- [DE] "Macht mal Pause" | Interview | Sherry Turkle
ZEIT Online | KOMMUNIKATION | "Macht mal Pause!" | Die Soziologin Sherry Turkle über Kommunikation per SMS und Facebook, Entfremdung und Verbindlichkeit in Beziehungen | 27.02.2011 | Diskussion
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [de] beziehungen crm e20 email facebook ict ikt kommunikationstechnologie kontra kritik macht sms social-business social-media social-software twitter xing zeit
- [DE] Analyse Social Networks
Mehr passive als aktive Networker | Fittkau & Maaß Consulting | 24.06.2010
in Public bookmarks with [de] imported social-media social-software socialsoftware trends
- [DE] D21
Digitale Gesellschaft lässt auf sich warten | Studie
in Public bookmarks with [de] d21 deutschland digital-society digitale-gesellschaft gesellschaft imported information social-media social-software socialsoftware society sozial trends
- [DE] Der Krieg um das Internet | Süddeutsche Zeitung online | Dirk von Gehlen | 21.12.2009
Digitale Gesellschaft: Der Krieg um das Internet | sueddeutsche.de | Dirk von Gehlen | Die digitale Revolution wirft viele Fragen auf. Doch statt sich mit der Ausgestaltung unserer Zukunft zu befassen, üben sich die deutschen Debattierer in Kulturpessimismus. Beklagt wird die eigene Überforderung mit der Datenflut. Was fehlt, ist eine politische Debatte rund ums Internet.
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [de] imported information-society informavore internet schirrmacher social-software trends by 2 users
- [DE] Exploration & Promotion: Einführungsstrategien von Corporate Social Software
Exploration & Promotion: Einführungsstrategien von Corporate Social Software | Alexander Richter & Alexander Stocker | 15.02.2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] article collaboration cscw e20 einführung enterprise2.0 for:twitter km knowledgemanagement socbiz social-business social-media social-software socialsoftware wissensmanagement
- [DE] Forrester 15 IT Trends 2011 bis 2013 | CIO | 25.11.2010
IT-Trends 2011 bis 2013 | Wie CIOs die Firma für die Zukunft rüsten | Andrea König | 25.11.2010 | Business Intelligence mit Echtzeit-Daten ist eine der einflussreichsten IT-Neuerungen in den nächsten drei Jahren - das sagt Forrester.
in Public bookmarks with [de] bi cio collaboration forrester future imported it itc-market itk mobile saas soa social-media social-software trends zukunft
- [DE] SPON | Sascha Lobo | Pöbler an die Maus! | 16.02.2011
Mal ein guter Beitrag von Sascha Lobo ! S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine | Pöbler an die Maus! | Die ständige Forderung nach digitaler Höflichkeit nervt, findet Sascha Lobo. Denn mit dem Kampfruf "Schmähkritik!" schaffen es Unternehmen, Kritiker im Internet mundtot zu machen. Ein Plädoyer für eine vernünftige Beleidigungskultur im Netz. | 16.02.2011
in Public bookmarks with [de] for:twitter internet kritik saschalobo social social-software spon web web2.0
- [DE] Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Google+
Das Profil von Ulrich Kampffmeyer auf Google+ | Meine virtuelle Heimat bleibt #XING ;-)
in Public bookmarks with [de] blog for:hannskk for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter google project-consult social-business social-media social-software ulrich-kampffmeyer
- [DE] Veränderungen im Markt für Enterprise Content Management
Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT | Veränderungen im ECM Markt | In jüngster Zeit gab es wieder eine Reihe von Aufkäufen, Übernahmen und Zusammenschlüssen von Unternehmen, die Auswirkungen auf den Markt für ECM Enterprise Content Management haben. Wenn wir denn dieses Segment der ITK-Marktes weiterhin mit ECM bezeichnen wollen (und nicht mit Social Business, Enterprise Information Management oder Social Content Management).
