- [EN] CPTN Holding LLC: What is the Microsoft consortium buying from the Attachmate Novell deal?
But then under the two-way deal, Attachmate is then going to get $450m to sell some unspecified intellectual property to a consortium called CPTN Holdings LLC, which was organized by Microsoft. So Attachmate is paying only $706.6m to get Novell.
with [en] acquisition attachmate imported microsoft novell trends
- [EN] Dare to Share | A New Culture of Collaboration in the Enterprise | Socialcast
[EN] Dare to Share | A New Culture of Cololaboration in the Enterprise | Socialcast | Infographic | February 2011
with [en] collaboration e2.0 e20 enterprise enterprise_2.0 filetype:png for:twitter media:image social-business social-media social-software socialsoftware
- [EN] Day of Digital Archives | 06.10.2011
The Day of Digital Archives is an initiative to raise awareness of digital archives among both users and managers. On this day, archivists, digital humanists, programmers, or anyone else creating, using, or managing digital archives are asked to devote some of their social media output (i.e. tweets, blog posts, youtube videos, etc.) to describing their work with digital archives. By collectively documenting what we do, we will be answering questions like: What are digital archives? Who uses them? How are they created and managed? Why are they important? This year’s Day of Digital Archives will be held on October 6th and entries will be gathered at the Day of Digital Archives blog.
with [en] archiv archives arma day digital preservation
- [EN] Day of Digital Archives | October 6th, 2011
October 6 is the first annual Day of Digital Archives. It's an "initiative to raise awareness of digital archives. . . What are digital archives? Who uses them? How are they created and managed? Why are they important?"
with [en] advocacy archives day digital digitalarchivesday digitization of preservation preservationarchiving
- [EN] Death of The Document | Eric Savitz | CIO Network - Forbes
Der Artikel "Death of The Document" von Eric Savitz im Forbes CIO Network vom April 2011 fasst eigentlich nur zusammen, was seit Jahren in der ECM Branche klar ist - die Unterscheidung Daten und Dokumente, strukturiert und unstruktiert, ist längst obsolet. Es lebe das Informationsobjekt, das beliebig strukturiert Daten als Information zusammenfasst und im Kontext zeitpunktgenau "dokumentiert". Dies können Transaktionen, PDFs, Webseiten, Scans, Excel-Dateien, Listen, Datenbanken oder was auch immer sein.
with [en] container document for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter format future information-object market records trends
- [EN] Definition of Content Management | Word-of-Pie
Defining Content Management | Laurence Hart | As you may have noticed, I have talked a lot over the years about what Enterprise Content Management is and where it is going. During that process, there have been several posts that have built on each other and a gradually evolving definition. I have found it increasingly difficult to remember where my latest post was called, much less all the preceding posts. | As a result, I am creating this page as a launching point to past posts and to host the my current definition of important Content Management terms, primarily Enterprise Content Management. All I ask if that if you want to debate the definition is to dive into the most recent post on the topic so you can read and join the dialog there. | Enterprise C...
