Abstract The Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS) space experiment will demonstrate the use of an electrodynamic tether propulsion system. The flight experiment is a precursor to the more ambitious electrodynamic tether upper stage demonstration mission which will be capable of orbit raising, lowering and inclination changing—all using electrodynamic thrust. ProSEDS, which is planned to fly in 2000, will use the flight-proven Small Expendable Deployer System (SEDS) to deploy a tether (5-km bare wire plus 15-km spectra) from a Delta II upper stage to achieve ∼0.4N drag thrust, thus deorbiting the stage. The experiment will use a predominantly ‘bare’ tether for current collection in lieu of the endmass collector and insulated tether
in Public bookmarks with astronautics design science
- Self-Illustrating phenomena - Pat Hanrahan Standford
What is a self-illustrating phenomenon? A self-illustrating phenomenon is an image that is generated automatically as a result of an experiment. More importantly, it is an image that exposes the phenomenon behind the observation. It often represents an answer to a question. Here is an example. Ernst Chladni, a musician and amateur scientist, found a way to make visible the vibrations caused by sound waves. He covered metal and wooden plates with sand and ran a violin bow against them. When the plate vibrates, sand collects at the stationary nodes, having been shaken from the moving regions. These nodes are the zero-crossings of the standing wave that produces the sound. Being a musician, he was interested in the theory of sounds and he used the tools at his
in Public bookmarks with art design science system:unfiled
Note: http://graphics.stanford.edu/~hanrahan/
- Standard Web Standards ·
Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe
Building the web, the standards way! CSS, XHTML, Accessibility, Usability, AJAX, Web 2.0, Adobe
accessibility border css design development information solutions standards tools web
in Public bookmarks with computer design economylogy w2
- Stealth radar system sees through trees, walls undetected
The radar scatters a very low-intensity signal across a wide range of frequencies, so a TV or radio tuned to any one frequency would interpret the radar signal as a very weak form of static. "It doesn't interfere because it has a bandwidth that is thousands of times broader than the signals it might otherwise interfere with," Walton said.
PhysOrg news: Stealth radar system sees through trees, walls -- undetected
radar research science sees stealth system technology through trees undetected walls
in Public bookmarks with design science
- Subtopia: a field guide to military urbanism
blog <<architecture>>
in Public bookmarks with art design military
- The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Management of Innovation and Change Series): Clayton
The author, an associate professor at Harvard Business School, asks why some well-managed companies that stay on top of new technology and practice quality customer service can still falter. His own research brought a surprising answer to that question. Christensen suggests that by placing too great an emphasis on satisfying customers' current needs, companies fail to adapt or adopt new technology that will meet customers' unstated or future needs, and he argues that such companies will eventually fall behind. Christensen calls this phenomenon "disruptive technology" and demonstrates its effects in industries as diverse as the manufacture of hard-disk drives and mass retailing. He goes on to offer solutions by providing strategies for anticipating changes i
in Public bookmarks with biz book design economylogy geostrategy psy w2
- Thinkature: Real-time collaboration for the web
Thinkature brings the richness of in-person, visual communication to the web by placing instant messaging inside a visual workspace. Use it as a collaboration environment, a meeting room, a personal web-based whiteboard, or something entirely new. Shared workspaces in seconds With Thinkature, you can create a collaborative workspace and invite coworkers, friends, and colleagues to join you in just seconds. Once inside your workspace, you can communicate by chatting, drawing, creating cards, and adding content from around the Internet. It's all synchronous, too - no need to hit reload or get an editing lock.
in Public bookmarks with biz design graph utils w2 by 18 users
- V/STOL - WAS IT A GOOD IDEA? By David Hobbs
The concept of producing a practical, winged, aircraft able to use aerodynamic lift for flight, yet capable of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) has fascinated designers since the dawn of powered flight. Whilst helicopters have achieved it, their fixed wing cousins have not, to anything like the same degree.
in Public bookmarks with astronautics britain design evolution geostrategy history military
- What's Wrong With Copy Protection: John Gilmore, 16 February 2001
Ron Rivest asked me, "I think it would be illuminating to hear your views on the differences between the Intel/IBM content-protection proposals and existing practices for content protection in the TV scrambling domain. The devil's advocate position against your position would be: if the customer is willing to buy extra, or special, hardware to allow him to view protected content, what is wrong with that?" First, I call it copy protection rather than content protection, because "content" is such a meaningless word. What the technology actually does is to deter copying. Such technologies have a long history in computing, starting with the first microcomputers, minicomputers, and workstations. Except in very small niches, all such systems ultimately failed. Ma
in Public bookmarks with audio biz book computer design ebook economylogy geostrategy media net philosophy script videofilm w2 by 2 users
- WorldChanging - Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future
An online publication covering tools, models, and ideas for building a better future.
activism blog bright development environment environmental environmentalism environmentalist green leapfrog leapfrogging new
in Public bookmarks with blogs design economylogy science by 18 users
- YouTube Thorium Remix 2009 - LFTR in 16 Minutes
Weapon-free atomic power.
see also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_IV_reactor#Very-high-temperature_reactor_.28VHTR.29 Fission reactors by moderator Water Pressurized (PWR) · Boiling (BWR) · Supercritical (SCWR) · Heavy (PHWR · CANDU · SGHWR) Carbon Pebble bed (PBMR) · Very high temperature (VHTR) · UHTREX · RBMK · Magnox · AGR FLiBe Molten salt (MSR) None (Fast) Breeder (FBR) · Liquid-metal-cooled (LMFR) · Integral (IFR) · Traveling Wave (TWR) · SSTAR Generation IV by coolant: (Gas (GFR) · Lead (LFR) · Sodium (SFR))
in Public bookmarks with design economylogy science video
- YouTube: Jeff Han on TED Talks
This is awesome! No need to pick a command like strech, scale, tilt, modify or rotate; it's just simple gestures... So Bill, you gonna post a response vid? BTW, do you know where I can get one these? he kept saying that there is no interface, what a lie, the MULTI-TOUCH sensor is an interface! (Also the Google Earth-like program had a GUI bar at the top) But aside from that little thing, three words sum it all up: I want that! Meh! There clearly is an interface. A) One does get a closer look a t a photograph by rubbing it. It may be simple but its far from natural. B) In the Google Earth style app there were BUTTONS! There is OBVIOUSLY still an interface. Having to learn a huge list of gestures will make it little better than an ancient CLI system.
www.paikia.com Jeff Han is a research scientist for NYU's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Here, he demonstrates—for the first time publicly—his i...
han jeff ted
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