in Public bookmarks with [de] acquisition cisco collaboration dms-beratung ecm ecm-beratung emc enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management hp ibm markt microsoft oracle project-consult social-business social-software trends ulrich-kampffmeyer
- [EN] AIIM | 8 Reasons "Social Email" is the ideal Enterprise 2.0 Enabler | Digital Landfill
[EN] 8 Reasons "Social Email" is the ideal Enterprise 2.0 Enabler | Digital Landfill
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim e-mail e2.0 e20 ecm email enterprise-content-management enterprise2.0 imported social-media social-software
- [EN] AIIM presentations on Slideshare
AIIM Expert Network | Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim bpm collaboration document-management document-related-technologies drukff ecm ecm2.0 enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management enterprise2.0 imported presentation social-software socialsoftware verband
- [EN] AIIM State of the ECM Industry 2010
AIIM Industry Watch: State of the ECM Industry 2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim archiving bpm cms collaboration digital-preservation e2.0 ecm enterprise-content-management erm imported market markt records-management social-software trends workflow
- [EN] AIIM: State of the ECM Industry 2010 | 8 Disruptive Forces | June 2010
Powerpoint presentation by Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President AIIM internation | State of the ECM Industry 2010 | 8 Disruptive Forces that will Transform the Content Management Industry | June 2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cloud cms ecm enterprise-content-management future google imported information-management presentation saas sharepoint skjekkeland social-software trends wave
- [EN] Collaboration Will Become More People-centric in 2011 and Will Challenge C&C Pros | Forrester
Collaboration Will Become More People-centric in 2011 and Will Challenge C&C | Rob Koplowitz | December 1, 2010 | Forrester Blog
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] bpm collaboration e20 ecm eim forrester imported markt social-media social-software trends web20 web_2.0
- [EN] Dare to Share | A New Culture of Collaboration in the Enterprise | Socialcast
[EN] Dare to Share | A New Culture of Cololaboration in the Enterprise | Socialcast | Infographic | February 2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] collaboration e2.0 e20 enterprise enterprise_2.0 filetype:png for:twitter media:image social-business social-media social-software socialsoftware
- [EN] E2.0 | Enterprise 2.0 Community | AIIM
AIIM has moved the E 2.0 community to the main AIIM.org website
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim association blog community e2.0 e_2.0 enterprise2.0 imported social-business social-software
- [EN] Email mail sucks. Let's move on.
Email mail sucks. Let's move on. | John Mancini | 15.02.2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim aiimcommunity e-mail e-mail-management email for:twitter mancini social-software trends
- [EN] Gartner Social Software Quadrant: Microsoft, IBM, Jive lead | 05.09.2011
Gartner Social Software Quadrant: Microsoft, IBM, Jive lead | 01.09.2011 | Gartner has kicked out another report covering the the who's who of social enterprise software. This year's Social Software in the Workplace Magic Quadrant revealed a very familiar pattern, as well as some surprising changes. As enterprises continue to invest in the consumerization of IT, buyers are reportedly being more influenced by the vendors' strength in adjacent markets. As a result, one particular area of Gartner's fabulous four (hint: the best of the best) is full of companies with more established software in other categories.
in Public bookmarks with [en] gartner ibm jive magic market microsoft quadrant socbiz social-software socialmedia trends
- [EN] Geoffrey Moore, #AIIM, and the Future of #ECM | Lubor Ptacek
Lubor Ptacek, Friday, October 22, 2010 | Geoffrey Moore, AIIM, and the Future of ECM | The industry organization AIIM issued a press release this week about the work they conducted through a task force of the leading vendors in enterprise content management (ECM). For the task force, AIIM recruited Geoffrey Moore, the renowned business analyst and author of business classics such as Crossing the Chasm and Inside the Tornado. I have been fortunate to be part of this task force, working with Geoffrey, the folks from AIIM and my peers from all the key players in the content management industry.
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] aiim blog cm cms collaboration e2.0 ecm enterprise-content-management enterprise_2.0 future imported markt opentext social-software trends web_2.0
- [EN] OpenText acquires Operitel | 06.09.2011
OpenText acquires Operitel | 06.09.2011 | Adds E-Learning Capabilities to ECM Suite; Integrates with SharePoint; Offers Social and Mobility Functionality | Open Text Corporation announced today it has acquired Operitel Corporation, a company specializing in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Enterprise Learning Portals. The acquisition adds powerful e-learning capabilities to OpenText s solutions. Operitel s solutions include social and mobile learning management and capabilities that integrate with Microsoft® SharePoint.
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition collaboration e-learning ecm elearning enterprise-content-management opentext operitel sharepoint social-media social-software
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