- 10x10
10x10 / 100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time / by Jonathan J. Harris
10x10 ('ten by ten') is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. By Jonathan J. Harris / Number27
10x10 flaming flamingtoast harris information interactive jon jonathan language number number27 ten toast wordcount words
in Public bookmarks with flash media net by 3 users
- Courrier international
Courrier international est un hebdo d’actualité, publié à Paris. Il donne à lire, chaque semaine, le meilleur de la presse mondiale, traduite en français. Depuis sa création en novembre '90, CI a 1 300 journaux différents, depuis le New York Times jusqu’au Quotidien des Maldives, ou 25 000 journalistes cités. Grâce à l’apport de la “plus grande rédaction du monde”, Courrier international suit l’actualité mondiale, cherche à l’anticiper, et offre à ses lecteurs, par la confrontation des points de vue, une ouverture pertinente sur la complexité du monde.
in Public bookmarks with france media net
- Feynman's Talk: There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics
This transcript of the classic talk that Richard Feynman gave on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) was first published in the February 1960 issue of Caltech's Engineering and Science, which owns the copyright. It has been made available on the web at http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/feynman.html with their kind permission. Information on the Feynman Prizes Links to pages on Feynman For an account of the talk and how people reacted to it, see chapter 4 of Nano! by Ed Regis, Little/Brown 1995. An excellent technical introduction to nanotechnology is Nanosystems: molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation by K. Eric Drexler, Wiley 1992. I imagine expe
in Public bookmarks with design economylogy evo evolution geostrategy media net science system:unfiled w4 by 3 users (all private)
- How I’d Sink American Vogue
Picture this: Anna Wintour has resigned. The sheer effort of keeping an immaculate bob and an unfeasibly large pair of sunglasses in place 24 hours a day has finally taken its toll. In a move that has shocked the fashion industry, American Vogue has appointed as her successor graphic-designer-turned-artist Scott King. For his first issue in charge, King decides that Vogue should have an anti-war theme. Oh, and it should also be free…
in Public bookmarks with art blogs design media
- How to Virtualize Your Workforce - wikiHow
Enterprise Mobility: The ability for an enterprise to communicate with suppliers, partners, employees, assets, products, and customers irrespective of location. <<management>>
in Public bookmarks with biz blogs computer design economylogy evo evolution geostrategy media system:unfiled travel tutorial utils w2 w4 by 3 users
- Internet Archive: Details: The Jonestown Death Tape (FBI No. Q 042)
An audio recording made on November 18, 1978, at the Peoples Temple compound in Jonestown, Guyana immediately preceding and during the mass suicide or murder of over 900 members of the cult.
in Public bookmarks with audio history media psy usa by 3 users
in Public bookmarks with art design graph media net by 2 users
- Mefi: Confessions of a Book Pirate
Confessions of a Book Pirate NY Times Arts Beat: Report Finds 9 Million Illegal Downloads of E-Books Attributor Blog: Online Book Piracy Costs U.S. Publishers Nearly $3 Billion posted by brundlefly (105 comments total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
in Public bookmarks with biz book ebook economylogy media net p2p script system:unfiled
Note: http://www.themillions.com/2010/01/the-great-book-purge-of-2010.html
- NewsMap
in Public bookmarks with map media net by 24 users
- Obsidian Wings: Wiki THIS
Glenn Reynolds laments that he's been wiki'ed with a truly bizarre Wikipedia entry on Instapundit. "WIKIPEDIA, and its trustworthiness, has become a topic of considerable discussion," he writes. Indeed, it should be -- this whole Wiki-thang has been a bit Arthur 2 (i.e., "on the rocks") for a while. Eugene Volokh and Orin Kerr have been quite right in their criticisms (even though it seems that Volokh's Wikipedia entry is at least tentatively grounded in fact.) Moreover, adding to the confusion and potential for bias is the fact that you're able to write your own entry. The entry on LGF, for instance, was written by LGF's own Charles Johnson. [see Seigenthaler]
in Public bookmarks with blogs media mesopotamia net usa w2 w4
- Phone hacking, News International and operational disaster for News Corp by Guy Rundle | Crikey | 7 July 2011
Back in the day, the analogue and offline day, when a plenitude of images did not circulate, one of the most vital jobs in the newspaper industry was that of the “picture-snatcher”?—?the reporter, often a cub/cadet, who would accompany a senior colleague to the house of a grieving widow whose family member had just been trampled by a horse/died of dropsy/ etc, and, while the bereaved was being engaged in conversation, snatch a picture of the decedent from the mantelpiece, and then sprint back to the office with it.
