- Mischievous Ramblings » It’s Not Just Abusive. It’s Stupid
EA Games' bad slave bad <<management>>
in Public bookmarks with biz computer design gaming
- Open Source Web Design
Open Source Web Design is a place to download free web designs and share yours with others. We help make the internet a prettier place. Download and upload free web designs.
Download and upload free web designs.
css design free open oswd source standards templates web xhtml
in Public bookmarks with design net w2 by 117 users
- PopSci: High Dive: Ride a rocket into space and then abandon ship?
ocket, admiring the stars above, the Earth far, far below. The vacuum beyond your visor is cold, but it would boil your blood if your pressure suit failed. You give your parachute straps a reassuring pat. It’s utterly silent. Just you and your fragile body, hovering alone above the Earth. “Space Diver One, you are go,” crackles a voice in your ear, and you undo your harness and stand up. There’s nothing for it now: You paid a lot of money for this.
Ride a rocket into space and then abandon ship? You'd need to be nuts–or desperate. Either way, space diving could be the future of reentry
chute debris dive drogue high mother orbital outfitters planet record rocket skydiving small space technology terminal velocit
in Public bookmarks with astronautics design fun travel
- Poynter Online: Web Design Tips
When teaching journalists, I have noticed that they often seem to prefer learning from the mistakes of others, rather than from shining examples of perfection. It's especially true when it comes to Web design and navigation. I run sessions called "wrecking balls" where we tear apart sites -- and the students love them. Until it's their turn to have their work hit by the wrecking ball, of course.
in Public bookmarks with design net
- Richard Sarson
a visualization-style wall decoration based on the 8 global headquarters of the infrastructure consultancy Aecom in Athens, Dubai, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, London, New York, Shanghai & Sydney. the 8 graphics take each capital city as a starting point & connect it, by means of a line, to all 280 worldwide office locations of Aecom. as a result, each installation looks different, depending on the actual headquarter office it is located in.
in Public bookmarks with art biz design
Note: via http://infosthetics.com/archives/2007/12/cities_of_the_world_wall_decal.html
- SAW: Street Art Workers
Based in the U.S., SAW is a network of printmakers, stencil artists, graffiti writers and designers who use the streets for art and activism. We are taking back our cities and towns from the businessmen, cops and politicians who define public space for their own benefit. As a volunteer-run group, we make street art for political campaigns and post each other´s work across North America. Since 2001, our projects have talked about prisons (2002), the mass media (2003) and utopian ideas for the future (2004). Our art is a creative tool for social change. We support community organizing by making and distributing high-profile publicity across North America.
in Public bookmarks with art design geostrategy graph
The ad generator is a generative artwork that explores how advertising uses and manipulates language. Words and semantic structures from real corporate slogans are remixed and randomized to generate invented slogans. These slogans are then paired with related images from Flickr, thereby generating fake advertisements on the fly. By remixing corporate slogans, I intend to show how the language of advertising is both deeply meaningful, in that it represents real cultural values and desires, and yet utterly meaningless in that these ideas have no relationship to the products being sold. In using the Flickr images, the piece explores the relationship between language and image, and how meaning is constructed by the juxtaposition of the two.
in Public bookmarks with art design economylogy flash graph
- Vintage Cultural Ephemera lives on via Flickr | MetaFilter
Fans of Vintage Cultural Ephemera Rejoice! Illustration and print design of the 1920s-30s Cold War Propaganda (on both sides) Illustration and print design of the forties Vintage cigarrette advertising Sheet Music of the 1800s - 1950s Out of print cookbooks 7-Up advertising (pre 1980s)
in Public bookmarks with art design history
- Web Pages That Suck: learn usability and good Web design by looking at bad Web design
Web Pages That Suck -- learn good Web design by looking at bad design
508 accessibility books design designer flanders interface intranet page pages section sucky techniques usabi user vincent web
in Public bookmarks with art design net by 16 users
- wemakemoneynotart
art, interation design, future,
art future make money near
in Public bookmarks with art blogs design graph by 10 users
- William (Bill) Kent Document Catalog
Data and Reality, 1stBooks (excerpts) (1998) A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory (1983) Employee Was A Subtype Of Person (1988) About Time (1992) The Essence of Time (1993) The Null Wars: Much Ado About Something (1990) Nulls Again (1992) My Height: A Model For Numeric Information (1992) Foundations of a Theory of Measurement (1994) William Kent, Stephanie Leichner Janowski, Bruce Hamilton, Dan Hepner, "Measurement Data (Archive Report)" , April 1996. [135 pp]. (The introduction is provocative, and you might also browse some of the other sections.) The Many Forms of a Single Fact (1989) The Leading Edge of Database Technology (1989) What is an Object? (1989) The Breakdown of the Information Model in Multi-Database Systems (1991
in Public bookmarks with computer design science
- 43 Folders: Ze Frank, on procrastination
I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber), don’t miss “Waves” for a weirdly touching paean to the primacy of the web surfer. Now: off to consider my Power Move.
the show with zefrank [“pro-cra”] I’m a late addition to Ze’s army of Sports Racers, but Jesus Heck, is this fella ever talented. If you have another few minutes (and aren’t already a subscriber),
43f apple done email folders getting hacks inbox life macs mer personal podcasts procrastination productivity things video zero
in Public bookmarks with blogs design psy system:unfiled tutorial utils
- Advice to a Board Game Designer, part 1, by Tom Vasel
in Public bookmarks with design gaming
- DesignVerb
Designverb: Get Inspired! Covering mind-provoking elements in design that captivate, inspire, excite, and rattle our goofy curious minds. Designverb is a blog by Aaron Tang
art brand culture design entertainment experience experiences fashion food idea ideas innovation inspiration lifesty technology
in Public bookmarks with art design by 2 users
- earth invaders
art, popart, architecture, movies, technology, craft, recycle
architecture art blog brunurb css earth earthinvaders flickr gadgets games html invaders mobile models movies mp3 photos pop sc
in Public bookmarks with art blogs design
- Ektopia
in Public bookmarks with art design by 2 users
- GIMPShop dot Net
Welcome to GIMPShop dot Net. Your one-stop-shop for all the news, downloads, and tips for GIMPShop. GIMPShop is a free graphics editor for Mac, Linux, and Windows. It's easy to pick up and learn, especially if you already know Photoshop. Check back often for the latest!
På gimpshop.net finner du nyttig information om Shop . Här finns också ett antal andra intressanta länkar. Vi hoppas att du hittar det du söker!
in Public bookmarks with art design graph utils by 4 users
- Imagining the Tenth Dimension: a new way of thinking about time and space by Rob Bryanton
Part scientific exploration, part philosophy, this unique book touches upon such diverse topics as dark matter, Feynman's "sum over paths", the quantum observer, and the soul. It is aimed at anyone interested in leading-edge theories about cosmology and the nature of reality, but it is not about mainstream physics. Rather, Imagining the Tenth Dimension is a mind-expanding exercise that could change the way you view this incredible universe in which we live.
in Public bookmarks with audio blogs book design net philosophy science videofilm
- infosthetics
form follows data - data visualization & visual communication
in Public bookmarks with art design graph media w2 by 14 users
- NingArt
Home : this is viral. ning.com : Create your own Social networking website
Arts & Photography
art fine gallery lowbrow subversive this viral
in Public bookmarks with art audio design graph media script videofilm w2
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