- 10x10
10x10 / 100 Words and Pictures that Define the Time / by Jonathan J. Harris
10x10 ('ten by ten') is an interactive exploration of the words and pictures that define the time. Every hour, 10x10 collects the 100 words and pictures that matter most on a global scale, and presents them as a single image, taken to encapsulate that moment in time. By Jonathan J. Harris / Number27
10x10 flaming flamingtoast harris information interactive jon jonathan language number number27 ten toast wordcount words
in Public bookmarks with flash media net by 3 users
- BoingBoing: Jackson Pollock-a-sketch
In 2003, Miltos Manetas created used someone else's work to make a site with this fun Flash tool to create your own Jackson Pollock-esque "painting."
Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas, 2003, original flash animation by Michal Migurski
jackson manetas miltos pollock
in Public bookmarks with art flash by 6 users
- Iraq War Coalition Fatalities Flashed [Mesopotamia Macromedia]
Iraq War Coalition Fatalities is a chart of the US and coalition military fatalities that have occurred in Iraq since the onset, mapped across the dimensions of time and space. It is an ongoing project that is updated regularly, and will continue to go on as long as the war does. The animation runs at ten frames per second -one frame for each day- and a black dot indicates the geographic location that a coalition military fatality occurred. Each dot starts as a white flash and a larger red dot which fades to black over the span of 30 frames/day, and then slowly fades to grey over the span of the entire war. Accompanying the visual representation is a soft 'tic' sound for each fatality, the volume of which increases relative to the number of fatalities that
The Iraq War Coalition Fatalities Project is an interactive animated chart of US and coalition military fatalities that have occured in the war in Iraq since the onset, mapped across the dimensions of time and space.
casualties coalition deaths design fatalities information interactive iraq killed losses military obleek soldiers tim war
in Public bookmarks with design flash geostrategy mecf mesopotamia military usa w4
- Pistoleros.se
Om Pistoleros Vi är tre kvalificerade systemutvecklare som utvecklar webbsidor och applikationer. Vi utför också arbete på konsultbasis. Vi har också erfarenhet av avancerad systemutveckling och webdesign i yrkeslivet. Vi erbjuder webblösningar som kan vara allt från en enkel presentation av innehavaren eller företaget till komplexa företagssajter med full script- och databasfunktionalitet. Vi arbetar strukturerat och strävar efter att allt vi producerar inte bara ska fungera och se bra ut, utan även vara väldokumenterat och användarvänligt. Vi tar alltid fram en detaljerad kravspecifikation där vi tillsammans med kunden kommer överens om hur produkten ska se ut och fungera. Vi vill alltid kun
in Public bookmarks with computer design flash
- Planarity.net: The Planarity Game
in Public bookmarks with flash gaming science
- The Gapminder World 2006, beta Search statistics through Google and watch it move with Gapminder
Gapminder’s Trendalyzer software unveils the beauty of statistics by converting boring numbers into enjoyable interactive animations. Trendalyzer’s developers have left Gapminder to join Google in Mountain View, where Google intends to improve and scale up Trendalyzer, and make it freely available to those who seek access to statistics. The Stockholm-based Gapminder Foundation will continue to spearhead the use of new technology for data animations. The goal is to promote a fact-based worldview by bringing statistical story-telling to new levels. In collaboration with producers of accurate statistics that are eager to give the public free access to databases, Gapminder hopes to recruit and inspire many users of public statistics.
in Public bookmarks with art design flash geostrategy graph science
- Boing Boing: Artnatomy facial expression learning tool
The Flash interface enables you to visually explore how the movements of specific muscles contort our faces into emotional expressions <<medicine>> <<anatomy>>
in Public bookmarks with art design flash graph science tutorial
- The Ultimate Game Quiz
So you think you're a Gamer ? Do the ultimate game quiz to find out !
console flash game gamer highscore knowledge kwis online quiz score skill ultimate
in Public bookmarks with flash fun gaming
- Cloth Physics Flash
in Public bookmarks with flash science
With the contribution photograph, they are the contents which make a certain visual, but. Clicking, when it chooses one photograph, that it starts flowing as an animated picture. From k tie and being able to contribute from PC, it corresponds to also [burogupatsu]. What they are the challenge contents.