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- PressThink: Retreat from Empiricism: On Ron Suskind's Scoop
Even realism has an obligation to be realistic. — George Packer. [...]Which is a perfect example of what Bill Keller and others at the New York Times call an intellectual scoop. (“When you can look at all the dots everyone can look at, and be the first to connect them in a meaningful and convincing way…”) Over the last three years, and ever since the adventure in Iraq began, Americans have seen spectacular failures of intelligence, spectacular collapses in the press, spectacular breakdowns in the reality-checks built into government, including the evaporation of oversight in Congress, and the by-passing of the National Security Council, which was created to prevent exactly these events.
in Public bookmarks with blogs geostrategy history mecf media
- RomeReborn1.0
digital model
Rome Reborn: A digital model of ancient Rome.
reborn rome
in Public bookmarks with design history italy media system:unfiled by 2 users
- The Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan
In 1961, the name of Marshall McLuhan was unknown to everyone but his English students at the University of Toronto--and a coterie of academic admirers who followed his abstruse articles in small-circulation quarterlies. But then came two remarkable books-- "The Gutenberg Galaxy" (1962) and "Understanding Media" (1964)--and the graying professor from Canada's western hinterlands soon found himself characterized by the San Francisco Chronicle as "the hottest academic property around." He has since won a world-wide following for his brilliant--and frequently baffling--theories about the impact of the media on man; and his name has entered the French language as mucluhanisme, a synonym for the world of pop culture.
in Public bookmarks with art audio book design economylogy geostrategy graph history linglang media net philosophy psy science script videofilm w2
- The Style Press
Frequently updated newsfeed about fashion, design, art, culture, architecture, lifestyle, and music <<photo>>
in Public bookmarks with art audio design graph media script videofilm by 3 users
- at-Largely
by Larisa Alexandrovna: For journalists and others who like examining the landscape of investigative reporting.
by Larisa Alexandrovna: For journalists and others who like examining the landscape of investigative reporting.
alexandrovna analysis feminism investigative issues journalist larisa larissa media news opin political reporter womens writer
in Public bookmarks with blogs media
- BBC NEWS: Middle East | Iraqis use internet to survive war
Google is playing an unlikely role in the Iraq war. Its online satellite map of the world, Google Earth, is being used to help people survive sectarian violence in Baghdad. As the communal bloodshed has worsened, some Iraqis have set up advice websites to help others avoid the death squads. One tip - on the Iraq League site, one of the best known - is for people to draw up maps of their local area using Google Earth's detailed imagery of Baghdad so they can work out escape routes and routes to block. It's another example of the central role technology plays in the conflict - with the widespread use of mobile phones, satellite television as well as the internet - by all sides and for many purposes.
bbc british foreign international news online service world
in Public bookmarks with geostrategy map mecf media mesopotamia net w4
- Clay Shirky’s Writings About the Internet - Economics & Culture, Media & Community, Open Source
NEC@Shirky.com -- Networks, Economics, and Culture NEC is a mix of essays written for the list, essays written for other outlets, drafts of ideas I’m pursuing, and reader commentary (re-printed only with permission, of course). The list will be very low volume, with an approximately twice-monthly frequency, and the contents will also be archived on shirky.com. <<management>>
Clay Shirky's writings about the Internet
economics internet media open source
in Public bookmarks with biz design economylogy media net w2 by 8 users
Note: A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
- Commercial Telegraphic Code Books
Code books were used in the era of telegraphs (from 1845 until well into the second half of the 20th century) to shorten telegrams, which were paid for by the word. These books, arranged like dictionaries, would list many useful phrases or even sentences, each with its corresponding code word. One sent the code words, and the recipient of the telegram would have to look up their meanings in his copy of the code book. This could save quite a bit of money on intercontinental telegrams, since the price per word on undersea cable connections was very high. (The word cable means both the actual telegraph cable layed on the ocean bed, and to a cablegram sent over via the ``submarine telegraph,'' and then, as a verb, to send a cablegram, as in ``the arrest warrant
in Public bookmarks with cryptography media science
- Corbis: photography, rights, assignment, motion.
<<photo>> Corbis is a world leader in digital media. By providing the industry's richest array of digital image licensing, rights services, artist representation and media management, Corbis enables creative innovation for advertising, corporate marketing and editorial clients. Corbis is headquartered in Seattle, with 20 offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
in Public bookmarks with art geostrategy graph media by 3 users
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