credit: IBM IBM today announced a breakthrough chip-stacking technology in a manufacturing environment that paves the way for three-dimen
    PhysOrg news: IBM Extends Moore's Law to the Third Dimension
    dimension extends ibm law moores research science technology the third
    with computer design economylogy evo evolution science

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