with [en] cm cms content-management ecm enterprise-content-management imported trends
- [EN] Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar
Developing MoReq2010 – an ERMS Specification for Diverse Industries and Applications | ARMA Webinar | DLM Foundation | Jon Garde
with [en] arma dlm dlm-forum education erm imported moreq moreq2 moreq2010 records-management rm standards web
- [EN] Digital Body Language - an interesting concept | The Social Organization
Digital Body Language is not a new term but it is new to me. I recently heard Valeria Maltoni use it and after digging a bit more, found that it was originally a term created by Steve Woods, founder of Eloqua that referred to the anticipation of customer needs in the demand generation and lead development context which is not exactly what came to mind for me when I heard it
with [en] imported social-business social-media
- [EN] Digital Darwinism | Interesting concept by Brian Solis
Digital Darwinism | Interesting concept by Brian Solis | What Killed Borders, Blockbuster and Polaroid and How to Survive
with [en] brian concept darwinism digital information society solis
- [EN] Digital Forensics and Digital-Born Content in Cultural Heritage Collections
with [en] archiv archivierung archiving clir digital-preservation digitalforensics imported information-management migration standards study
- [EN] Digital Landfill - John Mancini: 100 technology predictions (plus 10 of my own) for 2013
In an earlier post (2013 Predictions -- Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement -- What Comes Next?) I talked about the next steps in the "collision" between Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. That got me thinking about all of the other "prediction" posts relative to technology. I have to admit, I love these posts. So following a quick recap of my own predictions re SoR and SoE, you will find 100 (yes 100) predictions from posts I found interesting. This, of course, is not to imply that I've found them all. Most likely not. So if you know of some I've missed, add the link in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
with [en] aiim bigdata cloud ecm eim information management mancini migration mobile predictions social trends
- [EN] Digital Landfill | ECM Industry Watch
Blog mit John Mancini von AIIM zu Trends und Markt für Enterprise Content Management | Home of the "8 Things" Series
with [en] aiim blog bpm business_process_management cms content_management dms document_management dokumentenmanagement ecm ecms enterprise_content_management imported itc-market mancini markt records_management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] Digital Preservation and Nuclear Disaster: An Animation | Youtube
Team Digital Preservation saves the world from nuclear disaster caused by the work of Team Chaos
with [en] archiv archivierung digital-preservation digitization for:culturalheritage for:dschultz56 for:europeana.tech for:fgilbane for:gdearing for:hobohm for:jhagmann for:jptaravella for:leisenberg for:markdav for:twitter nucelar preservation video youtube
- [EN] Digital Preservation: What I Wish I Knew Before I Started
Digital Preservation: What I Wish I Knew Before I Started
Tuesday 24th January, 2012
Last week I attended a student conference, hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition, on what digital preservation professionals wished they had known before they started. The event covered a great deal of the challenges faced by those involved in digital preservation, and the skills required to deal with these challenges.
with [en] archiv archivieren archivierung blog digital digitalpreservation elektronische langzeitarchivierung preservation
- [EN] Digital Vortex | Study 2015
[EN] Digital Vortex - How Digital Disruption Is Redefining Industries | Global Center for Digital Business Transformation | IMD | Cisco | 2015 | Digital disruption has the potential to overturn incumbents and reshape markets faster than perhaps any force in history. | The results of our survey surfaced several troubling findings about the potential for disruption, and incumbents’ readiness to adapt. Survey respondents believe an average of roughly four of today’s top 10 incumbents (in terms of market share) in each industry will be displaced by digital disruption in the next five years.
with 2015 [en] business center cisco consult digital digitalisierung digitisation for global imd kampffmeyer project study transformation ulrich vortex
- [EN] Dilbert: Analysing unstructured Big Data | 05.09.2012
Dilbert: Unstructured Big Data | 05.09.2012 | "So what are you doing for a living?" - "I'm working on a framework to allow construction of large-scale analytical queries on unstrutctured data" - "I'm a little turned on by that" - "Settle down. It's just a framework"
with [en] analysis analytics bi big business content data dilbert ecm framework information intelligence management unstructured
- [EN] Disruptive Selection | Digital Darwinism | Brian Solis
Disruptive Selection - Natures way of weeding out the average business | Digital Darwinism | Brian Solis |
with [en] brian change culture darwinism digital disruptive information selection society solis
- [EN] DLM Forum - Help translate this site | Call for support to create a multilingual DLM and MoReq presence on the web
[EN] DLM Forum - Help translate this site | Call for support to create a multi-lingual DLM and MoReq presence on the web
with [en] dlm dlm-forum dlm-forum-foundation for:twitter moreq translation
- [EN] DLM Forum & MoReq2
Homepage des DLM Forum
with [en] dlm dlm-forum ec imported moreq preservation records-management standards by 2 users
- [EN] DLM Forum | Homepage
The new DLM Forum website was launched on 9.9.2009. It contains information about the organisation, goals, events, publications a.s.o. One focus is on MoReq and MoReq2
with [en] aiim archivierung archiving association conferences dlm dlm-forum ec erm imported kampffmeyer metadata moreq moreq2 preservation records-management records_management rm standards by 2 users
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