eye kddi project
in Public bookmarks with art flash graph japan net w2
- FLICKA: photoshoping cosmopolitan cover
She's a model and she's looking good I'd like to take her home that's understood She plays hard to get, she smiles from time to time It only takes a camera to change her mind She's going out tonight but drinking just champagne And she has been checking nearly all the men She's playing her game and you can hear them say She is looking good, for beauty we will pay She's posing for consumer products now and then For every camera she gives the best she can I saw her on the cover of a magazine Now she's a big success, I want to meet her again <<photoshop>>
in Public bookmarks with design flash graph tutorial
- MetaFilter - Flash meditations
Agents - one of many Flash experiments and projects by Sébastien Chevrel.
in Public bookmarks with computer evo evolution flash science
- oddcast text-to-speech
in Public bookmarks with computer flash fun linglang by 7 users
- Out of Africa human origins: Genetic Map
The Bradshaw Foundation, in association with Stephen Oppenheimer, presents a virtual global journey of modern man over the last 160,000 years. The map will show for the first time the interaction of migration and climate over this period. We are the descendants of a few small groups of tropical Africans who united in the face of adversity, not only to the point of survival but to the development of a sophisticated social interaction and culture expressed through many forms. Based on a synthesis of the mtDNA and Y chromosome evidence with archaeology, climatology and fossil study, Stephen Oppenheimer has tracked the routes and timing of migration, placing it in context with ancient rock art around the world.
Journey of Mankind - The Peopling of the World. Who were our ancestors? From where did we originate? If we came out of Africa, what factors governed our routes? And when? Now finally this interactive genetic map reveals modern humans journey of opportunity and survival, confirmed by genetic science and documented by ancient rock art.
africa ancestors dna genetic genetics humans journey mankind map migrations modern oppenheimer peopling stephen the world
in Public bookmarks with economylogy evo evolution flash graph
- The 150 Best Online Flash Games
It was a long and exhausting task: playing hundreds of online games for hours in a row, day after day. It was hard, but someone had to do it. The result is the list that you will find below. Enjoy!
in Public bookmarks with flash gaming by 2 users
The ad generator is a generative artwork that explores how advertising uses and manipulates language. Words and semantic structures from real corporate slogans are remixed and randomized to generate invented slogans. These slogans are then paired with related images from Flickr, thereby generating fake advertisements on the fly. By remixing corporate slogans, I intend to show how the language of advertising is both deeply meaningful, in that it represents real cultural values and desires, and yet utterly meaningless in that these ideas have no relationship to the products being sold. In using the Flickr images, the piece explores the relationship between language and image, and how meaning is constructed by the juxtaposition of the two.
in Public bookmarks with art design economylogy flash graph
- vixy.net
Online FLV Converter : Download online videos direct to PC / iPod / PSP. It's free!
in Public bookmarks with flash p2p videofilm w2 by 96 users
- World Geography Quizzes
Hundreds of Map Games
World geography quizzes galore - over 250 fun online map games teach capitals, country locations, and more. Also info on the culture, history, and much more.
in Public bookmarks with flash fun gaming map by 3 users
- All streaming media recording software (freeware, shareware,...) [windows, linux, mac] Streaming video recorders (stream ripper
media pirate: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4318/
video downloader: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2390/
All streaming media recording software (freeware, shareware,...) [windows, linux, mac] Streaming video recorders (stream rippers)
asx audio ftp media mov mp3 networks pls pnm quick real record rtsp save smil stream streaming streams time video wav windows
in Public bookmarks with audio computer flash media utils videofilm by 2 users
- TutorialStuff.com - The best tutorials on the net
Photoshop Tutorials, Windows Vista Tutorials, Flash Tutorials, dreamweaver tutorials
archive dreamweaver excel flash free html learn links linux photo photoshop php search shop tutorial tutorials vista windows wo
in Public bookmarks with computer flash tutorial
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