- 111 Lessons Life Taught Us
By mrnitpicky in L with lessons life
- Free Online Learning at GCFLearnFree.org
By ppyo in ABE/GED/ESL with career computers distance education internet jobs life math online reading skills
- FML: Your everyday life stories
By mrnitpicky in Daily with fuck life my by 8 users
- A First Person Shooter Video Game in Real Life
By Karzin in Entretenimento > Videos_Animacoes > engracado with first life person real shooter
- NOAA Photo Library - HOME
The NOAA collection spans centuries of time and much of the natural world from the center of the Earth to the surface of the Sun. Because of this broad base of scientific expertise and the geographic range under which NOAA science and observations are conducted, the NOAA collection includes thousands of weather and space images, hundreds of images of our shores and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species images ranging from the great whales to the most minute plankton. The geographic range of NOAA work encompasses polar region to polar region and much of the World's oceans. On any given day NOAA personnel could be chasing tornadoes, flying into hurricanes, battling stormy seas, tagging turtles and whales, taking scientific readings at the South Pole,
By ppyo in ABE/GED/ESL > Science with free images life noaa photography science wild by 5 users
- National Digital Library : Home
Welcome to the Fish and Wildlife Service's online digital media library. Here you will find a wide assortment of selected images, publications, video and audio clips that are in the public domain. You are free to use them as you wish - no permission is necessary. We do ask that you give credit to the photographer or creator and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
By ppyo in ABE/GED/ESL > Science with biology free images life photography science wild
- Oceans Alive!
Life in the Sea. Explains five ocean zones based on life, light, and depth. Five are: epipelagic or sunlit zone; mesopelagic or twilight zone; bathypelagic or midnight zone; abyssal zone (pitch black); and hadal zone (deepest trenches)
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with depth life light ocean_zones
- Ocean Light Zones
sunlit or euphotic zone; twilight or disphotic zone; midnight or aphotic zone
By pdboyer in Public bookmarks with life light ocean_zones
- Racjonalista
nauka, racjonalizm, wiara, felietony, forum, PSR
By Azet in Public bookmarks with life
- Ceremonie humanistyczne
By Azet in Public bookmarks with life misc
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